Pale's picture
  • 2.5k

What Ed's been up to.


So Ed sends me a link today to his latest video. I never knew Ed felt so strongly that handicapped people shouldn't be allowed to drive. And I will hit you up later bro with them "PokeStops".

vhman's picture

ED. Thank you so much for having the fortitude to address the elephant in the room: the handicap driving issue in America! Come on! Finally!!!
I also like to watch the news while eating a foot-long from subway (no homo). We have so much in common! (Double no homo).
Anyway, I really hope you can find some more Poke-stops! Best of luck and no homo.

Pale's picture

Thou doth No Homo too much!

vhman's picture


Engineereddisaster's picture

Oh shit bro, he just topped the mass attack of no homos with a triple USA.
I'm pretty sure a young homo somewhere just looked at a girls titty with interest...

Pale's picture

The rest of you guys pay close attention. Sub section E, Paragraph 7 in the No Homo handbook reads. When in doubt of your no homo status, or one has overused no homo the point some are thinking you may be in fact Homo one must type in caps on, preferably bold text "Not less than three times USA! USA! USA!.

Pale's picture

And I almost left out, it continues, if you are Australian a stronger effort will be required, a minimum of six USA! is mandatory.

Ozninjaguy's picture

If Australian, why USA? This is a 'stateless' website..I prefer Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Pale's picture

There are rules, thats why.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Wow...I bet you typed that in Moderator Font. :-) Actually, my post was facetious..I couldn't care less if Aussies have to say 6 Hail Marys...I never use the phrase under discussion anyway.

Pale's picture

I am being facetious as well too..

Ozninjaguy's picture

The limitations of text only conversations - nuances are lost. Will the new website have emoticons?

Pale's picture

Your guess is as good as mine bro

readyman's picture

Even in mock self effacement we are running circles around the rest of the world. I mean duh......rules bruh.....stateless website? Why was that not followed by a no homo?

readyman's picture

Alright brace yourself lol

Ozninjaguy's picture


readyman's picture

What's it like watching your poop go in the opposite direction? And no I don't mean from coriolis deflection hehehe.

Ozninjaguy's picture

I don't know - never had that experience - please enlighten me.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Hahaha the Aussies hate that requirement. Smile

true grit's picture

I'm afraid total human annihilation is not too far off in our future :(

Or it will be like that movie "Idiocracy", where a really stupid guy wakes up in the future, and everbody on the planet is so dumb, he's considered a genius.

readyman's picture

Mother nature has a sense of humor I fear in the process of returning equilibrium. She moves slowly by human standards but she moves surely.

shawn0712's picture

Fuck Pokemon. It's rigged. I installed it to play with my little one. She was laughing at me because I haven't hatched an egg. So I turned my phone on one day at work. I run miles back and forth during the day. It didn't register any of my distance. All I got was a drained battery. I'm over it. I'll just continue to be the laughingstock of my family with my little level 5 character.
It is funny when your daughter looks up at you and say "bro, do you even battle?"

Pale's picture

LOL! Kids! My son is a Marine for christsake and they are all playing it too! SMFH

Engineereddisaster's picture

Bro, I sent you that self clip in confidence!

Pale's picture

I am sorry brother, it was too good not to share. Plus this pokemon addiction of yours is frankly out of control,lol

Engineereddisaster's picture

This is true. I've been in like 5 automobile accidents because of that dumb effing game and I still haven't caught an effing Charizard. Smile

12stone's picture

"I might watch the news while I eat a Subway"

In a promo × 1
readyman's picture

It's funny kinda........cant tell it's a van from the inside.

greenlantrn2's picture

I am really happy with the way everyone can share thoughts and ideas now so easily, but this guy was better off not sharing! "How can they make us waste thousands of dollars, well not thousands, but a lot of money, on pokemon....."

unreal89's picture


Gymjunkie01's picture

Lmfao Joe dirt

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