's picture 2

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 0% 0 Quality 0% 0 Delivery 0% 0 Service 0% 0 Pricing 0% 0
DBrock's picture
My overall experience

The website is dead.

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

The website is dead, so no communication.

Shipping and Delivery

The website is dead, so poor T/A.

Price to performance
Additional comments

In case I didn't get the message across, the web site is dead.

I do not recommend shopping here!
Tbolfan's picture
My overall experience

Top notch products. Ordered from them for 5 years. Great service. Waiting on an order now. Will update as I go along. Shipping is usually fast. Takes one day to get to customs, once it's sent from the UK... Customs is the only thing that slows it down.

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

Great. Usually within 24 hours or less response. They are in the UK. There's a time difference, so email them in the morning if you're in the U.S,

Shipping and Delivery

He had to refund me, but only partially. Wish I never did business with him.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
mally72's picture
My overall experience

Made at least half a dozen orders over the last 10 months and have to say my experience with them has been first class. Always had quick responses to emails and my order has always come through within 2 or 3 days. ordered the british dragon naps for a friend and his size and strength has increased dramatically over the last few weeks. i have used prochem prop and uni pharma t3's during a cutting course and have been very impressed with it. measured bodyfat went from 15% to 9%.
overall very impressed with the guys at newupharma and highly recommend anyone to use them. they have a very wide range of products and very reasonable prices too. Thanks guys, much appreciated.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
mph's picture
My overall experience

Have been using these for a while now and placed around 10 orders. Tend to be reliable, although had a few issues with my recent order, contacted them and they resolved immediately. My only criticism is that on occasion a different brand has been substituted for my chosen brand in the first instance, my preference would be to get contacted about this and delay the postage as I trust particular brands. Overall though I'm pleased to have found a faceless online source I can trust.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
dnandrolone's picture
My overall experience

Made a small test order with them. Everything went smooth! Excellent customer service! In 3 days to my doorstep. Will definitely do business again.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
cgbenUSbuild's picture
My overall experience

My gear was shipped and received everything was quick and easy good Comunication and ROHM TTM is G2G . I will diffenantly be ordering from these guy again.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
plantoneonme's picture
My overall experience

I ordered my gear on wednesday and it arrived on thursday, there was a slight problem with my order.(they sent me a wrong vial) so I contacted them and they sent out the correct replacment straight away which i received the next day. I have used these a few times now and they are fantastic, I highly recommend them.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
Stiofean's picture
My overall experience

all good here first order during Olympics too, got tracking number was told delivery would be slower during olympics 9 days aint bad

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
sunny002's picture
My overall experience

i ordered 20 boxes norma was quick about 2 days. the packaging and vials looked legit untill i discovered that the manufacture date and exp date did not match up to the usual norma helas.i sent them back and got a refund.newupharma claimed they did not know they were fake but it only took me 15 minuites on a forum to find out.i would not trust them again.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
  • [inactive] » Hello mate, you a providing misleading information, we never agreed this Deca was fake, its completely legit, you are the first and the only customer to complain on it. As we wrote we receive it direct, and been selling same Deca for many years. The thing is that you seen Deca first time and went to check in forums where are hundreds of misleading posts with batch numbers etc. Norma is a huge pharmaceutical company producing batches every day and its impossible to track all the batches it made. As well, you ordered many times before from us and been happy, just on this Deca we disagreed, however we made you refund. But you seem to comeback after two months and slam our reputation in here, not very nice off you. Kind Regards
funnyman's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

recieved order today.. ordered it on friday, paid on sat, communication was great, arrived as promised, very professional service, will post a further a review on my results,

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
korean's picture
My overall experience

I ordered it here.
It isn't a legal product,But they insist that it is a legal product.
I am pro chem anavar order,But they ship the British dragon anavar.
The original is 60 pills, ... but mine is a 51 pills...
It isn't inquiry results legitimate goods in British dragon websites.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
  • WINNING » #Take this to pm or s.i. page.
  • [inactive] » Hello mate, you received order to South Korea in 6 days and was still complaining, as we wrote are having problems with authencity numbers checking system, they will get back to you to confirm. Kind regards
Anonymous's picture
My overall experience

Placed a small test order (pharma grade) with them last month. Very fast response and gear sent by next day delivery within 24 hours of payment. Excellent communication, highly recommended. Have just placed second order, will review again when it arrives.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
  • [inactive] » Hello mate, have you emailed us about this Sustanon you received and wasnt happy or just writing about it in here? We guarantee our products are genuine, and you should really get in touch with us if any issues, so we can deal with it accordingly. Regards
  • Anon » Update on the Organon Sustanon purchased here. First batch turned out to be fake, had no effect whatsover. A net search identified them as well known fakes which can initially be spotted due to the wrong spelling of "propionate" on the amps. The fakes are spelled as "proplonate". Had ordered a second batch before realising that the first lot were bunk. These turned out to be a different dated batch (older)and had "propionate" spelled correctly. However the fucking amps were impossible to open so never used em. Perhaps if the first lot of Sus had not been fake then I might have had the fricken strength to open the bastard things! Any source that knowingly flogs fake gear doesn't deserve a second chance. Get it right or fuck off. Ya just lost a customer, well done.