Gorillafit's picture
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+ 11 Oral Tren (methyltrienolone)


Some people were interested in seeing or hearing about results from Oral Tren (methyltrienolone) that I received in a recent Promo. I'll update this page as I go.

Just took the first 250mcg dose, its under my tongue for faster absorption I'm hoping. We should be in the gym about 45 mins from now.

Last week I decided to go after my Max Triple lifts I set last year. Which were 475 Deadlift (with Straps), 385 Squat, and 285 Bench.
Ive just tested the Deadlift 455 x 1, Squat 335 x 4, tonight I test the Bench!

I have wanted 300 for almost 2 years now, well most of my life, but never even got close before last year.
Lets see what the Oral Tren can do for strength. I will only run this for a few weeks while taking Aegis, Liv-52 and Milk Thistle and will do a blood panel at the end of the test.

3\12\13 - Bench Press 135 x 10, 225 x 3, 275 x 1, 285 x 1, 300 failed. Testing the waters, it looks real positive!
3\13\13 - Deadlift 135 X 10, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 405 x 1 x 1, 455 Fail (Is it too soon to go for Max again?)
3\15\13 - Squat 135 x 10, 225 x 8, 315 x 2, 390 x 3/4 x 1/2 (back was stiff didn't feel I could take it full) Promising!
3\22\13 - 10 days in, Doubled the dose tonight to 500mcg and 100mg Anadrol. Will Test Bench Tonight!
Bench 135 x10, 225 x 1, 275 x 1, 300 x Fail, 290 x Fail The 275 went straight up! Thought tonight was it! :-(
3\24\13 Deadlift 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 315 x 1, 405 x 1, 475 x 1 Raw no Straps!!! New Max!
3\26\13 Squat 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 315 x 1, 400 x 2/3, 1, New Max! 1st rep went 2/3 legs were pausing, but it went straight up, so 2nd rep I took it all the way down (legs still pausing) and came back up grunting to the top!!!
3/28/13 Bench 135 x 12, 225 x 10, 275 x 1, 290 x Fail x Fail (first attempt came back too far, went after it again and ate the left forearm and shoulder ;-( I may have to learn technique to get this? LOL ;-P
4/4/13 Bench 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 275 x 1, 290 x 1(Not Counted, Mrs.Fit touched the Bar) SMH, regrouped without yelling! 290 x 1, 295 x 1 - New PB ;-P I have discontinued the M Tren(not as expected, new inj M Tren coming) Replaced M Tren with Halo 20mg!
4/21/13 Bench 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 300 x partial (stopped 1-2" off chest) 300 x 1!!!! New PB I've been chasing for 2 years! Replaced M Tren with Halo 20mg!

Post Cycle Bloods: http://www.eroids.com/pics/blue-top-hgh-serum-buy-kigtropin.com-gorillaf...
Had hoped to test other manufactures of Oral Tren as this one didn't react as expected. I have an Injectable Methyl Tren currently and another labs Oral Metyhl Tren on the way. Unfortunately current timing regarding Cutter and upcoming competitions will delay this test. I'll update as needed.

9/30/13 It's been about 6 months and I'm feeling the need to test myself again! I'll check my bloods on one of my next HGH tests, ( http://www.eroids.com/forum/hgh-peptides/rhgh/gorillafits-hgh-test-resul... ) and see if I'm ready to go! Stay Tuned!

12/23/13 Sorry for he delay, started running injectable 1mg Methyl Tren\50mg TNE Pre Workout Last week.
No Deadlifts yet, Squat 315x4, Bench 205x11. I will update as I test my 1 rep Max in each lift. Looks like Squats will break the old PB so far.

12/26/13 Squat-135x8, 225x8, 315x8, 345x4, Drop sets-275x5, 225x6

12/28/13 Bench- Barx10, 135x8, 205x5, 255x4, 285x1, Drop Sets, 235x4, 185x6 (MethylTren-750mcg oil, 750mcg tabs, 75mg TNE)

1/2/14 Squat 135x10, 225x6, 315x5, 365x3, Drop Sets, 315x5, 225x7 Felt too good, so after Mrs.Fits final sets, we loaded up 405! I took a half rep, didn't feel it, but went for 2nd rep got 1/3 and racked it!

