Terry381's picture
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Cutting advice


Newbie here been on trt dose of 175mg test a week for around 4 years. Was pretty skinny and ripped looking at 162lbs. Looked to add some mass so Dr added 100mg nandrolone on top of trt. I’ve added 15lbs the last 6 months with more heavy lifting and less cardio. Look great overall, just a few lbs of fat that need to go plus harden up my muscle some. I was thinking of running anavar or Tbol to help cut the next 30 -45 days. Any suggestions or changes recommended ? Not a bodybuilder by the way just love working out and looking good Smile

anton_dev's picture

Food intake causes cut not compounds. If you want to cut, eat for a cut. More compounds does not equal more better.

Nattyboomba's picture

I think, that given all the conversation we’ve had so far about your TRT clinic, we still haven’t answered your question. I don’t have any experience with Tbol, but I can say that if you’re diet is in good shape & you’re a bit under daily caloric maintenance levels (~500 cal), and you’re calorie/carb cycling - then Anavar can be a helpful adjunct in weight loss. It won’t do the work for you, but I can give your recomp efforts some extra go

BrainsNGainz's picture

Anavar & Tbol aren't going to magically shred pounds, they might actually just add more if you're in a calorie surplus.
Weight loss = Calories In < Calories Out. You're already on substances that inhibit catabolism, so you can cut more easily without worrying about muscle loss. Start with the basics: Restrict overall calories, cut carbs/sugars, drink more water, increase cardio. Also what's your estrogen at? You might be a strong aromatizer leading to some water weight/fat.

Terry381's picture

My E2 was 32 last month test it seems to stay there the last year. I’m going to cut the nandrolone for a while just TRT to lean out some for summer trips and beach duty Smile Have a big trip to serval Asia in July for several weeks also can only take trt test from the regs I’ve been reading .guess it’s time to tighten up the diet, but don’t what to loose to much muscle just thickness around the waste line.

Terry381's picture

LOL Yes ,l I have a Dr script for nandrolone it’s not that uncommon do your research online lots of guys do it.Some clinics will do low dose 50-100mg per week, don’t go think your going to get 300 a week it won’t happen. You’re not blasting an100mg a week but over time I’ve gained mass at a slow steady rate with good diet and working out .

DeeMan's picture

Also trt isn't 175mg test/week unless you're one of those special cases. 175mg should put you over natural upper limit. But I guess that depends on your defined upper limit. If it does that then it's not trt period.

Terry381's picture

Heck we’re on a roid forum let’s call it trt plus Smile I had extreme low free T when starting it was 2.7 research that one it’s bad --

all healthy now though and feel great !

Terry381's picture

Rusty, that’s really a broad blanket statement.1000- 1200 isn’t that high I’ve been on trt for years and did 1000’s of hours of TRT research myself after all it’s my health. My DR is the best I’ve found and used so far also too , Holly cow he knows a ton and been on trt himself for 15 years. My co-worker sees the top regarded endo our state and he’s at 1100 under his care. There’s lots of factors to look at with dose. And yes, they don’t run everyone at thise numbers if your free T and health is good at 900 they will leave you there. My blood ls are perfect and have been zero sides also really tuned in dose wise now.

And yes , there are clinics that will write anything if you have the money . That said we’re all here on the roid forum so I’ll not pass judgement at least they are seeing a Dr and having bloods done.

Now does anyone have some anavar or Tbol advice cause I know very little about it dose wise/ hits and tips . Just what I’ve read don’t know what to expect real world how it feels and such. Thinking maybe starting 20-30mg per day

DeeMan's picture

Lol not sure why that's so surprising or not believable at 100mg/week. Like you said it's not like it's 300mg per week. I've heard of this before. WE DO NOT live in the stone ages anymore! Gotta think sometimes! Do actual research and not assume!

Terry381's picture

Yeh, just have to have a open minded clinic/Dr.. I really like low dose nandrolone with trt it can be used to lower the overall E2 levels, joint issues , weight gain, and several other things. I sleep better with it added to my trt too and I’m a-little clamer overall mood wise. It should be used more, but many Dr’s are scared to prescribe it .

The only thing I don’t like is it’s a wet compound so I hold alittle extra water retention while on it. It’s a mental thing to many years being skinny jacked so I hate being fluffy feeling

DeeMan's picture

Lowers e2 with testosterone? It increases e2 due to it's impart on aromatise enzyme. Now if used solo then yes it would lower e2. It converts but not like testosterone does.

Terry381's picture

You can replace part of your test dose with nandrolone to lower if needed. It works I’ve seen it done , but maybe not with everyone. Say I’m 175 test but went to 100 test and 75 nandrolone .

Yes adding nandrolone on top same test dose doesn’t lower it you’re correct. It will raise E2 doing it that way.

Meds are like tools you can do a lot to get different effects and a good Dr or trained person learns that. Most guys here know more about pharmacology that your local provider. LOL

DeeMan's picture

Yep Some local providers have no idea when it comes to this.

Nattyboomba's picture

You have a Dr that runs you at 175mg a week of test & also nandrolone?

Terry381's picture

Yes , my clinic started me around 140mg test and moved me to 175mg over time to get my total T up to around 1200 and free T 25ish. I had high SHBG which gave me really low Free T starting out. TRT was a game changer for me I felt dead before just exhausted all day.

They can case by case add nandrolone for joint pain and weight gain. Depends on the need I had joint pain it nandrolone has made 85% of it disappear now it’s awesome for that.

DeeMan's picture

1200 huh? That's strange cause upper limit scale is usually at most 1100. But hey I've seen different things.

Nattyboomba's picture

Noted. You are located in the US, I assume?