SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture
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Soreness is back


I have about a week left of pct and saturday went pretty heavy on arms, which where already a little sore from back the day before. My shoulder workout today was rough to say the least lol. can't remember the last time my arms have been this sore...time to start backing off on the weight i think? anyone have good suggestions?

cmo25cent's picture

Brother you should be dropping weight anyways and adding more reps. I start my pct in about 8 days and I'm gonna go in there and stretch of course and then do 80% of what I can do and then go down in weight and do a lot of reps my last 3 sets. That's helps thicken. You keep trying to do the same weight that you were when you were on cycle you could end up getting hurt.

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

Ya my strength is up but the recovery is going bye bye lol. I thought I kept reading people switch to doing low reps and heavy weight. I am gonna take this week off and let my body rest. Then next week ill try this more reps. I still feel good and look better than ever.

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Abdul C's picture

there is great info on that thread. i think taking some time off after a cycle is very beneficial. eating everything, relaxing your mind from the gym and training. and once you get back into it, start off at moderate weight. start planning the next cycle and get ready to hit it hard again. the time off will give you that nice break in between to get your mind right, prevent you from burning out. you are strict with your diet, training, etc when on cycle, to take some time away from that helps a lot for the next run.

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

The soreness is killing me. I forgot about it lol. Don't miss it at all

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SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

Lol you got that shit right man.

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SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

this is great man..thank you for sharing this!

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gtodan02's picture

How long have you been off? Sometimes I hold back a little on my arms to go heavy on a back day but shoulders I like to hit hard.but doesn't it seem ok to back off a bit on arms because there working all the time

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

last shot was like 5 weeks ago

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