posted Fri, 01/24/2025 - 06:19
Why are so many people spending so much money on gear that is overly expensive?
Came here to do some research and I started to look at the sources listed, and there prices are soooo absurd... Why are y'all spending so much on gear? These prices are overly expensive. I can get testosterone as cheap as $7.5 a vial. Same with peptides. I'm sure this post wont even go through. I bet the website owner are in cahoots.
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I bet you're wrong
Let him bet and loose his money.
Aren't you awesome, unless you manufacture it it costs close to that to order raws and supplies for regular basement chemist to make gear.
Anyone can say anything on the interweb there little buddy. Proof is much harder to come by.
So ar you selling any of that gear??? Lol
I will pay little more for quality and tested sources. I have tried cheap stuff and more trusted stuff. Carrier oils could be different etc . No matter what even at 60 bucks a vial it's still cheaper then getting pre workout from supplement store lol
Honestly bud, quality control and customer from those sources has been worse and worse and now the biggest and most reliable one has exit scammed and the two closest competitors are shitting the bed as well. I started oils from. ordering domestic from sites on eroids because I was sick of the shipping fuckery, floaters and unlabeled vials. I now think it’s totally worth it to extra for an easier experience. Guys I know who were using tranny’s gear started filtering every vial before using it, to me not really wort it anymore.
The peptide prices are absolutely insane, comparatively, you’re right about that. HGH is actually not so far off from chinese sources.
I’m guessing you’re here partially because of the big crackdown of some of the more reliable chinese sources? Or is it just coincidence?
Oh u know them too. Yeah u saw that right?
The biggest source said they're taking a break for security reasons? They do sent shine who paid their shit an sent money back. They did have issues with floaters, the rubber stoppers were falling apart too. They did fix that though. Prior pulled their bitcoin wallet though and there was 178 us dollars in it that's it!! And it dropped in a week from 10s of thousands. They're all out of commission right now until the 5th anyway. So gotta wait to get some more hgh lmao.
Yeah I’ve ordered from them a couple times. The peptides are just too good of a deal lol. The 360 iu gh kits look nice too. Honestly, going through email and putting in an order just for them to tell you three days later that whatever you tried to order is out of stock just ended up being too much hassle for them to be a regular source for me.
Yeah. They were swamped i think. Idk if u know the others. But they don't have the 36 iu hgh vials those were good 135 plus 35 shipping for 360iu not to shabby and they get their shit jano'd almost everyday by people blind. Def the way to go for hgh and peptides.
I sent u a FR message me when u except it. So i know i can message u
How common is it for sources to exit scam like that? I’m relatively new to using gear but I’ve heard about that happening.
During my time on here it probably works out about 1 every 3 years that will leave with a bunch of peoples money - ALWAYS the Very cheap sources that do it with only 2 to 3 years of trading time. Will often hold a big promo just before running off and they will already have a big backlog of customers orders to honour already, the SI page will be full of members complaining about non fulfilled orders.
Damn that’s fucked up, appreciate the info man
Not common at all
Not sure about $7.50 a vial, like others have said I'd question the quality and time invested of something that costs that much before putting it in my body...
$7.50 a vial would definitely in my mind be worth sending it off for a $60 lab test of one of the vials before using them.
You are right in some cases though, a lot of sources here definitely have higher prices for a standard vial of Test-E for example. But this could be due to the fact they are international sources and supply many different countries, that's not a cheap operation and it has to be made back somewhere.
Also depends if you're buying direct from the lab or just a reseller, a lot of sources here are just reselling product they buy from labs, so obviously add a bit of a premium to make their profit.
For example, UK sources who are reselling on here charge £35-40 for a vial of Test-E, same vial costs me £22 direct from the lab I currently use, £13 profit on that one vial just for reselling it.
"That's crazy!" I hear you chant, yes that is a hefty profit... But it's an illegal substance
I don't think many sources would resell illegal products if the profit margin was £1 every vial.
Which is why you should question your cheap alternatives, because what is their incentive for selling a high risk product that could land them in jail for so cheap?
These prices are getting more common there’s actually a supplier on here who does constant sales buy one get one free and it works out to the prices your talking and again with his peptides at 50% off similar prices to what you mentioned on them.
How I see it us is I go into a store like Asda or Walmart and buy a pair of nicks air wax trainers they will do the job and be a fraction of the price.. but there not going to be as attractive or comfortable to use as the Nike air max branded ones I’m paying a lot more for. See Nike build a brand it becomes recognised as quality and attractive to the mass market , that’s just the way the world works and it’s the same with Gear clothes food consumables, everything. You pay for the brand And customer service experience
Very well said. Cuz i know for a fact the sources he must be referring to. Do not have websites and go off price sheets, email, tg, or what app. And there's not labels on the vials u get either u have to label them yourself. There's codes u have to match up to the price sheet to know what's what.
Oh while I think on I would like to add for any members thinking of sending a DM to this guy who’s had an account for an hour asking who he gets these amazing deals from ….. well there’s a 110% chance he gives you a web site or email address and you get scammed.
There are at least three suppliers on another review site that either offer or until recently offered prices like these. Pretty sure this guy is here partially because the ccp has been cracking down on them recently. This is probably also why a few domestic suppliers here have been slow to restock since the raw supply has been allegedly disrupted in the past couple months. My two go-tos have been out of primo for like 6 or 8 weeks and no word on a restock except that it will still be a while.
Because normally extremely cheap gear turns out to be ineffective dog shit. You get what you pay for.
I guess that's true. Just I see a lot of websites selling one 5mg vial of retatrutide for $120-$200 and I can get 10 10mg vials of retatrutide from china for $200. Just an example. Same with steroids. Been getting my shit super cheap for years. Every batch Janoshik tested.
Direct from china is usually the cheapest route, and is actually safer than you think as it's direct from the labs... But a lot of people don't know how and don't trust it, so they would rather pay the premiums for it from a more local supplier!