MASTERSATWR727's picture
  • 6



Have multi-use 100IU vial HGH. Assuming can reconstitute with 5ml's, instead of 10, bacteriostatic water for 2IU per vs 1IU per. Are there any reason I should not?

giardap's picture

no reason apart from pin choice
if have slin pin, off you go, without, use more water

dextetherdog's picture

I would mix with 10 just because it looks more in the syringe when injecting. But from my experience there’s not much of a difference, just do what’s more convenient.

johnmarshall12's picture

Gizmo Duck has it pretty well sized up. Follow his advice; it's good!

GizmoDuck's picture

I believe they want you to reconstitute with their suggested amount in order for all the solute to be dissolved properly. I personally would go with what they suggest in order for nothing to get messed up.

MASTERSATWR727's picture

Thx, that was kind of what figured. Live in a place that seems tougher to get Bacterial static water shipped then gear.