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+ 1 TC Back Training Workout #1


Gang, I will be posting my workouts throughout the week. These workouts have been carefully designed and fine tuned over the years. I've been in the game for a long time and have learned from some of the greatest names, only to incorporate these techniques and methods into my own style. The following workout is a back routine that has helped me gain overall thickness and and size over the years. I still incorporate this workout every so often, and I always feel leaving like a champ. When you do this, stay 100% focused on mind & muscle. Also, pay attention to the clock as not to over exceed the rest periods. Enjoy it guys, let me know what you think.

Back workout #1 - Target areas (Lats, Rhomboids, Mid-Traps, Erectors)

Exercise 1 (Superset): 2 warmup sets (For me) - 3 Working Sets

Bent-over Cable Pullover with rope (14-16 Reps; 3secEcc:1secCon) Superset w/ Wide Grip Lat Pulldown (14-16 Reps; 3secEcc:1secCon)

90 Second Rest period between these sets

Note: For the bent-over cable pullover, my hips are at a 60 degree angle. Also, when doing a standard lat pulldown, make sure to push your chest out for the mid thoracic contracted hard throuout the set as your pulling down to squeeze, and all the way up when getting the stretch.

Exercise 2 (Straight Set): 1 warmup set (If needed) - 3 Working Sets

Reverse Position Close-grip Cable Lat Pulldown (14-16 Reps; 3secEcc;1secCon)

60 Second Rest period between these sets

Note: Instead of sitting forward traditionally with the knees under the pads, turn yourself the other way and let your mid-thoracic curl over the pads for support. Pull all the way down and squeeze the lats, and all the way up getting a full-stretch with keeping your mid-thoracic curled over the pads... Wow! Do not let yourself come off the seat either at the top.

Exercise 3 (Superset): (No warmup set) - 3 Working Sets

Single-arm Standing Cable Row (14-16 Reps; 3secEcc;1secCon) Superset w/ Seated Close-Grip Cable Row (14-16 Reps; 3secEcc;1secSqueezePause;1secCon)

90 Second Rest Period between these sets

Note: When doing the single-are cable row, make sure the cable connector is at the bottom. While holding one hand on the machine, use the other to pull (Lawnmower style) squeezing the lower lat hard! Then repeat on other side. When doing the seated cable row, again, make sure you contract your mid-thoracic hard by pushing the chest out, keeping this position for the whole set. Make sure to squeeze for a full second at mid-point, and remember not to roll the shoulders forward on the eccentric when returning to the stretch point. Holy Crap your back should be pumped to hell if it isn't already!

Exercise 4 (Straight Set): 3 Working Sets

Bent over Barbell Rows (12-14 Reps; 3secEcc;1secCon)

75 Second Rest between these sets

Note: When doing these, I only angle my body at 30 degrees to where it looks like I'm more upright than bent over. I basically trace down my legs to my knees (Controlled and fluid), then pull back the same way hard with force squeezing my lats with the bar at my lower abdoment. Great angle. Also, remember to keep contraction on that mid-thoracic as not to let the shoulders round forward.

Exercise 5 (Straight Set): 1 warmup set - 2-3 Working Sets (The Finisher)

Barbell Deadllifts (10 Reps; 2secEcc;1secCon)

90 Seconds rest in between these sets

Note: Be sure to start with a warmup set for 6-8 lighter weight to get a feel for the weight and movement. Deadlifts are a great finisher for any back workout. Form is everything on this. Give all that you have left on these. Go for that goal of 10, so increase or decrease the weight if you have to. I always start light and pyramid up. If you start to feel your body rounding and starting to sacrifice form, STOP!!! YOU ARE DONE!!! Also note, if you have any lower back issues, modify the deadlifts with light weight superman reps for 25 each set.

This is a higher volume, high-intensity workout. Be mentally prepared for this, and also don't go beyond your means. As you will find out, this is not a heavy weight based workout. But, as you do this more often, you will become STRONGER! You will GAIN SIZE & THICKNESS! You will increase your MUSCULAR ENDURANCE.

If you need questions on supplements I use to help me grind through these tough workouts, hit me up. Friend requests welcome!



BufordBlue's picture

wow, thats some detail there.
Nice write up.

TestraChemist's picture

Thank-you, I'm going to be posting other detailed workouts that I do that leave me feeling wrecked, but in a good sense. These training sessions definitely challenge my mental state more than physical at times.