Gorillakingz's picture
Gorillakingz 1215


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 97.2973% 37 Quality 98.3784% 37 Delivery 92.973% 37 Service 95.6757% 37 Pricing 96.7568% 37
Finnatobbuff81's picture
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  • [PRO] Makwa » Full vials isn't a review.
  • Finnatobbuff81 » I guess the part that says Product seems to be working great was looked over?
  • [PRO] Makwa » Can you be any more generic.
  • Finnatobbuff81 » Well it obviously works great. Pinning 300ml 2x a week. I take a 1/2 Anastrozole pill each pin to keep my tits from hurting and E in check.. Is that better?
  • [MOD] Greg » Perhaps you missed this part of the review guidelines.: PLEASE NOTE: When writing a review, include at least the following: How do you feel on this stuff, tired, horny, aggressive, no change? How much weight and/or size did you gain? How is your appetite? Body fat up or down? PIP, Acne? Other changes you've noticed ...Also the part about posting packaging.
  • Finnatobbuff81 » Bunch of Karens as mods & pros I see!! Should we remove the seals and labels too? What a joke y'all are.
  • kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187 » Welcome to EROIDS
  • Finnatobbuff81 » 2 are empty my friend. It's just a photo showing the packaging. You can clearly see they are open and no longer vacuum sealed
  • Claudezilla » Do yourself a favor and go get some 18g draw needles…game changing
  • Finnatobbuff81 » Thanks. I will get some. I'm sure it draws alot easier
Dylan486648's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I had two separate orders when gorilla king first came to eroids. One was sustanon and tren e. The other was just sustanon. Both orders came through very timely In just 2-3 days after payment with an extra bottle added. I was very impressed with how smooth the sust was. I haven't had sust this smooth and pip free in a few years. I noticed the tren e seemed very light in color so I was curious how strong it was. It ended up being very strong. It was so strong that I suffered from too many side effects after one month and bailed on the tren. It made me realize I can't handle the side effects from tren anymore. The sustanon kicked in very fast. Libido instantly increased energy blood pressure and weight shot up. I gained 20lbs initially In a couple months. Felt like my first cycle again because I've only been on trt for about a year. I used anadrol from another source on heavy days and with the combination of both products I had reached a new pr on bench higher than my previous max from earlier cycles that were much higher In dosage. After seeing the quality of products and zero pip I decided to switch over to this source. All 12ml bottles were filled all the way to top with a little extra. Honestly a source doesn't get better than this in my opinion. I have been meaning to post the review earlier but I've been very busy with life for past few months.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Sustanon 250
Tren E

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The ordering process is smooth and easy and the variety is the best I've found for a domestic source. He contacted me asking if I could post up pictures of the products and I did. Very professional.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very fast and professional. Packaging is great no worries or concerns.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very impressed by professionalism and quality. Definitely deserves credit.

I recommend shopping here!
Shizmac617's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Overall I am pleased with the Gorilla King and his gear. I would rate him 10 out of 10 and will 100% order from him again.

Products, effectiveness and results

My most recent order was NOLVADEX 20 50 ML Bottle, Tren A x 3 , EQ X 2 = 70 & TEST E X 3

Between the two orders I ran a 20 week Test E and EQ Cycle, adding in Tren for the final 8 weeks.

Honestly, I was impressed with the quality of the gear. I am one that gets severe acne on cycle and acne was kept at a minimum, just a little bit on the outside of my arms. No back acne and my oily skin was manageable.

PIP wasn’t that bad, I was pinning in my quads and they usually hurt for a few days. I would notice minimal soreness the following day but it would go away by mid day.

This cycle was more of a recomp. I had a rough time during the lockdown and going into this cycle I was 206lbs and around 25% BF with very minimal muscles.

I’m 6ft tall. Currently, I’m 210 lbs and around 15% BF. It’s very clear that I’ve been on cycle for the last 20 weeks. I didn’t have a strict diet, no cardio and I hit the gym 6 days a week for 45 minutes. If my diet was in check, I wouldn’t have had better results but I’m pleased.

My appetite was threw the roof, I’ve been eating everything in sight.

Customer service

Customer Service was great. In my second order, I ordered three bottles of Test-E and two of EQ. I received four bottle of Test and only one EQ.

I sent him an email with a I sent him a picture of my package and explained the mixup. He responded immediately and said he would send it out asap. Three days later I received two bottles of EQ. The one he owed me and another for the mix up.

The ordering process was smooth. He has never taken more than 24 hours to respond to my emails. The first order I had a bunch of questions and he was patient with me.

Shipping and Delivery

I placed two orders, the first arrived in 4 business days and the second in 8 business days. The second order was prior to a holiday weekend.

