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Picking compounds for cycle


Planning my cycle and have several proven compounds/brands already. Have legit pharm grade Test-C, Primo & Proviron plus top brand UGL: EQ 500, also DHB 100, anavar and tbol to choose from.

Im not the guy looking to get huge, I have already trained for many many years and just improving aesthetics and staying ripped and athletic looking.

I was thinking maybe 12 weeks total:

Test-C 200mg week
Primo 400mg week
Proviron 25mg first 6 weeks
Anavar 30-50mg towards the last 6 weeks .

Really consider giving the EQ or DHB a run I have both never used them. That said I've built a supply for Pharm grade primo so its hard not to use it Smile

Any thoughts or tips appreciated

Im good shape right now TRT 4+ years , around 12% body fat and really vascular arms, legs and shoulders. 6 pack Abs show but could show more. Could use to trim that extra 2% stubborn body fat on waist line mainly.