Anonymous's picture
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New all around


Hey Im new to the world of AAS. Ive joined this and another site, and am grateful for the massive amount of knowlege in the forums. Without the generosity of those who share their wisdom I would not be running a successful cycle or be prepared for PCT.
I have been suffering from joint pain for many years due to a long battle with Lyme disease. I feel I have only been running at 60 % and any time I tried to get in shape I suffered massive pain.
Now on cycle I feel great , feel 100% and am pain free ! I hope it continues after my cycle ends, but no matter what I havent felt this good in years.
Im taking Testoprim-D 250mg and Deca 50 mg Every 4 days, HCG 500 mg every 4 days, 3-4 iu HGH every night, 40 mcgm igf-lr3 every morning.
I'll be ending my cycle late August.

So far about ten people have told me I look great ! One woman told me she couldnt speak she was so shocked ! Most important as I said before I feel great and again my thanks to all the smart minds who share the info to make this possible!

Vonkluck9's picture

One thing you should be aware is while your on cycle, yeah your joints are going to feel 100%. But once you get off, your really going to feel every joint that was afflicted with lyme disease...

Vonkluck9's picture

I really don't know much about your workout routine, but I assume your not trying to put up 4,5 plates on anything? A coworker, ifbb pro, took stacked with deca and he said he could lift anything and also felt 100% like you, but once he got off... he could feel all his joints especially his shoulders. Yeah, i heard of deca as a joint recovery, but more so of HGH, being joint repair.

BlackPanther's picture

Go ahead with it and enjoy the whole process ! Felling great is what matters most. Trust your instincts.

GetRippedOrDieMirin's picture

Welcome, man. This isn't your first cycle, is it?