Packing was discrete typically small shipping box. Inside all products were properly sealed, placed in an airtight ziplock, bubble wrapped and of course included his signature miniature toy banana.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Mike312's picture
My overall experience

Great communication ...easy to deal with ...

Products, effectiveness and results

First time trying them out heard nothing but great things
3 Test E
3 Npp

Customer service

Professional and easy to deal with

Shipping and Delivery

Packed perfectly
Ordered Monday evening received Saturday (Today ) Fast as expected

Price to performance
Additional comments

I know GK is top notch ...hoping the DHB is smooth as I've heard ...tried a couple of other sources and pip was unbearable ..Heard nothing but positive feedback on all there products !

I recommend shopping here!
  • anton_dev » Review after you used the product. Your hopes aren’t useful to anyone looking for legit product
AZTEC1's picture
My overall experience

Order on Saturday. Sunday my order was complete, arrived Wednesday. 3 day shipping that’s impressive , hands down, I appreciate that sh*t. Fair price, will give another review once I tried product, Customer service 10 out of 10.

Appreciate you GK
Time to go king kong up in here.

Products, effectiveness and results

Looks good, will add a second review once tried product

Customer service

10 out of 10

Shipping and Delivery

Fast 3 day shipping

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/26/2023 - 01:36
  • anton_dev » This review is pointless. Review when you actually run the gear.
Rexx's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

1st time trying GK and I'm super impressed. The buying process was super straight forward and easy. I'm running some Test C and Primo at TRT doses. Been running for over 2 months and my blood work is exactly where it should be. No pip, super smooth to pin. I already have my 2nd order in for some AI. Highly recommend GK!

Products, effectiveness and results

4x 250mg Testosterone Cyp
3x 5000iu HCG
Bac Water
1x 200mg Primo E

Been running 150mg of Test Cyp and 100mg of Primo weekly. I've been starting to lower my total doses as bloodwork initially was a little higher than expected. I'll assume the vials are a little overdosed which I won't complain about. Everything is nice and plump with the HCG. Top quality stuff!

Customer service

Haven't had any issues with two orders so far. Website is clean, buying was quick and easy. No need to contact CS.

Shipping and Delivery

My 1st package arrived within 4 days. Super tight packaging and discreet. My 2nd order was checked off as complete 2 hours after ordering on a Sunday, I'm expecting it any day now.

Price to performance
Additional comments

As a first time buyer, I cannot be more impressed with GK. I highly recommend this guy, top quality products and quick/easy domestic shipping. I've been turning all my TRT buddies onto his stuff.

EDIT Uploaded bloodwork. This is from using 200mg of Test cyp and 1000IU HCG weekly. Will upload new bloodwork from Test/Primo once I reach a 6 weeks running it.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/29/2023 - 15:11
SteroidsMadeMeGay20's picture
My overall experience

I fucking love GK. Nothing but good things so far. I got my friend to place an order with GK about 3 months ago. He used 250 mg/week of GK test and was at 2100 ng/dl. So we knew it was good stuff. Just received my order of
9x test E
4x deca
2x anadrol
And some boring A.I’s

GK included a free vial of test and a free order of anadrol. <3

Products, effectiveness and results

9(10)x test e
4x deca
2(3)x anadrol

Vials are definitely 12 ml. I put a GK vial next to one of my old 10ml and the GK is noticeably bigger.

As I said earlier we had great bloods on GK.

Customer service

Order came extremely fast, within a week of order date.

Shipping and Delivery

Order came in less than a week, almost everything came in one box. I believe my caber is coming in a separate package because the one I got today was completely full. Solid packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments

The deca is actually dosed at 300mg even though the website says 250mg. Not a complaint, just making sure everyone is aware.

I recommend shopping here!
  • Rustyhooker » Use gear first...not a review.
bcarlson's picture
My overall experience

I’ve made a couple orders with him after colonial went down.The first several order experiences were great. TA time was in the advertised window, gear quality was awesome, no PIP, and bloods made sense with the dosage I was running. However, this most recent order has been awful, I placed the order on December 23rd and at the date of this review I still have not received my order and have not received a reply to my last 3 emails.

