Mightymike's picture
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Keeping gains now the gyms have shut from corona


Has anyone got any good advice for workouts to keep muscle mass. Is there places to get cheap weights or things you can adapt. Obviously pull ups press ups and sit ups and cardio are going to be in my workouts much more and I do have some 10kg dumbells not the heaviest but concentrated and high reps I'm thinking. Also is this a good time to do pct?

Johnny Bravo's picture

My grip always holds me back on back day and anytime I deadlift so I’m trying to fix that while the gym is closed.

Makeshift wrist roller. I took off the rod of a towel holder and used a shoe string to connect it to a lunchbox filled with rocks. I’ve also been throwing in some BFR using therabands from PT to make up for using such light weights.

press1's picture

Heavy Weighted chins with low reps (around 6) are very good for increasing deadlift grip, as are double overhand deads for reps. I can't see a wrist roller being that effective for what you want as its a Crushing grip you are after...

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Johnny Bravo's picture

I just bought a pull-up bar too so I can tackle it from both ends. It’s not just the heavy deads it’s any dead or back set with medium weight long TUT. Grip gives out first either way.

Mightymike's picture

I saw a video on YouTube showing how to make concrete plates I'm going to have a go at, I'm thinking about using a scaffolding bar. They are easy to get for free and thick to grip, which (if it is a challenging enough weight, improve your grip) , bit like an axle bar.
The one I've made with rocks in the 10 litre bottles is good for working some of the supporting muscles but it's not heavy enough.

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Pumped_'s picture

Shoot in the US they took freeweights out the jails because we were getting bigger than the guards but that didnt work. Plenty exercises to get big without conventional weight. I would use waterbags, pull ups, pushups, dips, lunges and squats with water bags. Pillow case full of canned goods. Pretend your in jail. Lots of jacked dudes in prison and in isolation.

Bill1976's picture

Where I live the kept them in the prisons. That’s how I started. All the plates are welded on.

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BJ's picture

Back in 2000 -2003 we had a killer weight pit in CLUB FEDERAL Miami! Was like a real legit dungeon gym. Had some MONSTERS in that joint too! Talking about guys benching over 500 pounds for reps natty w/ shit food. I heard they took it out around 2010 or 2012!

growthman's picture

CDCR lost ours in the 90’s

Pumped_'s picture

They used the excuse they can be used as weapons. Really they were shook because with budget and staff cuts they were outmanned.

Spark's picture

The decision also came from politicians who at the time were pushing for harder punishment on prisoners. Mandatory minimums, 3 strikes law, and the failed 2nd war on drugs.
They didnt want to realize that lifting weights was therapeutic and prisoners behaved better. If something took place in the prison and they got put on lock down and couldn't lift the inmate/inmates that caused the lock down would have problems.
But the politicians biggest lie was they claimed that prisoners were getting bigger and stronger and when they were released would be more of a threat to citizens.
This all had the opposite affect. By taking away a positive and beneficial thing for inmates to do with their time. They just made them more hostile and violent by taking the weights away.

press1's picture

I'm just watching Double Impact with Jean Claude in it - Dude that Female assassin is HOT!! What a body on her and looks like a real bitch too Lmao! Looked her up and never realised its Cory Everson not long after her Miss Olympia wins .... She could of straddled and stabbed me anytime back then LOL

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BJ's picture

I forgot she was in that movie! Van Damn married a bodybuilder "Gladys Portugues"! 1980's style bodybuilder

press1's picture

The bit where she's trying to seduce the other Blonde woman - God Damn!!!


I Love a woman with muscle on 'em & is good looking - Looks awesome.....

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BJ's picture

Her and Linda Murray were my favorite! Nice bodies & classic lines...The girls now look XTREME & w/ those things that look like a thumb coming out down below! No way.. Im out!

press1's picture

I'm sure I saw in a Jail documentary once that they said the guards would burst your water bags if they found them also?! Is that true ....

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Spark's picture

Considered contraband so they will take it from you.

Pumped_'s picture

This is true. If you alter any property or "use it for other than intended purposes" than its contraband. If you use toothpaste for anything other than brushing you teeth then it is contraband.

Bigbull78's picture

Working out at home easy i spect most of us started out at home bar, few plates, bench, etc easy to add from there i know i have when cant go gym. a heavy duty pull up bar mounted on the wall bang out loads of reps or add weight to your body grude but bit of rope round waist plates attached bomb.. Push up with kids on your back or missus etc etc.. Easily doable you dont need a gym to build muscle dedication and motivation is key

addicted.to.pain's picture

Yay I'm back.

I'm doing a simple Push and Pull routine Mon - Fri.

Push one day , Pull the next. I got some old Dumb bells and a cheap wal-mart Joe Weider Bench its pitiful but it does the trick.

press1's picture

Get some Dbol in ya and you'll be g2g! LMAO

Good to see you back man ;-)

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addicted.to.pain's picture

Good to be back bro, ty much.

