Harley1969's picture
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Which Body Parts Do You Hit Twice A Week?


Does anyone directly workout specific body parts 2x's a week? I hit bi's and traps 2x's a week and was wondering if it would be beneficial to do any other body part more than once. I know AAS gives faster repair and recovery time so that was my theory behind it.

redemption's picture

Personally I think you should work your weakest body parts twice a week to keep yourself as symetrical as possible.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

Legs, but I'm trying to build a bigger ass lol

mrgut28's picture

All of them except my back and even then I will occasionally do light work to flush the muscle with blood.

adg322's picture

Whatevers not sore yet. The cool thing with my situation is I walk past my gym everyday before work. So i have the luxury of deciding to do something twice without having to plan much. i am there 7 days a week,... usually. But some days consist of ten min of cardio and a little abs and calves ( and thats basically my off days.) Maybe my chest workout got cut short for some reason, ill wait four days or so and hit it again with another small but intense routine. usually rotating high volume one workout and heavy compound lifts the next (if i do something twice)

RaW InStiNcTz's picture

I love hitting legs I go five times a week and do legs Monday and Friday. Old habits die hard I guess something I picked up playing football. I do split Monday I'll do upper and some calve then Friday I'll do calves and hamys. Already have decent upper body, also I feel like I have more energy doing this even when I hit upper body

rsp2000's picture

I hit all bodyparts twice a week and after 14 years of training - I am making some of the best gains Ive EVER made. Change? My mindset to overtraining and intensity

unsungvoice's picture

I do twice a week on everything. Failure on everything once a week and concentration/ isolation exercises for shaping on the second

Hawkdc's picture

That was exactly what I had been doing for the past 6 months. I recently switched back to once a week per body part with one day of focusing on parts I slacked on during the week. It has done a lot for me so far but I tend to feel like I'm wasting away going a whole week in between muscle groups. I may be switching back to twice a week again soon.

Maybe that's the key. Constantly mixing it up and keeping your body guessing to achieve new gains!

Boostedbody's picture

do you go to failure for every set for those 13 years?

Boostedbody's picture

ya its kind of scary going to failure on squats lol

RaW InStiNcTz's picture

Use a cage and spotter bro. I was one of those guys that never liked asking people to spot me but it's necessary when your pushing yourself.
Also make sure the guy knows how to spot, I usually explain how I like to be spotted. I had a guy yank 315 as I was mid way pressing which scared me because I didn't expect it

Boostedbody's picture

LOL it really is

Tren hard's picture

Every body part.
Doing PHAT atm.

Boostedbody's picture

every body part lol

david_reynolds's picture

Mine as of now is...

Monday: Chest/tri
Tuesday: Shoulders/abs/cardio
Wednesday: Back/Bi's
Thurday: Chest/Tri
Friday: Legs/abs
Saturday: Shoulders/abs/cardio
Sunday: offfffff Smile

jpal's picture

I like to rotate i pick a body part and hit it 2 times per week for a month than i switch to the next body part so right now i am working back 2 times per week and next week i will switch to chest as it will have been a month hitting back2 times per week and after a month of that i will hit legs 2 times per week and so on

runfastbitehard's picture

I have always tried to work each muscle twice a week. However i have found that as my volume goes up i start feeling symptoms of overtraining. Over the past few months i have gone hard for two times aweek for two weeks then on the third week work each part only once but kill it. Since i have strted this i have seen significant strength and visual gains.

Harley1969's picture

This really sounds like a good ideal...If I can somehow squeeze on more day in I think I might try this.

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Makwa's picture

I went from training each body part from once/wk to 2x/wk and my gains skyrocketed. Once/wk wasn't working for me. When off cycle i just decrease the total volume but still keep everything 2x/wk.

Harley1969's picture

I really want to hit everybody part 2x's but I can only get in the gym 3x's a week because of 12hr shifts. Did you have to up your calories when you went to twice a week?

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Makwa's picture

I didn't change my calories right away when I went to 2x/week. But as I a put on more mass I have had to gradually increase my calories to maintain that mass.

Aglift's picture

Agree with hooker, 2x a week is great!

I follow a push / pull AxBxabx where A=heavy push, B=Heavy pull, a=high rep push, b=high rep pull.
I have used this basic format for years and been gaining consistently 170-210lbs without AAS.

I'm going to continue this program when I begin my first cycle. Looking forward to them gains! :D:D:D

Doss's picture

The theory behind the overload principle is to place the muscle fibers under enough stress to cause sufficient tissue breakdown, which stimulates repair processes. The greater the tissue damage, the more extensive the repair process. Since it is the repair process that yields our gains, it's important to not interrupt it. This means, ample time must be given for the muscles to recover before hitting that same muscle group again.

Intensity levels help you determine how long is needed. What I used to teach my clients was to tailor the program to the goal, of course. If you're a weight loss or stamina-oriented goal, then the lighter weights and higher reps are used. This causes less tissue damage than your heavier weights, this requiring less recovery time. As a result, muscles can be worked more frequently. Twice a week is good for anywhere between 10-25 rep range. If you're going for size and strength, your rep ranges should be closer to 4-6, an you should only hit it once per week.

I was taught to use 48-72 hrs as a rule of thumb, but personal experiences define what's best for the person. You should beer work the same muscles two days in row though.

crayon's picture

I hit everything twice a week

FutMrO's picture

I train every body part once a week (low frequency with high volume). I only hit them once a week, but the intensity and number of exercises is increased to put enough stress on the muscle. Besides if I hit chest on Tuesday then I hit shoulders Thursday and triceps Saturday. I actually hits chest 2 times and triceps 3 times each week in some way.
Lagging body parts I hit 2 times a week, but not to hard to prevent muscles to recover.

Vindictive1's picture

I hit every body part 2x a week, I use to only workout each body part once a week

While training each muscle group with a once-per-week work out frequency still appears to be most popular among the average person it also appears to be the least effective for most people. Does it work? Sure assuming you do everything else correctly. Is it what works best for most of us? Absolutely not.

That full week of rest in between workouts of the same muscle is, no matter which way you look at it, a big waste of time. Think about it. It’s 52 training sessions per muscle per year. If you worked out with a twice-per-week frequency, it’s 104 training sessions per muscle per year. Which do you think has the potential to lead to better results in the same period of time? Seems obvious now, doesn’t it?

while you can easily do too little or too much no matter what weight training frequency you choose, it’s pretty safe to say that the most common issue with a once-per-week frequency is not creating enough of a stress to warrant that full week of rest you’re allowing, and there are SOME who do a 3x a week per body part but the most common issue with a 3-times-per-week frequency is not creating so much of a stress that you aren’t able to recover in time for the next workout.

With a twice-per-week frequency like this, you actually end up in the most ideal situation for avoiding both of these issues.

Monday: upper body
Tuesday: lower body
Wednesday: off
Thursday: upper body
Friday: lower body
Saturday: off
Sunday: off

This way you get 2 to 3 days rest on each body part witch is more then enough time to recover as long as your not beating urself into the ground.

As long as you know your body and your limits you shouldn't have a problem but i don't suggest this to rookies just starting off. A fresh body is gonna respond better to once a week VS a seasoned vet

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Harley1969's picture

V, how long are your workout sessions?

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outofacomic's picture


Hit the nail on the head with this comment. Would +3 you if I could. Although I would give a rest period of 1-2 days, not 3.. but that's just me personally.