Gorillafit's picture
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+ 11 Oral Tren (methyltrienolone)


Some people were interested in seeing or hearing about results from Oral Tren (methyltrienolone) that I received in a recent Promo. I'll update this page as I go.

Just took the first 250mcg dose, its under my tongue for faster absorption I'm hoping. We should be in the gym about 45 mins from now.

Last week I decided to go after my Max Triple lifts I set last year. Which were 475 Deadlift (with Straps), 385 Squat, and 285 Bench.
Ive just tested the Deadlift 455 x 1, Squat 335 x 4, tonight I test the Bench!

I have wanted 300 for almost 2 years now, well most of my life, but never even got close before last year.
Lets see what the Oral Tren can do for strength. I will only run this for a few weeks while taking Aegis, Liv-52 and Milk Thistle and will do a blood panel at the end of the test.

3\12\13 - Bench Press 135 x 10, 225 x 3, 275 x 1, 285 x 1, 300 failed. Testing the waters, it looks real positive!
3\13\13 - Deadlift 135 X 10, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 405 x 1 x 1, 455 Fail (Is it too soon to go for Max again?)
3\15\13 - Squat 135 x 10, 225 x 8, 315 x 2, 390 x 3/4 x 1/2 (back was stiff didn't feel I could take it full) Promising!
3\22\13 - 10 days in, Doubled the dose tonight to 500mcg and 100mg Anadrol. Will Test Bench Tonight!
Bench 135 x10, 225 x 1, 275 x 1, 300 x Fail, 290 x Fail The 275 went straight up! Thought tonight was it! :-(
3\24\13 Deadlift 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 315 x 1, 405 x 1, 475 x 1 Raw no Straps!!! New Max!
3\26\13 Squat 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 315 x 1, 400 x 2/3, 1, New Max! 1st rep went 2/3 legs were pausing, but it went straight up, so 2nd rep I took it all the way down (legs still pausing) and came back up grunting to the top!!!
3/28/13 Bench 135 x 12, 225 x 10, 275 x 1, 290 x Fail x Fail (first attempt came back too far, went after it again and ate the left forearm and shoulder ;-( I may have to learn technique to get this? LOL ;-P
4/4/13 Bench 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 275 x 1, 290 x 1(Not Counted, Mrs.Fit touched the Bar) SMH, regrouped without yelling! 290 x 1, 295 x 1 - New PB ;-P I have discontinued the M Tren(not as expected, new inj M Tren coming) Replaced M Tren with Halo 20mg!
4/21/13 Bench 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 300 x partial (stopped 1-2" off chest) 300 x 1!!!! New PB I've been chasing for 2 years! Replaced M Tren with Halo 20mg!

Post Cycle Bloods: http://www.eroids.com/pics/blue-top-hgh-serum-buy-kigtropin.com-gorillaf...
Had hoped to test other manufactures of Oral Tren as this one didn't react as expected. I have an Injectable Methyl Tren currently and another labs Oral Metyhl Tren on the way. Unfortunately current timing regarding Cutter and upcoming competitions will delay this test. I'll update as needed.

9/30/13 It's been about 6 months and I'm feeling the need to test myself again! I'll check my bloods on one of my next HGH tests, ( http://www.eroids.com/forum/hgh-peptides/rhgh/gorillafits-hgh-test-resul... ) and see if I'm ready to go! Stay Tuned!

12/23/13 Sorry for he delay, started running injectable 1mg Methyl Tren\50mg TNE Pre Workout Last week.
No Deadlifts yet, Squat 315x4, Bench 205x11. I will update as I test my 1 rep Max in each lift. Looks like Squats will break the old PB so far.

12/26/13 Squat-135x8, 225x8, 315x8, 345x4, Drop sets-275x5, 225x6

12/28/13 Bench- Barx10, 135x8, 205x5, 255x4, 285x1, Drop Sets, 235x4, 185x6 (MethylTren-750mcg oil, 750mcg tabs, 75mg TNE)

1/2/14 Squat 135x10, 225x6, 315x5, 365x3, Drop Sets, 315x5, 225x7 Felt too good, so after Mrs.Fits final sets, we loaded up 405! I took a half rep, didn't feel it, but went for 2nd rep got 1/3 and racked it!

