XvBeast's picture
  • 322

what u get when u combine weed + steroids


A hungry ass juice head... seriously tearing this kitchen up, i just went through 3lbs of meat and shit load of shrimp... turkey next then peanut butter. Does anyone smoke pot here for bodybuilding reasons?

Xrated's picture

This might sound weird but, pot always made my really hyper. Lol.....so I liked to smoke it before I worked out. It also helped me eat all my meals. Unfortunatly, I cant smoke anymore bc of my job.

Xrated's picture

Yes,i agree. I dont know where u live. But,in the united states it's legal n 3 states.

XvBeast's picture

bro out in CA its legal as well

j223's picture

ya it is lol. I can walk to a clinic that is 1/4 mile from my house hahah

Xrated's picture

Man ur lucky....im gonna retire next to one ! Lol

Pale's picture

To say it causes cancer is flat out a lie. For whatever reason the tar produced by cannabis even though it does contain carcinogens it does not bind with cells the way cigarette smoke (for instance) does. It is fine to not like it and it is reasonable to not encourage smoking it, but cancer is not a valid reason. I am not going to say it cures cancer, but there is a growing body of evidence that it does have anti-tumor properties.

EmeraldLaoch's picture

Okay maybe it doesn't cause cancer. -
you go from speaking with absolute certainty to, "oops maybe i dont know what im talking about."

But marijuana smoke contains 50-60% more carcinogenic material than tobacco smoke. - what "just say no" Reagan era pamphlet did you read that from? Thats pure horseshit to anyone that pays attention to new data. Dont spew misinformation like its the bible truth especially since its clear you dont understand the topic. Not sure how to respond to this except that its purely the opposite. Cigarettes contain hundreds of toxic compounds.

Weed smokers also tend to hold that smoke in longer allowing those carcinogens to be better absorbed. - in your prior post you negate this by mentioning the infrequency of weed smoking compared to cigarettes. Stick with that. Cig smokers smoke the whole thing, several times per day. Weed smokers smoke one or two hits a couple times per day if that. (on average for both examples) Besides, as was mentioned, cannabis smoke doesnt stick to the lung like cig smoke does.

There's just as much reason to not smoke marijuana as there is not to smoke tobacco. And the benzene vapors alone are enough to avoid breathing in burning material. - benzene vapors? thats a new one. you must be referring to cigarettes.

I'm just not delirious enough to deny that it's extremely carcinogenic. - there is no case of cannabis causing lung cancer on record... anywhere.

I am actually on the fence on this issue. I say its not good for most people. However, i DO happen to understand this topic very well and i couldnt resist responding to this. You my friend, are a victim of propaganda.

EmeraldLaoch's picture

Im a chemical engineer - too bad thats not helping you here

And I'm not going to argue with you- pretty sure thats what you just did

you'll just spit back the same propaganda you've been fed. you cant just accuse me of the same thing of which i just accused you LOL you sound like my little sister... sis, is that you?

you make this too easy

Pale's picture

Well since you are so educated how about you link to some peer reviewed data to back up your BS. I promise you you will not find it.

XvBeast's picture

r u guys still arguing.... just go smoke one ..jesus

EmeraldLaoch's picture

guilty. well are still arguing but Tereph isnt because he said he wouldnt argue. Hes a better person. Now im off to enjoy some black diesel suckers.

EmeraldLaoch's picture

x2 i want to see some. i wont hold my breath though. I WILL however hold my hit in really long to speed up the cancer.

D_III's picture

Smoke marijuana....no no no...vaporize that dank! or edibles. When I quit smoking cigs I also stopped smoking my trees...now if only my state would get with the program and legalize this wonderful plant!

EmeraldLaoch's picture

That an erroneous rumor. Vaporization volatilizes ALL of the psychoactive cannabinoids. They all have a similar volatilization temp, why would they selectively separate?

It also prevents the plant material from burning which effectively squashes ANY negative side effects caused by ingesting combusted materials. Thats why they deem it safe for use in cancer and aids patients.

Bongs actually trap THC in the water, making the smoke less potent. The amount of tar they trap is negligible. All they do is cool the smoke and allow the user to take larger hits.

EmeraldLaoch's picture

I doubt they trap much THC. If they did you'd be able to see it as a precipitate since THC is insoluble in water. You doubt it? You doubt it or you KNOW it? Sounds like speculation. Have you ever seen bong water dude? LOL its pretty oily. Besides theres not that much THC to begin with in a bowl sized sample. I dont make this shit up, its been scientifically tested and proven that it traps more THC than tar.