Failuretobreathe33's picture

That's a good topic. I myself have been doing body weight exercises with bands. Alot of reps. Walmart online or in store has a basic bench setup with 110lbs of weight for like 70 bucks.

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Blaaahdk's picture

Buy a home gym

kodiakGRRL's picture

eat ,,, you keep your gains by keeping up your food intake to match what you've gained .. shift your training to bands kettle bells etc or even body weigh exercises...

Ozninjaguy's picture

I'm sorry, but I don't agree. Food intake equals calories required to grow or calories for weight loss. If you continue to eat the calories that you were eating to grow, and you are no longer exercising to burn/utilize those calories, your body will just convert them to fat. Look at the 'big eaters' who looked great while training, then stopped training and continued to be big eaters - lard arses. Not really sound advice IMO.

kodiakGRRL's picture

You don;t have to agree ,.,., the point is too many people take too big of a reduction in caloric intake and lose their gains... you have to eat to support the increased muscle mass .. not to mention I am not advocating for a halt in exercise ... there are plenty of things you can do with a simple band or body weight exercises to not lost gains .. is it the same as hitting the gym no but it is still something

press1's picture

Buy a barbell and some second hand 45's - With tonnes of guy's over in the States training in their garages over the years because of the great climate, there must be loads for sale online and at local garage sales. Deadlifts, row's, military press, curls, floor press, lunges, cleans & snatches are all for the taking :-)

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Mightymike's picture

I'm in UK. People are charging a lot as they are in demand atm. I am considering one, he wants 100 pounds a month for an Olympic bar with four 20 kg bumper plates so it adds up to 100 kg.
Or I'm going to make some homemade weights.
I've done one before that I'm doing. I've got two 10 litre cartons I'm going to fill with gravel then put a bar between them through the handles. Just need to find a metal bar to do it with.
Obviously I'm going to have to do a lot more cutting up overall. I was looking for more ideas of things to use instead of weights for the bench squat and deadlift.
I like the idea of getting better at bodyweight exercises as well.

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Adambrowne95's picture

I'm in UK aswell mate... Its killing me not being able to train. Who's offering to rent the bar and plates? A gym owner? It's a good idea and I'd happily pay tbh
Edit... Just realised its only 4 plates that's expensive lol

press1's picture

WoW Seriously??! The only way I would consider paying £100 a month and it would only be during these extremely rare times is if it came with 300kg in weight, a rack and a bench. How can someone charge that for a barbell and 4 plates? LMAO I'm in the wrong business if he can get that .....

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Mightymike's picture

I know, you could by it new for a few months of that, I'm making some homemade ones now. People are taking advantage of the situation second hand gym equipment has got way more expensive lately

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Eagles 2013's picture

There is some pretty good advice below regarding exercise. Also, don't forget that diet is going to drive everything. Control the controllables and make sure to keep getting the calories in, macro ratios and micros.

Slowly's picture

I personally use rubber bands. Each one has a different tension. I bought several kits. This way you'll have more weight. In addition there are supports that lock behind the door. Of course you can move them both vertically and horizontally.
If your level of experience is good you will see that you can hit all the muscles.
It works well.
This is my home training.
In this damn world situation.

Slowly's picture

That's right, Tron. They have handles.
They're underrated but believe me, I'm using them and they work. The muscle doesn't know what you're pushing. The load is completely different but it works the same way.
One important thing is the distance between the body and the attachment.
The more you increase the distance the more tension will be greater for each cable but you can add more. This way you can write down your progress. And it works well.
In short, everything must have a precise pattern.

With these cables the body works continuously symmetrically, having two handles.

press1's picture

They are my next purchase to attach to my barbell for speed reps. Its just knowing which to go for as I can't afford loads of pairs. Probably just 2 20kg rated ones ....

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Slowly's picture

Sure they'll do their job, but they're wasted in your case. It's a shame to use them just for that. You could use chains and not spend money.

press1's picture

I thought you were talking about proper bands used in powerlifting for building lockouts - not ones with handles attached to them.

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stairmaster's picture

Because my elbow injury I had to stop my training already 2 times for a few months after the surgery, all I did was to eat right, I took my supplements and low dose test and kept nearly all gains, you'll see after a long break you grow even more than you would do if you don't take a break.

Pxpxp's picture

We all are looking for the same. I have been doing Fight Gone Bad.. it sounds like you got all the equipment.. it will kick your ass.

The entire workout takes 17 minutes. But the wife and I have taken countless walks and runs.

I posted about fight gone bad a couple days ago. Their is also a link to watch a quick video:


Get creative with it.. best of luck buddy

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GizmoDuck's picture

Check out Trons feed

Mightymike's picture

Thanks mate, got some interesting stuff on there

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GizmoDuck's picture

Next week?? You need to get on that crap NOW!

GizmoDuck's picture


Mightymike's picture

Have you done the other exercises?

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