Update 1/16/14 Sorry for the lack of updates, the routine we are on cycles heavy work every 4 weeks and unfortunately I tweaked my shoulder on a 285 Press a couple weeks ago. Really has slowed any Presses and even getting my arms out on the Squat and has effected my overall progress in this EBC :-(. I need to finish this EBC and heal before moving forward on the PRs.

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks jk! The problem with the first brand i ran was no increase, so I bumped the dose still nothing. I have another brand of oral and an injectable. Thinking about picking this test back up on this Cycle?

Theonslaught's picture

Can someone explain how tne is useful prework out?
Its not suspended in water, its still oil.
Ive never known an oil injectable effect u in an hour.
At least not for me.

Gorillafit's picture

You say at least not for me, have you ever ran TNE?
When I pin TNE an hour before workout by the time I'm half way into the workout I wreak of it. Its like a charcoal barbecue smell. I would assume if my body is sweating it, its been absorbed and in my bloodstream?

Theonslaught's picture

Gorilla, its the guacamole... Jk, its the guiciol solvant. It smell like that, I hate it. You smell like it, taste it sometimes.

From 7gothic

"Well I'm not convinced TNE doesn't have value as a pre-workout----but not in the way most of you think: TNE is not going to be this insane, energy-producing compound that gives you this incredible pump and the vigor to tear the gym up. However, having high levels (i.e. spiked) of Test in your system just before, during, and after a workout IS a huge advantage in recovery and maintaining the muscle-building matrix. There's a reason pros use this stuff, as well as injectable D-bol, Anadrol, and other suspension-based compounds.
If you're a serious bodybuilder, you should be making TNE a part of your arsenal."

Gorillafit's picture

OK, I've had that smell in a couple different Tests I've used, but the TNE makes me sweat that smell at the gym. I'm assuming that is because the TNE is absorbed faster. Some of the research i've done says the solvent has a large impact on the absorption rate.

Theonslaught's picture

Didn't know that. I never felt the till much later.
Not energy but ready to go feeling

Dickkhead's picture

Then use Test Suspension (water base) but start a new thread like Grimey said.

GRIMEY's picture

Hey bro maybe try starting a new thread and asking this question there, you'll get far more responses that way;)

Owes a Review × 2
Theonslaught's picture

It was actually a sarcastic question. Based on all the guys that claim crazy preworkout 30minutes posts oil inject.

Of course. Not the case of gorilla fit.
He's old school like me, one who earned his karma.

Theonslaught's picture

I'd be scared of that. So liver toxic.

But a guy on another forum had his bloods from doing 2mg inject and his liver values weren't bad at all. Maybe stick to injectable kind

armykid93's picture

X2 would never trust oral teen especially not just running liv52 and milk thistle, those literally do nothing.

Gorillafit's picture

I ran Anteus, liv-52 and Milk thistle. My ALT ans AST were only slightly elevated.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

nice thread bro!

so what do you think on oral tren? I think It would be a better option for a user on his first tren cycle do to its short life.
also a short cycle of 3 weeks with low doses seems like its safe with some bloods. Perhaps checking values at the on week mark.
with a 3 week cycle this sounds very feasible.

Gorillafit's picture


Gorillafit's picture

I don't know if any one has seen the updates so I'll Bump the post.

Gorillafit's picture

The conclusion is not final I have 2 other Brands I will test shortly, one being injectable.

ashop's picture

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Gorillafit's picture

Possibly this upcoming Cycle? My Dr is concerned with some of my recent blood results so......?
I'll know more this week!

Gorillafit's picture

Don't know what you have or the dose. Is it 250mcg\tab? Also have him take liver supplementation. It is tough on your liver. I used it strictly Pre Workout.

eatchicken's picture

wow great job on all those pbs!! in such a short time! if i dindt know you any better id say your on those vitamins S haha great job!! +1

Gorillafit's picture

GNC baby! It ain't for everyone though! LOL ;-P

eatbig's picture

Dam Gfit, good job. That is a hellava lotta weight bro Smile +1

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Big! Just got the new Injectable Methyl Tren this week gonna see where that takes me?!?!?!

Gorillafit's picture

Tanks, I was planing for the worst and being all tentative and nada! I have another brand coming in an injectable form that I will test next and update the page.

inzer777's picture

ahhh so close. ms fit needs some punishment for that l8tr Smile

In a promo × 1
Iron_Addict0929's picture

Good job with that PB!!