Update 1/16/14 Sorry for the lack of updates, the routine we are on cycles heavy work every 4 weeks and unfortunately I tweaked my shoulder on a 285 Press a couple weeks ago. Really has slowed any Presses and even getting my arms out on the Squat and has effected my overall progress in this EBC :-(. I need to finish this EBC and heal before moving forward on the PRs.

Gorillafit's picture

I'll try to keep it as straight forward as I can. There are always variables with me though. Changes in preworkouts or supps..... But at least we will know overall affects. Keep in mind this is week 3 of my cycle so other shit is gonna be hitting max levels and the Anadrol is gonna be a strength factor, and a liver factor. I'll post bloods when I'm done the Oral Tren then after sometime running the Aegis, Liv-52, milk thistle combo to see how well they can fix shit.

inked's picture

Hey gfit, just wanted to see how the oral tren is treating the body? Sides? What is your current cycle you are running with the tren? Might have missed it?

In a promo × 1
Gorillafit's picture

It's only been 2, 250mcg doses so far, tonight is 3. No sides so far. Racked the seated Tri pushdown last night. Lean Bulk, Sust, Primo Ex2\eod - Test E, Deca\e3d - HGH, Anadrol\ed

robbyd's picture

Keep it up brother! You're an inspiration =)

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Robbyd! I can't stop, what would I do with myself? LOL ;-P

hungryH's picture

where did you get the oral tren mate? I been lookin everywhere cannot find it

Gorillafit's picture
gatorbits's picture


Owes a Review × 1
Gorillafit's picture

I'll give it a shot. My nephew keeps telling me just do a light warmup then go after it. I like to ramp the weight up a few steps. If I just went after the warmup I might have got it tonight. but I don't wanna damage nothing. I'm old and frail! LOL ;-P This was just a first time effort so I'm happy.

j223's picture

do light weight shoulder exercises to wake up your joints and get the blood flowing without burning out your shoulders and triceps.
Then try 135 for 5 reps, 225 for 4, 275 for 3, then hit 3!!

Gorillafit's picture


GRIMEY's picture

will be following this, i also have some methyltrienolone, but will not be touching it for a longgggg time, will be nice to see some actual feedback instead if heresay.

Owes a Review × 2
Gorillafit's picture

That's why I'm trying to document it bro.

Gorillafit's picture

Just had bloods drawn like 3 weeks ago, Alt? was up 2 points, cholesterol was off a couple points also.

UncleYoked's picture

I'm interested to see what kind of stress oral tren puts on your liver. You're taking solid precautions to support your liver. But that stuff is supposed to be pretty harsh. Somewhere along the lines of cheque drops in terms of toxicity.

Gorillafit's picture

There is not a lot of documented info on it but the Anabolics book I have says the effective, tolerable dose is .5-2mg\d. I'm testing it at .25.

UncleYoked's picture

Wow that's a wide tolerable range when you break it down into mcg's. Sounds like its very similar to cheque drops, which were initially compounded as a form of oral deca essentially. I've ran those several times in two weeks spurts. Three weeks is about as long as you want to push it. I almost grabbed up some of those oral trens too. Went with anadrol instead.

Gorillafit's picture

I here you that's why I'm starting easy 250mcg. Strength was up, got 275 x1, 285x1, then failed on the 300.
First heavy bench attempt in like 6 mos. I think its a hell of a start and 300 is there in a couple weeks.
I like me some Anadrol, which is also fairly liver toxic!

UncleYoked's picture

Yeah all the good stuff seems to be rough on the liver. You'll blow through 300 in no time.

Gorillafit's picture

I figure all the Tequila I've put through that thing it could handle a lil C17 alpha Alkylation! LOL ;-P

UncleYoked's picture

Pick Nittis brain about essential forte. He's brought it up to me a couple times, but my attention span is about like a 1st graders.

Gorillafit's picture

I've seen it but heard the Aegis was way better (Tudca), and they have bad ass labels! jk
I'll hit him up, thanks!

gatorbits's picture

Go for it
Good luck for 300

Owes a Review × 1
Gorillafit's picture

Thanks, I gotta be smart and strict.
The Oral Tren may let the muscles do things the tendons won't like! LOL ;-P

UncleYoked's picture

Nitti coined the phrase that when the tren really peaks, lifting heavy weights feels like "empty boxes". I've experienced that for myself on several occasions and there's definitely an added strain on the ligaments and tendons.

Gorillafit's picture

I had that feeling last week with the Anadrol, where the weight just feels effortless.
Luckily this time around I think I've learned and will not push too far too fast.