willaz83's picture
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First "SERIOUS" Bulking cycle


Hi all and nice to meet you, as my BIO says....... i was 77kg 22%bf, now i'm 97Kg same bf. i'm 41, 190cm tall. 5 years in gym. Now i want to bulk seriously.
I would like to get an opinion from an expert to follow a real bulking cycle. In the past i did something without taking too much care to food, macro now it's time to start a seriously.

Here my cycle and diet

WK 1-12: Testo Cypionate - 500mg WK
WK 1-6: Anadrol - 50mg WK

WK 1-6 Aromasin - 12,5 EOD

WK 1-12 Tudca - 50mg day
WK 1-12 Omega 3 - 3g day
WK 1-12 Liv-52 - 1 cap day
WK 1-12 Multicentrum heart - 1 cap day

WK 15-18 Clomid - 40mg day
WK 15-18 Nolvadex - 50mg day

Diet: 3500 Kcal - Carbs: 427g Pro: 248g Fat: 148g

Stokes500's picture

Cycle history ?

In a promo × 1
willaz83's picture

The first TEsto without any diet or special measures, but at least 2kg gained and second one TESTO and DECA.

I weighed 77kg and was at 13-14% body fat, I was skinny. I then reached 85kg with a body fat around 17% if I remember correctly, but I repeat, all of this was done without following it properly and I'm talking about 5 years ago. I never had any issues with hormones, blood, heart, etc.

willaz83's picture

The plan was provided by a friend here on vacation, along with the diet plan in terms of macros and calories. Now, I calculated my TDEE online and see this (pic). Since I’m not going to start bulking until the end of September, this means I can easily reduce my body fat—easier for me as an ectomorph. Now, my questions for you are (to get help for the bulking phase based on my characteristics): Is the cycle okay? Is it better to replace Anadrol with Dbol? Is the PCT okay? Are the supplements for liver support and so on okay? For diet, calories, and macros, what do you think based on your experience? I need guidelines on this. I would like to do this first cycle, then a second (for more bulking), and then a final cutting cycle to be ready for next summer. Thanks for the help.

infern0's picture

If you’re insisting on orals and it’s your second cycle I’d go with dbol, I’d also run 250 iu of hcg twice weekly. Why is the aromasin only on week 1-6 ?

willaz83's picture

just a mistake, thanks!

23Sparta's picture

427g of carbs at 22% bf, fuck yeah

anvil's picture

Also 148 grams of fat and only 248 protein should be able to get to 26% bf in under 12 weeks. Who is giving you these macros John Candy?
You cannot be serious and this is a troll post?
Get down to 15% bf then consider doing what you listed here you are asking for health issues at those Marcos age 41 and starting off that high a percentage.

23Sparta's picture

John Candy…. I spit out my egg whites

Drask88's picture

Not trolling here. Is it really that bad? I mean personally I don’t understand why bulk over recomp at his body fat percent, but people’s goals are different.

He is 6’3 and 218lbs. His bmr would probably be around 3000 so 3500 calories is only 500 over maintenance so not a crazy dirty bulk or anything. Over a gram of protein per pound of body weight.

I’m truly not seeing how this is like insanity. I personally would have gone for a 500 calorie restriction and maybe upped the protein a bit for catabolism protection in a deficit, but overall it didn’t look too bad to me.

What’s the deal here? What am I missing? Clearly it’s something because everyone thinks this is outrageous. The only thing I’d even think to suggest is playing it by ear with the calories and accessing the situation like every two or three weeks. Maybe up the omega 3 a couple grams.

100% not trolling here. Just want to learn.

anvil's picture

A serious bulk while using steroids while over 20% body fat is not healthy or recommended. Then using a high carb , high fat diet wouldn't allow for a recomp with test and anadrol which looks like a bp disaster. At 218 22% roughly 45lbs of fat is a quarter of your body weight should be looking to bulk , diet is not locked in, training isn't locked in because he's already taken gear before.

I would rather suggest increase his protein , reduce fat intake, get it all cleaned up. Then drop the anadrol.

Drask88's picture

Got it. Thanks.

SeeOhShow's picture

Y’all mean TDEE not BMR. See below for body fat and bulking


23Sparta's picture

Goddamnit, I am like one Dexa scan away from not being in that “acceptable” range

23Sparta's picture

I can’t, if I get the dexa scan…. I won’t be able to cycle. I’ll be in same boat as this dude with everyone yelling at me

Nice stats btw

SeeOhShow's picture

Lmao. Nah you just compete for Strongman. Weight moves weight

23Sparta's picture

tears I’m not even strong!

anvil's picture

Yes SoS...

SeeOhShow's picture

I can’t help the smartassness sometimes. Blurts out like Tourette’s…you’re still my body goals though

anvil's picture

Lol your all good when I'm wrong I'm wrong.

23Sparta's picture

@anvil he got my ass too. Now I had to memorize “TDEE”

anvil's picture

Yeah SoS is something....

Drask88's picture

Yes you’re correct. I always just say bmr when I mean tdee. Bad habit. You’re correct.

Jockstrap's picture

218 and 22% and 6ft 3.....thats about 185 with abs.

Goals are important for sure. But its a lot easier if he was leaner. Bp, cholesterol, visual changes etc etc

Drask88's picture

Oh 100% agree that a recomp would be way better or even just cutting without a cycle until he got his bf% lower.

But in a scenario where he is set to bulk it doesn’t look horrible to me. And if there is something I’m missing then I want to learn from my error so I’m not ignorant to it in the future.

Jockstrap's picture

Surely! Imo if he wanted a recomp id look at simple test with var the last 4 weeks. Rework the macros and imo enough post workout cardio to offset any bad foods or excess calories. Put the protein up a bit too.

willaz83's picture

Do you have any suggestions on how the macros and calories should be (assuming you want to get down to 15% body fat)?

anvil's picture

You have figure out your own BMR then start with a 10% macro deficit. Macro wise you need to reduce fat and carbs , you do not need over 100 grams of fat.
You should be tracking BP the whole time especially when taking steroids at that high bf.

willaz83's picture

Do you have any suggestions on how the macros and calories should be (assuming i'm down to 15% body fat)? thanks.

anvil's picture

Reduce fats to around 100, if you can handle another 50 grams of protein do it, clean up the calories from carbs . See how you go.

Jockstrap's picture

The bf level will kill the quality gains.

infern0's picture

What are your previous cycles like? You can add some HGH , I’d suggest you put the anadrol 4 weeks or more into the cycle.

willaz83's picture

Hi Infern0 and thanks for your reply.... previous cycle have been made with test e, i tried one time deca but again without following a diet, never had problem with aromatization, gine, etc etc etc. but again i follow them without a plan (i know it's a mistake). for Anadrol, i got your point. One last question what do you think about diet?

infern0's picture

Diet looks okay , anadrol is harsh for some it can kill the appetite keep that in mind. Also don’t run aromasin on week 1 maybe week 3, 12.5mg eod is too much , try 12.5mg e3d

infern0's picture

I’d say drop the anadrol I just paid attention to your body fat and it’s pretty high, at that bf percentage I’d only work with test at lower dosages and forget about bulking at that bf, calculate your BMR and subtract 300-500 calories from it , protein do 1.6-2.2g x your body weight in kg. Anadrol will spike your bp and test at that dosage can do that also, it’s a safer route if you lose body fat first with cardio and fixing your diet before considering gear and get blood work done just to see where your levels are at and cholesterol etc