And even better job keeping your composure whilst the bar was lightly touched by the Mrs. on that first attempt. Lol, I've been there and it sucks because I instantly negate it in my head and secretly hold a grudge with the offending party for about half a week :-)

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Bro, Onto the next level, 300, then 315!
She was sorry right away, It was still moving when she went to grab the bar and I yelled(as much as you can yell under the bar) no don't touch it, and pressed it out slamming it on the hooks, a lil dangerous! I got up and turned to her and she had her head down holding her face saying she was sorry. How can you be mad at that? Yeah it wasn't easy! LOL ;-P

Unc1e Ric0's picture

Awesome bro! Keep pushing.

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks, You know I will.

TED's picture

Congrats on the 295 brother! that 300 is coming

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Ted, I'm pretty sure it was there tonight. But i needed the PB to make progress, and actually hit 2 tonight with the 290 then the 295 following it!

inzer777's picture


In a promo × 1
Gorillafit's picture

This Week was lighter, 12 rep range so not much to report. Trying to give the Tendons a break. Tomorrow night goes back to Heavy work 6-8 Rep and I will attack the Bench Max!

inzer777's picture

gorilla i do appreciate your transparency. many guys on here boast of 450lb bench press feats. some may be true i suspect others are not. it took me 4 years to hit 225. when i started i couldnt bench 95lbs. now 15 years later im well into the 430lb range. i am pullin for you brother. funny thing is once you hit that 300lb, it will then be old news and on to the next chapter lol

In a promo × 1
Gorillafit's picture

Thats the thing Bro, these are MY PB's, if I exaggerated them I'd be lying to MYSELF and they wouldn't be worth anything, nor would my word to everyone here! You know it, this 300 is just my current goal (although I have wanted it for a long time), once I hit this I will make my next goal. Maybe 300 x 2???

Axecution's picture

Just to clarify m-Tren isn't necessarily an oral. It can be injected (its without an ester though so it won't be in the system for long).

M-Tren is the god-king of Anabolics.

Gorillafit's picture

Just because you can shoot it doesn't mean it is not an Oral (by Design). It is a c-17 alpha alkylated. You can inject Dbol also but it is an Oral (by Design), same as Winstrol (Stanozolol).

gatorbits's picture


Owes a Review × 1
Axecution's picture

Overhead tricep extensions work the long head of the Tricep (plays a supportive role at elbow flexion) of tricep brachii. If you're plateauing might try to add a few sets of those and weighted dips. Bench is a bitch cause of its reliance on tricep so heavily to lock out.

Gorillafit's picture

Weighted dips bother my shoulders. The problem right now is getting it off my chest. Once the elbow gets that much flexion, with that much weight the tendon yells and thats that!

j223's picture

when you are benching are your elbows flared out or REALLY close to your body? I noticed all powerlifters have their elbows super close to their body going up. Which I believe takes the stress off your shoulders.

Also I noticed working out back really improved my bench because once your back gets strong it is easier on your shoulders.

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks for the info. I go Bodybuilder style, Elbows flared. Power lifting style I will use to a degree when benchin to take stress off the shoulders. Power lifting style is a whole different technique that I really need to practice but don't because I only test my Max once in a while. This may change if I start Power lifting??

j223's picture

Every time I see someone who has or had a rotator cuff injury their technique is almost always elbows flared out.

Not knocking on it, but honestly I would never go above 2 plates with elbows out. I like to keep them in close to the body (when going heavy)
Why risk injury? Maybe consider elbow wraps or sleeves for when you go heavy?

Flat Bench barbell press is not the best exercise in my opinion for chest development, it is a strength exercise. All about technique to keep body in a safe position to move the weight.
My friend who benches 4-5 plates raw, I am his spotter and notice he has a pretty close grip, elbows in, and he uses lats mostly to lower the weight which reduces fatigue of your triceps and shoulders and he is very explosive on the way up keeping his arms near body its a smooth natural looking motion, unlike when I spot someone else who flares out elbows it looks completely unnatural

I like doing dumbbell press when focusing on targeting the chest. Many other chest exercises, but I notice incline barbell press is also good for chest development, flys, pec dec etc..

Anyways that's just my thoughts on it

Gorillafit's picture

I agree.

Axecution's picture

Ah, well. Maybe close grip bench? A few sets of those could target the problem area.