TheSpartan's picture
  • 73

+ 1 What's your go to calorie dense bulking food?


What's your favorite calorie dense food that you can eat multiple times everyday just to hit that bulking calorie mark?

My favorite is the tried and true whole milk. Simply can't beat throwing in a half gallon of whole milk a day. Sure it has saturated fat but I follow my normal diet of rice, chicken, fruits THEN BAM 1200 calories of easily digestable (for me) and nutritious milk.

Jrblh2's picture

Whole eggs

Makwa's picture

Try the fairlife whole milk. Twice the amount of protein and tastes just as good.

Jrblh2's picture

Last time I was on here you didn't have the pro badge by your name. I'm happy 4 you that's really cool proves hard work and dedication pays off.

Greg's picture

Correction: tastes twice as good... and has a much longer shelf life

TheSpartan's picture

Funny you mention Fairlife, I used to be a chemist for Coca-Cola and helped put in Coca-Cola's first Fairlife filling line, before Coke bought them. I used to go home with a half gallon of whole milk everyday.