jimmymac's picture
  • 6

+ 10 NEWBIE LOUNGE (here to help you LEARN and GROW)


If your new to GEAR and reading this, the first thing that every Veteran member is going to tell you is research research research.

SO...maybe this is part of your research??

If so...then I would suggest that before you look for a source or put any chemicals in your body, that you read the THREADS contained within various FORUMS this website.

I will try to come in here as often as I can and make suggestions on threads in the forums section and provide links to websites that contain research materials that are user friendly. Everyone is glad your here, and most want to freely answer questions. However, the more you learn, the better you will be able to ask questions and receive answers. SO GET STRONG (Brain and Body)!!!

For tonight here is some suggested reading.

Go to FORUMS section, under NEWBIE CORNER and look for the post entitled PRE CYCLE CHECKLIST by hllwdbdboy.

To help keep the thread clean, feel free to send a friend request for one on one questions and I will do my best to answer you or refer you to a good thread by and expert... If you have something to offer make sure you read the FORUM RULES first.

fred1's picture

Thank you for this. I am new here and interested in gaining some strength and size in a healthy way.

Rocgutta's picture

Can anyone tell me how to edit or delete a source review I posted a few weeks ago?

Greg's picture


Rocgutta's picture

Because I wanted to edit my last review... I have updates I want to add to it also.

Greg's picture

You should have thought of that BEFORE you posted a review before EVERYTHING was complete, i.e., order, cycle, PCT, etc.
Now, 3 weeks after the fact you want to change what was fresh on your mind then.

Only one review per order within the required 6-month timeline. I would suggest writing a reply to your review as an update. There's more transparency that way.

Re-TRENoftheMac's picture

How do we build up karma points? I was seeing that there are promos if you have certain levels of karma.

Greg's picture

Participate in the forums and give to the community you're eager to take from.

press1's picture


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Re-TRENoftheMac's picture

Sounds good. Thanks brotha!

KMC's picture

Really one (you) should gain karma by using the search function.

@BFG, Greg

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Misterbloke's picture

Been prescribed testosterone gel, Tostran, sometimes it's not available and they prescribe testogel, after a year can't say I've noticed any improvement, can't afford to go to a clinic so I was thinking of an online site, lots of them but no guarantee it's genuine, also, even if it was no guarantee the site will be here in another year.

Krock83's picture

Hello guys I'm new here and haven't done the online thing since REDACTED. I would really appreciate any advice or direction as I recently tried to place an order but I'm pretty sure I was taken to the cleaners. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Greg's picture

This is a review site. Members rank sources in the reviews...

Amazon has user reviews. How do you use them to help you chose who to buy your Crocs from? Do that here.

Krock83's picture

Copy that thank you.

NippleHoarder's picture

Completely clueless, Just getting started. Was lead here from the Koncrete Podcast interview with Ryan Root. I don't do any drugs, nor do I drink. I have Low-T, and am working with my family Dr. That will lead to an Rx from mainstream sources. I'm looking for alternatives for hormone replacement therapy. I'm working on changing my lifestyle, eating habits. If that includes building some muscle, that's great.

Battlecat68's picture

Hi, all. I'm new here, and wanted to ask a few questions.

  1. I'm not clear on how to buy product. It looks like EROIDS Supports other websites that we, in turn, go on the website(s), create a user account, etc then shop there? If that is the case, and an order goes "bad", where/who do we turn to?
  2. I'm using TRT (CENSORED Cypionate) for health and general growth. ( I'm over 50 and want the Total T and Free T levels to be as high as possible while being healthy and not negatively impacting cardiac health) I use .50 ML x per week, (.50 day one and .50 day 4 ). I also use an estrogen blocker (1/2 mg Arimidex 1 time per week) Is Cypionate the best option for overall fitness, health and sexual health?
  3. I learned that I can't take Cialis because of some really negative side effects. (cardiac) What supplement options are out there for erection quality and staying power? I do take some horny goat weed and Tongkat Ali daily... There's no issue, per se, but I want to be able to cut glass. Smile

I appreciate the thoughts/comments in advance. I'm pretty new to this stuff and want to make this a lifestyle. Thanks again

Greg's picture

This is a review site only. We do not support other sites.

The answer to your first question with respect to process is Yes. You use eroids to go over reviews to help you make a better-informed decision.
You can find the rest of the answer by reading our rules... which I suggest you do now: https://www.eroids.com/rules

Temp51's picture

Hey to all, Father Time here. New to the site and have a question. Is CENSORED a scam site? It’s been two weeks since they received my payment and with the exception of some brief communication in the very beginning letting me know they would send me a tracking number for my order when it was shipped, I have had O communication from them and have sent two separate tickets to them asking for some response. Thanks for any info. anyone might have.

Greg's picture
chuckles's picture

Hello, I currently am on TRT and get test cyp from my doctor (about 120 mg/wk) its expensive and insurance doesn't cover it. I see if I were to get it elsewhere it's quite cheap. But my questions are can you order test kits to know that it's real and how do you know where you are order it from are not the authorities ? Thanks for your time

KMC's picture

Have you ever tried www.goodrx.com. ? I was getting it for less than $35 for a 10ml vial of 200mg/ml from Walgreens. Then I got insurance (Medicare) and it got a lot cheaper. Now paying $16 for 10ml's.


Just checked,....... less than $42.50 for 10ml's at Walgreens using the above coupon.

My experience with people coming on here and saying it's to expensive are:
1) They don't really have a legitimate prescription.
2) They are too lazy or stupid to do their own research.

I see at least 5 goodrx commercials a day on tv. Try it.


