Jonathan22's picture
  • -36

-2 3g of Test-E only for 30 weeks - Less sides, less health risks, and highly anabolic. Worth it?



I'm seeking an potent anabolic cycle tailored for bulking, exclusively relying on testosterone without incorporating any other AAs. Testosterone is extremely cheap, giving the best mental feelings, can be ran for a longer time, and it's the most studied compound, we do know the short & long term sides-effects (and health risks).

Nandrolone is only slightly more anabolic than testosterone, and as it's really liked for bulking, I guessed that instead of using it again (since I got sides from hell) it would be interesting to run a copious amount of testosterone, because I still want to put my body to the next level and be on stage (my goal is being a IFBB PRO), but without having to run any other AAs (and orals too).

So I would like to know, will I have a strong anabolic rate with 3g, or am I getting diminishing results after a certain amount, and then I should run it at a maximum dosage, and incorporate primobolan with it? I pay the exactly same amount (HCG, Syringes, BP/Cholesterol meds, etc.. included) for :

  • 1g Test + 500mg Primo
  • 3g Test only

Which one would give me an higher muscle building rate? Or if you have a better idea (based on studies, or real knowledge, not bro-science) and have similar blasts to advice (example : 250 primo w/ 1250 test) let me know.

Thanks in advance, have a good day. By the way, english is not my primary language, so my grammar is probably fucked up, don't mind about that.

1174's picture

Some years back I posted a link to the actual training, dosing, and diet protocol that the German and Russian Olympic teams used, and the amount of gear they used was miniscule in comparison to what the average member here runs. They were year round state owned athletes who literally lived to bigger stronger faster, with scientists monitoring and fine tuning the compounds to be the absolute best most potent mutagenic attainable and they didn't come close to a g of test a week, I am going right now to see if I can find it and repost it.

NWApatches's picture

The Nazis had the best shit. Drugs, Jooce, Thinking, etc

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DeeMan's picture

Hey I don't agree with the bull crap they did cause it was beyond horrible but...they were ahead of their time as far as performance enhancement program.

NWApatches's picture

Haha. Yeah I hear ya brother, deeman. Nazis suck! They were on some scientific Nazi shit though

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DeeMan's picture

Yeaaa buddyyy you better believe it!!!

DeeMan's picture

Please do. It's funny because Americans demonized their athletic programs for doping for a long time yet we were the ones doping 10 times worse lol. It's crazy man so I understand where you're coming from.

RMDL's picture

God dam!!!!

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Makwa's picture


DavosD's picture

Lmao when someone with a pro tag responds like this you know you doing some wild shit.

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Drexyl's picture

Why would you downvote me for disagreeing with 3 grams of test a week? Just curious

DavosD's picture

I didnt downvote you? But I see I did by accident, thats my fat thumb probably. Lmao cant do anything but upvote anyone who disagrees with this shit. Also cant downvote anyone who posts prime time latina titties.

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Drexyl's picture

Yes, Latina titties and legs in thigh highs. Drex tries to be a man of the people lol

DeeMan's picture

Freaks don't discriminate haha. And I figured that downvote was an accident by Davos.

Drexyl's picture

Gotta focus more on improving myself for next year, it’ll be a fast winter. There will be more pictures of smut in the future though, gotta keep things real.

DeeMan's picture

hey man you do a damn good job of keeping things real. We all enjoy. Yep gonna be a good fast winter!

DavosD's picture

Lmao I apologize for my fat thumb down voting anyone

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DeeMan's picture

Not the first time I've seen that happen. I'm constantly re-typing something because of my fat Thumb. Damn keyboard is way too small.

Drexyl's picture

It’s no biggie bro, sometimes they’re deserved.

press1's picture

In answer to your question regarding how good is 3G's of Test, I have run large amounts of Test only not too far off this amount with no AI and its crap, uneventful. People seem to think that grams of Test make you massive and like the Bionic man but it doesn't. You get way better results hugely dropping the test amount and stacking it with NPP in terms of both size and strength. It just makes you feel full of energy and unable to sleep on a night, it can also fill you with a lot of needless anxiety. BP also tanks sky high, and muscle and tendon recovery is rubbish.

steroidmen's picture

I wonder how many grams of deca you use to be lethargic!