Products, effectiveness and results

I was running their Test E, Mast E, and HGH. Solid products. I was really enjoying their gear and they were pretty much my go to until this most recent experience

Customer service

Unresponsive as of lately

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging when it shows up on time is discreet, but it’s been 3 weeks since I’ve placed this order

Price to performance
Additional comments

Loved this source at first, but will probably never order from again after this experience

I do not recommend shopping here!
  • [SRC] Gorillakingz » Ha funny I literally emailed you this morning. Sorry they were going to spam. But yep 100% dropped the ball on this one. First order was return to sender then I completely forgot to reship you 100% my fault. Doubled your order and reshipped last night. Sorry bro
  • bcarlson » I guess we just missed each other. I appreciate that bro thank you. I hate to complain and be that guy and apologize for the hasty review. Your service and gear has always been great and will definitely leave a positive review once I start this cycle back up.
JEX30Sex's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I will preamble this by saying this is my first ever cycle. I started my 14wk cycle with a diff sources Test E. Had ordered 2-250mg/ml and 1-400mg/ml (big mistake PIP). So I ordered 1 vial of Test E 12 ml 250mg and Anavar Liquid suspension from GK. Very little PIP and all my muscle is virgin. Just finished my cycle new years day. Went from 216lbs to 246 at highest weight. It's been 10 days and have shed the water weight and holding steady at 233 weighed in the morning. Much more vascular. Labido was through the roof even more so than from the first sources, which could have been psychosomatic but I don't think so. General feeling of well being the whole time. Wife said it's the happiest she's ever seen me and deff loves the physique. Sorry no bloods this time. Will get them next time as I've already ordered for my next cycle starting in April.

Products, effectiveness and results

Good quality oils. It certainly smelled better. Smooth pinning and little to no pip depending on which muscle I injected. Anavar last 6 wks made me look harder and more vascular. Pumps were great if somewhat uncomfortable. Had to dial in the dose, 20mg in the am did it for me.

Customer service

Didn't need to interact outside of the website so can't really speak on that. But the package had a neat sticker, a little foam banana and a thank you card which is a nice personal touch.

Shipping and Delivery

Everything came Vac sealed and taped up inside box so well it didn't shift while shaking. He even included a syringe barrel for drawing the liquid suspension from the bottle. Ordered Sat or Sun and arrived that Thurs.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will be ordering from GK from this point forward. Hope he stays around a good long while. Prices are on point.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/09/2023 - 23:49
anton_dev's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I went through all the top ten US dom sources before ordering this year's TRT for myself. Landed on GK because of the extensive community and testing done by the source. Ordered 5x Test E and 2x Deca, along with some exemestane for E2 sides. I pinned the day I got the pack at 185mg test e and 75mg deca, then a week later I pinned the same dose with no pip. 4 days after the second pin I got blood drawn and my E2 was in the 60s and my test was in the 1700s. Prior to starting on GK's test it had been two weeks since my last pin of pharma test cyp at 200mg. I'm dialing the dose down to be around 1100 but I have all the normal signs of elevated test, oily face, high libido.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Bloodwork done shows efficacy of the Test E. I'm on a small dose of the Deca and I feel it is correctly dosed but I cannot confirm that with my current blood work. I'll do blood work on my prolactin levels in a month or so to make sure I'm not having any issues. I haven't used the exemestane yet but it's pharma so I'm not concerned about it's efficacy.

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Didn't really have anything that required any communication outside of the normal ordering process. I do appreciate that GK provides 150 dollar credit for blood work done. Because I'm relying on UGL for TRT, I had already planned on getting blood work within a couple pins to dial the dose in, so it's a bonus to be able to get store credit.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 3 (1 vote)

Pack was received within a week during holiday season after payment made so well within TA. Discrete and safe packaging. No complaints

Price to performance
Additional comments

I think the prices are great, I basically can take care of my whole years trt for less than 300 including shipping and Including some ancillaries to manage E2 sides.

I recommend shopping here!
  • FlemDaddyKush » 2 weeks of running test e doesn't give it enough time to build up in the body. You need at the minimum at least 4 weeks but it's better in the 5 week 6 week range to properly get a reading in blood work for that specific testosterone. Your levels that you got blood work for are what was already in your system from your pharma trt.
  • anton_dev » My pharma trt was a 200mg test cyp shot two weeks before I pinned GK so that's not the case.
  • FlemDaddyKush » Ok well if you don't believe me wait for someone else to tell you the same. It takes 4-6 weeks for test e to become stable levels in the blood.
  • anton_dev » Stable bloods is not necessary for me to know if it's real and dosed properly. I have blood work on pharma test cyp 200mg which I stopped before using GK, so the blood work I did, including the timing, was good enough for me to determine that it's legitimate and how to adjust my dosage.
  • Big Tone36 » Many years ago I did the same thing, I switched from pharma trt dose to a src's trt dose for 2 weeks and guys gave me a lot of shit but you are right. With test e you peak about a day after injection and then level off till about day 5 then your level will drop rather quickly. These blood results are from GK gear not your pharmacy gear