BIN 009893

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Bjmoney85's picture

Does your PCP do your TRT?

chuckles's picture

No, she didnt feel comfortable doing it ,so she sent me to a urologist and he would only prescribe me 200 mg once every two weeks to keep me in the normal range but my test levels were in the low normal so I switched to my current dr.

chuckles's picture

Thanks for checking that out. Let me clarify what I meant to say but didnt. The test cyp itself is not that expensive, but my doctor who prescribes it charges $500 every 3 months plus the cost of blood work and the test cyp. So, that's around $2500/yr for a small TRT dose. And that price appears to be average of the clinics in my area. Also, I would like to take a bit more than the TRT dose. I competed as a natural bodybuilder not because I had anything against the juice, most of my friends were on that competed in regular shows but my work drug tested us regularly and I didnt want any problems. Now at 56, I would like to start making some gains again but nothing crazy. Once again, thanks for your time.

Bjmoney85's picture

Sounds like you are wanting to do something illegal! Best to keep going to your Dr.

chuckles's picture


Idlepyro's picture

has anyone had a problem with swelling and redness on virgin muscles with test prop. going on day 3 redness is below pin site no pain until next day could barely walk took half ml of test prop and half ml of sust in quad. everything went well and woke up hurtin like hell pain meds nocked the pain out. but im on day 3 swelling got worst. pain is easing taking ibuprofen 800 mg and amoxacilin just in case. i dont think its infected but is kinda acting like cellulitus except the pin site is perfect everything is at the knee cap and slightly above.

Idlepyro's picture

after i posted this i seen few reviews for the same test prop people was complaining of the pain. its test 200 so i have found that seems its too strong or its the eo used my body doesnt like trying a different product from different srcs to find the right one for me

KMC's picture

mg/ml on compounds?
Prop is known for PIP.

Owes a Review × 1
Idlepyro's picture

Protest 200 i only used half a ml of this and half a ml of sust 250 on the quad inch and half tool
Then just to try and get my arm used to the oil yesterday i pined a 10th of a cc of protest still hurts like a biotch. just a little bit pnned with one inch tool in the upper arm and yesteray it was painful but i been taking ibuprofen i dont know if my muscles will get used to protest or if i should just go for test c longer ester or just sust. i read about virgin muscles and have been doing lots of research on here and on the net. wondering if its the oil im muscle is reacting too or the crystals left behind cause im using heating pad alot and stll painful swelling went down in leg today its hard to judge the pain becuase ibuprofen knocks alot of it out.

KMC's picture

1/2 of a ml of Prop 200 ???

That will hurt, it is not the 1/2 ml, it is the Prop 200, Prop @ 100mg/ml is known for PIP,..... Prop @ 200mg/ml would be something I would happily gift to someone I didn't like.

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Syed's picture

Thanks for intro. New to website but 'old' to using. Just navigating to leave reviews and general chat and advice.

Steroidify's picture


Fatboydietking007's picture

Thanks for the suggestions! I’m a newbie looking to learn what to do and what not to do!

frankyfourfingerz's picture

Not necessarily relative to this post but looked like a good place to put this out here as I am new to this site myself: There is a search bar, you click on the little blue arrow thing in the corner and when that drop down menu pops up there is a magnifying glass, click that and type in whatever thing your looking for like this am i searched Ipamorelin and found several posts, read those and saved everyone the trouble of repeating the replies they had posted repetitiously in abt six or seven of them. Wish Id have found it before my intermittent fasting and blasting and cruising post (although I enjoyed the comments tremendously) because it also had already been covered. I think personally its still good to post to initiate conversation but some of the guys I’ve noticed get a little cranky answering things that are generalized, doesn’t have a lot of personal specifics i.e. I just finished my first cycle with substance a b c, here was my schedule, heres my stats, here is my labs before and after, etc... you get the gist

Strivin4Greatness's picture

What’s up everyone!! Jimmy thanks for info my man! Here to learn from the wise and to better myself with knowledge and the wisdom of the tried and true. Been reading around for awhile now but finally decided to join. Eager to read, understand, listen, and learn!

KMC's picture

"Jimmy" has been MIA for 6 years,......... you may be talking to a ghost.

Owes a Review × 1
Strivin4Greatness's picture

Lmao! Well maybe he’ll get back on one day and he will see all the newbs yelling “what’s up” at him.

BIzal's picture

Good info. Thanks for being helpful.

frankyfourfingerz's picture


Tradesman34's picture

Hello all not new to gear but been off if it for a while. Still hitting the gym 2-3 times a week since they have opened back up in my area. Just stopping in to learn and learn some more and get a cycle in since it's been a while. Thanks for all the good readings on this site and to everyone with the wisdom to share so we don't screw our selves up along the way. Peace

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Saltlifehighlander's picture

Hey there everybody... I’ve been natural up until 5 years ago when I started HRT. Researched the heck outta this stuff since I started but like others, thought I’d join, say hi and learn even more from folks that have been around a long time.

Pete5's picture

Hey all i've been away from training for a few years I have done steroids in the past but have forgotten a lot about it as was many years ago!! Im think of getting Dianabol, proviron for estrogen reduction and sus and deca for my start just to build back up size and strength. Does anyone know of any sites i can get some needles from?? Also does that stack sound okay ?

Kokodacat's picture

Bro I just saw some on Amazon. Maybe it depends on where you live but I can order them through them

Operator1's picture

I Everyone not new to fitness it’s my life but pretty new to AAS a 3 years I guess.Wanted any additional advice on high never taken before.I have prescribed hgh if that makes a difference if it’s stronger.Starting doses on and off cycles and good articles or information would be applied and appreciated

gym shorts skid mark's picture

Hello to all!

I hope you are all keeping as safe as you can at the moment. I’m horny and looking for some goats.

Are the goats still around?

Keep safe and keep strong

KMC's picture

Are the goats still around?

Contact Greg,.........

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