Rob33's picture
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Exists or aromasin on test,deca cycle to fight water and gyno


I received evista and not aromasin with I've used in the past effectively. At 12.5OED. Never used evista. Any feed back work be great. I don't want the water or BiAtch for creeping up on this cycle. 3rd one I've done in 7 years.
Thanks for any help

giardap's picture


Raloxifene is a SERM and not an Ai. IT does not prevent the production of estrogen (in fact it will act as an estro in certain parts of body, but not to worry about that specifically for now....).

It is a good alternative to Tamoxifen. Therefore, it serves a use in Gyno prevention, PCT or fertility treatments, for men that is. 30 mg is good start.