Bigguy07's picture
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Dr. Wants me on TRT, help please!


I posted this In different section and someone advised me to bring it to the PCT forum. I have only done one cycle of test e and Dbol 2 years ago. Since then I've been all natty training and clean diet. Went to the doc for allergies and blood work showed T level at 261, she had me retest in the AM and it came back 291. She wants me to start test injections once a week. She said she would like to see my levels up to 600 and wants a blood test done in a month from when I start.

I don't want to do this for life but I want to restart my levels. I was dumb first cycle and didn't have blood work done before or after. I have a feeling PCT last cycle was bunk and I never fully recovered. Should I try a power PCT? I've been reading on this Dr. Scally's PCT, supposed to be able to restart levels. My libidio is great, but I do feel extremely tired in the afternoons and have to motivate myself to go to gym

jerseyboy81's picture

my blood work its self came back with low test levels at 284. I went to the docs and they put me on TRT with a 200mg shoot of cyp every two weeks. I personally didn't really see it as a bad thing at that low dosage. I don't think it would actually interfere with my natural production of testosterone at that low dosage as well, but of course I could be very wrong. I asked the doc to give me hcg to help boost my body to create its own natural testosterone again but he said they were not able to prescribe it to me. So I did some research of my own and was able to find private TRT clinics throughout the country. They specialize in it and after talking to them they seem to know allot more then my general MD. They said they could put me on a plan to get my liver enzymes lowered and a prescription for gear at 200mg a week with AI and HCG included. They also said i had a choice as well of what compounds I wanted to use and not just stuck with test cyp. Im not going to lie when i called them i was more interested in the gear and not the pct. Im pretty sure if i specified i did not want to be on TRT and just wanted to boost my natural testosterone levels they would of had a plan to offer me. Im not pushing or saying you should trust of go with one of them. Do your own research as well. Im just sharing because im in the same position you are

Bigguy07's picture

I appreciate that man, did you just web search private trt clinics or what?

rolltide3's picture

Go to an endo tell them what happened. Instead of trying to figure this out on your own. Good luck

Bigguy07's picture

Got an appt at 8:15 am tomorrow morning. Will be 100% upfront with doc. Do I have to worry about what we talk about going on my insurance?

rolltide3's picture

It can but without the full picture and all the details it could be harder for them to fix it. U need to think in the next few days what this means to u cause no one but u can decide this for yourself bother. Your in between a rock and hard place. Maybe someone that's went thou this can give u some ideas that might protect you like maybe pro hormones u bought from a national chain. I'm sure some guys here have some great ideas to help

vhman's picture

Any steroid talk will go on your medical record and insurances can and will use it to deny future medical care. Just be aware.

22gauge's picture

Not anymore (ACA).

birdbear27's picture

Yeah that's false bro.

vhman's picture

Sorry if you believe that.

Bigguy07's picture

Is there a way to ask to keep it off?

vhman's picture

Not unless the doctor leaves it off, but that is not likely. He needs it to document your case properly. It also depends on how his office codes it. The problem is that your insurance or any future insurance can look at that. Then when you have future issues, they can say you used illegal substances and damaged yourself and deny coverage. I'm not saying this will happen, but it's a possibility and has happened.
I guess it comes down to how you feel. If you feel like your health is in jeopardy now or in the future, tell the doctor everything and get it resolved. If it's not completely pertinent and you can get get this resolved by not revealing everything, then go that way. Only you can make that decision. It's the risk we take when you do AAS. Good luck.

jerseyboy81's picture

That is inaccurate information. If you just joined a health insurance plan for the first year they can deny pre existing conditions, after the first year is up they have to cover it. As for the doctors i tell them all the time can i speak to you in private off the books or chart and they say yes and i address my issues with them and make it clear i don't want it stated on my chart and they don't have a problem with that from what i know.

vhman's picture

That is inaccurate information..... make it clear i don't want it stated on my chart and they don't have a problem with that from what i know.

Seriously? You are the one who is misinformed and you back it up with "from what I know." Don't be telling folks they will be fine, when they will not. I am not guessing in my statements. MAYBE a doctor won't put it on your chart, but that would be the exception. They are mandated to put things in your chat. Also, I wasn't talking about getting new insurance and preexisting conditions, but It all depends on what they deem as preexisting. Use of illegal substances can easily be used as an exception to this. Insurance can and will deny coverage if they can link it to your illegal substance use. Is it possible that they won't find it, maybe; is it possible they will still cover you, again, maybe. To say that this is Inaccurate is irresponsible on your part and you simply being uninformed.

Bigguy07's picture

Thanks. I have a friend that's a MD and certified in TRT. I'll ask his opinion. I'm glad I asked before I just spilled my beans to my regular doc. She believes she can restore natty production through a month of 1x week test cyp shots. I don't think that's possible

blackops79's picture

Why would she think that giving you exogenous test would raise your natural test levels?

Bigguy07's picture

No ideA that's why I'm going elswhere

22gauge's picture

Best thing is to find a doctor who will allow you to inject at home, it will save time and money, plus you can adjust dose / frequency to find the sweet spot. 125mg-150mg/wk is good enough. Waiting 14 days between injections is too much of a rollercoaster.

tzelukie's picture

My humble opinion is get to an endocrinologist. Tell him/her the truth, they will re run your bloods but also look at other things other then just free test. If yourhpta is not outputting they may give you a pharma grade pct which is just like a power pct except with better drugs. At 28 I would get a second opinion, if pinning every week is not your thing. I'm 42 now and my endo jump started me much in the same way, after a similar diagnosis and recomendation.

Bigguy07's picture

Thanks for the info. It's nice knowing there's still a possibility of restarting production. Do I need a referral from my doc to see an endo? Can I cycle again in the future with a proper PCT? Appreciate any help

tzelukie's picture

All good questions for your endo,Be honest with them and they will most likely return the favor,

vhman's picture

Coming from a 23 year old.... Wishing ill of someone is just mean spirited and not welcome here.

rolltide3's picture

Smh it not lucky to be forced in to trt. He's 28 got a whole lot of life ahead without having to pin yourself for life

Bigguy07's picture

Well that's kind of what I thought but according to others on here it is for life and not good. Especially at 28 years old

22gauge's picture

I started at 24 (I think, or 25), it gets old, but 150mg/wk for several years will transform your body.

22gauge's picture

I've been doing weekly injections for nearly five years, started in my twenties. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have to - my levels were sub 200 from a botched PCT (after 500mg test E and dbol cycle at age 22). If you can restart, great, but if not, walking around with high T levels every week isnt a bad thing (except you probably die prematurely).

Bigguy07's picture

How did you know your levels were low? You feel tired a lot? Did you try to restart them with anything before going TRT?

22gauge's picture

Feeling anxious and tired, lack of sex drive. First doc wanted to use anti depressants, I wasn't going to do that. Then a urologist put me on androgel, which worked well,but eventually I switched to test c. No restart ever attempted.