And yeah that is the purpose of a bong. To cool down the smoke so you don't burn your throat and lungs like you do with a bowl or joint. there you go repeating me again. Its funny, you agreeing with me doesnt make it any more or less true. Hey you should name yourself terephthalic... oh wait sorry.

Keep responding guy, this is fun to watch.

"you know the cool thing about science is that its true whether you believe it or not" Niel Degrasse Tyson

Pale's picture

Is that the purpose of a bong? lmao!

EmeraldLaoch's picture

im almost positive this guy was my DARE instructor in grade school. He sounds like the guy. Did you know that pot kills brain cells? OMG dude, OMG

its cool. Eroids isnt a place for stating fact backed up by recorded evidence. This guy will go far with his speculations and conjecture. Eroiders LOVE that shit.

Pale's picture

I spent the better part of the last three years talking to our state reps in my state un-brainwashing them. I usually play with kid gloves when it comes to MJ/MMJ but that is only because I am tired of talking about it too. Most people do realize that they have been fed way more lies than truth when it comes to cannabis, sadly there are still a few "believers" left.

Keepmovingforward's picture

I use to be a huge pot head but it gives me gnarly anxiety and makes me extremely lazy.

Roid Rager's picture

I only smoke it for medicinal purposes.

inzer777's picture

smoking always gave me the worst case of deja-vu.. freaky right?

cmo25cent's picture

Lol... Dude I was a bit younger when this happened but I smoked before I went to the mall. I had just rescently go out of a serious relationship and my biggest fear was running into that bitch anywhere. I was at the buckle gettiing a link takin out of my watch when I just started sweating uncontrollably. I actually put my head down on the counter. As soon as I walked out of that place I see my ex walking by. It freaked me out and it still does to this day.

inzer777's picture

I once drove home from a party high as a kite and I kid you not I never turned off the road and drove past the same mail box 5 times. it was crazzzzy lol

inzer777's picture

smoking always gave me the worst case of deja-vu.. freaky right?

inzer777's picture

smoking always gave me the worst case of deja-vu.. freaky right?

cmo25cent's picture

Only at night to help sleep. Smoking anything restricts blood flow which is counter productive especially before or after work outs when blood flow is essential.

GRIMEY's picture

I smoke it for insomnia purposes, I get fantastic sleep after a few tokes about an hour before bed. I much prefer the green over my sleeping pills which make me feel like a pile of mush the next day.

Owes a Review × 2
ReadyToKillIt's picture

I smoke it for the same reason people throw in low doses of deca. It helps my aching joints, and also relaxes muscles. I smoke before the gym for those reasons plus it puts me in a zone just like someone else posted. Then I smoke afterwards for the achy joints and to increase my appetite.

Pale's picture

I usually take a few tokes in the evening after I get home from the gym. It does increase my appetite but mostly I just like the relaxed, pleasant feeling.

Warmachine's picture

I love smoking.. But I get uaed for work so yea no puffin for me. I use to smoke before I lifted, would put me in the zone. lol

Pale's picture

That paranoid feeling is likely the strain or strains you are using. If you can get ahold of some OGK or Diesel they are very low anxiety. The likes of white widow (or any white) strains seem to be much higher anxiety.

j223's picture

get some REAL grand daddy purps and you will not have anxiety talking to a police officer with cocaine in your pocket!!!

haha gdp is the only weed I smoke. I've tried it all, green crack, California OG kush, northern lights, lavender, the list goes on.

Nothing matches real ass GDP. Puts you in the best mood ever. High energy too, doesn't make you all tired and lazy. I love that shit.

But honestly I only smoke a few times a year these days. Hard to find good GDP even at the clinics here I think they are mostly hybrid now :( they say GDP is not have enough "thc" in it so thats why they mix it with other strains =(
but thats why I like GDP. It's not a head change. its not too overbearing. It's just a nice touch. Instead of thinking "alright fine lets go" when on GDP your attitude is "fuck yea lets goo!!!!"

Pale's picture

Yea, all of the purple strains I have tried have not measured up. I have not had a true GDP cut cross my path tho so I cannot speak of it. My diesel and OGK were clone only's a bro overnighted to me several years ago. The diesel dates back to 92-94. My state is a med state so between myself and a couple close friends we have kept them going all these years. I would never give up the Original Diesel.

MASSIVE48's picture

Not on gear but when i was tryin to bulk last december i was smokin bud rite after my workouts and MAAAN i sure was puttin it away..i was eating like CRAZY,, but eating clean tho..it helped alot with the bulking IMO and didnt gain that much fat.
I always did it after my workout tho, anytime before my workout i would get so dam lazy.lol

Chrodar's picture

i do! im a pothead bodybuilder