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DeeMan's picture

Yea Deca has been shown to unfortunately be worse than testosterone when it comes to raising cholesterol. Yea NPP and Deca are both nandrolone but just with different amounts being released in the system daily. One is more of a sustained release. Some have worse bloods than others on this compound but yea looks like it's a little more rough on system than testosterone but both raise cholesterol and affect the heart.

press1's picture

I said NPP buddy, not Deca. I agree that Deca makes you feel lethargic and crappy, NPP although it is still Nandrolone has a much different feel to it because it is short estered. It makes you feel more energetic, positive etc. All steroids are bad for your health, not just NPP and Deca. Testosterone at anything other than TRT dose is bad for your heart too - causes it to grow and enlarge etc.

LayneStaley.'s picture

Your only chance in all hell is hiring a coach that has built multiple ifbb competitors and it’s still a pipe dream then. Also if you’ve actually watched any of chase irons videos he says he wouldn’t run dosages anywhere close to that without gh. You also have to work your way up none of these Olympia guys blasted 3GS test right away Chase’s first cycle was 500mg test.

Makwa's picture

If people only knew half the shit and how much you have to take to be competitive on stage it would make their eyeballs roll back in their head Lol You need that coach and a doctor to keep track of and monitor all the shit you are pumping into your body.
AAS is just one part of the multitude of drugs they are taking.

DavosD's picture

Lmao he thought 3 grams of test would get him close.

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DeeMan's picture

get ya close to a hospital bed!

Makwa's picture

Got sides from a little bit of deca, wait until you pump 3g of test into you ROFL

DeeMan's picture

Yea I disagree with all the high dosages but I agree it did take most of those Pros many years to get to their level. It's not like they woke up one day and decided to blast away. Not how that works.

LayneStaley.'s picture

Gear is really just the cherry on top to an already elite training regiment and diet to those guys. The cherry don’t mean shit when you don’t have the sundae to put it on top of. Me and you don’t agree on things all the time but I think we can both agree that we wish steroids did as much as this guy gives them credit for lol.

DavosD's picture

Its not just the cherry on top, its the shit that ties everything together and enhances that connection between good training, diet, recovery.

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DeeMan's picture

We might not agree on some things but I do respect the way you've handled that. Everyone has different thoughts.. right or wrong.

LayneStaley.'s picture

At the end of the day we all want the best for everyone and will do our best to steer them in the right direction. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. Hoping this dude takes the advice he is getting to heart.

DeeMan's picture

I'm with ya. And hopefully he learns and I wish him the best. But man this type of thing I'm seeing more and more, especially from the young bucks nowadays

DeeMan's picture

This is true. No disrespect to anyone but I've seen a few guys that have used grams upon grams of gear who worked out hard, had a great diet, yet they looked like they were on a basic 500mg cycle. They didn't look bad but you would of thought they would of looked a little better than what they did. Just telling the truth. There's ALOT of factors, including genetics that go into the whole thing.

Drexyl's picture


Pumped_'s picture

Should document every step of 3grams on youtube. If you get enough viewers you can quit your job. Curious to see the monthly bloodwork if you're going 30 weeks. Why work a real job when you can be an influencer and paid in "likes"

To start earning money directly through YouTube, you must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year, or 1,000 subscribers with 10 million valid public Shorts views within the past 90 days. Once you reach either of those, you can apply to YouTube's Partner Program and monetize your channel.

steroidmen's picture

And then let him show the video from the funeral!

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Pumped_'s picture

Thats why i said make the wife and kids beneficiaries first. Maybe a younger kid but 40+ age is gonna be harder on the body. I would think.

DeeMan's picture

Pumped and @steroidmen you mofos are heartless lolol. No compassion

Pumped_'s picture

.See, 41.1k followers and 11k views. He is PAID!

DeeMan's picture

Is that right?

Pumped_'s picture

Haha. Yes he can be the next liver man! I Know he probably would have every single one here watching. Placing bets on lifespan, how big his tits will get, etc

DeeMan's picture

Lmao @ the next liver man! But man seriously 3 grams is alot. Hell 1 gram of test to me is alot.

Pumped_'s picture

Thats why so many people will be curious. Can the average human being 40+ withstand those levels and how long. Just make the wife and kids beneficiaries and go at it. YOLO!