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+ 15 Diet talk With Ed. Establishing your own caloric base line.


Hi Kids. Ed here with a little diet talk for the juicer.

I realize that most of the time my posts are filled with humor, bullshit, and flat out Ass hattery. However today I think I’ll get serious and share with you my diet.

Contrary to popular belief, I actually do put a lot of time into the gym and unlike my AVI, I am one bad S.O.B.

(See Note 1)

Note 1: It’s the internet and you can trust that everything I say is factual.

As a lifelong wrestler, I know diet. I have tried every diet under the sun. Some have worked and some have kicked my ass to the point that instead of looking like a badass, I looked like an anorexic Ethiopian. This was until I learned (From a bodybuilder) this method. Though complex it is very effective.

The other day a fella posted on here that he couldn’t lose weight and he didn’t want to hear anything about cutting calories. He posted a list of his food and holy shit brothers, if Pork Ribs are on your menu, you probably don’t have an effective diet. I don’t give a shit if that pig was raised by Amish Buddhist monks with only the highest quality organic pig feed. You have a shitty diet if you eat pork ribs. I’m sorry. I know that might hurt.

I am a Mesomorph so I am going to mostly talk about Mesomorphs. Sorry Endo’s and Ecto’s you can use this but it will need to be adjusted.

WTF is a Mesomorph Ed?
A mesomorph has a big ass bone structure, Big ass muscles and a naturally athletic physique. Mesomorphs find it quite easy to gain and lose weight. They are naturally strong.
Typical Traits of a Mesomorph

• Athletic
• Hard body with well defined muscles
• Rectangular shaped body
• Strong
• Gains muscle easily
• Gains fat more easily than ectomorphs

So my brothers, if you are a Mesomorph this may be a good plan for your Cracker ass. (If you are not white, go ahead and fill in your applicable racial slur.)
Let me share with you what I have found to be the most effective. Let me also define effective an effective diet.

ED’s Definition of an Effective Diet:
A diet that cuts fat while retaining a maximum amount of Muscle mass at the same time doesn’t kick your ass so bad that you turn into a pussy in the gym.

You all know that is pretty damn tough to do. Let me share with you what works for me. Perhaps it’s not for everyone.. that is fine. However I have found this to be incredibly effective for me and I am a badass and that is all that counts. If you are a pussy this may not work for you. Just take my word for it. (See Note 1)

For me the most important factor in a diet is determining your caloric base line. So let me lay it out. Feel free brothers to input if you have any.


What the hell is a caloric base line Ed? Well my jelly bellied friend let me explain. With this diet, you need to determine exactly how many calories you can consume in a day that doesn’t cause you to gain or lose weight. This can be tough because before you do this you need to fine tune your food intake.
When I fine tune my food intake I am concerned with three contributing Items: Protien, Carbs, and Fat. I like to find the perfect balance.

This can be kind of a pain in the ass so it’s going to take you a couple of weeks to figure that out.
A good starting point for a Mesomorph to find his caloric base line would be to Take your body weight and multiply it by 15. So if you are a 220 lb badass like me, you can start at 3300 calories.
If you have inferior genes and you are an ecto you might use 17 for your multiplication factor or if you are an Endo take it down a couple of notches to 14.

While determining my caloric base line I like to assign calories to each of their respective group. Each Calorie is either going to belong to Protein, Carbs, or Fats.

The Protein calories are non-negotiable so I assign them first.
For me I like my protein to be 1.3 grams per lb of body mass. (Ok, you go with a different number. This number works very well for me. You use what you want to use, I’m cool with that, but you won’t change my mind on 1.3.)
I weigh 220 lbs so that would be 286 grams of protein per day.

Assuming that each gram of protein contains 4 calories, hence 1144 of my daily calories will go to protein.
That leaves me with 2156 calories.
Next I plan out my Fat intake. I like my fat intake to contribute to 23% of my total calories. This works for me but can be adjusted. If you are off cycle and needing the testosterone you can increase the fat intake. I probably wouldn’t go over a 30% contribution. Studies show that 30% maximizes test levels. (See note 1, I’m too lazy to dig up a reference) If you are on a testosterone cycle you might even reduce the fat intake to around 15 %.

So if I’m allowing 23% of my caloric intake to be fat that uses up 759 calories. Assuming that 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories that gives me 84 grams of fat. (I know that’s like 5 Reese’s Peanut butter cups!)
Subract 759 calories from my protein adjusted calorie content and that leaves me with 1397 calories to spend on Carbs. Mmmmmm Carbs. (Insert Homer Simpson Voice)

Now that you know what you can take in you take a couple of weeks to figure out your caloric base line by ONLY reducing or adding Carb intake. Once you figure that out the diet begins.

Thanks for playing.

All my love, no homo

Engineereddisaster's picture

Lol. You can have bacon only if it's Amish raised.

No homo
No homo
No homo

suzy b MRS viking's picture

Just thought i would let you fuckers know this is not suzy b, its me in a fkn bikini cos the viking acc has the glitch until BFG sorts it out..... be aware i can swing these tiddies as hard as the fkn flamin ban hammer if any of you pussies show your ass,s lmfao!

Hollywood is on my six and knows whats going on so he is in charge of the apache this afternoon..... ok be cool bros and dont be trying to touch my ass or you,ll feel the weight from hells grandad lmao!

Engineereddisaster's picture

Lol. Oh damn.


IM BACK BROS............Just had a tune-up and more weapons fitted to the viking war machine..... best bit is the new mini-bar fitted to my ass.

Check out the ADV tag... some sort of new STD or what?

Engineereddisaster's picture

Lol. I don't know. It doesn't seem to fit the AVI. Smile

MONK's picture

a mini-bar fitted to my ass

Damn Vike , Its one brave/stupid motherfucker who tells you to bend over and ask who's round is it next?!!

Catalyst's picture

Good post ed, some fantastic info in here. +2

Engineereddisaster's picture

Thanks brother.

Denser's picture

Even when you try to be serious, you're one funny cracker... or "applicable racial slur"!

Another valuable post brother! +2

vhman's picture

Great post ED. I think that many of us think we're "eating well" and/or our diet is "on point", but the reality is different. This actually gives us a tool (no homo) to actually figure out our baseline and either bulk or cut from there. Thanks again! +1

Engineereddisaster's picture

Thanks bro. My tool is your tool. No homo

Denser's picture

LMAO! Mi herramienta, es su herramienta. No homo.

NoPain's picture

Lets not forget if you are a 400 lb fatty, you shouldn't need 520 grams of protien. Calculate it off the lean body mass rather than the full body weight. If someone were 15% BF I would say go by full body weight. +1 homie. Good info

Engineereddisaster's picture

Thanks bro.excellent point.

MONK's picture how many Reese's peanut buttercups will it take to maximise my test levels?!

Great write up mate +1

Engineereddisaster's picture

It depends. Is this before or after the two McRib sandwiches for lunch?

MONK's picture

Em i hope you mean....Amish Mcribs sandwhices!

Greg's picture

I neg'd the neg's... quite a coincidental accident that only his 2 posts were neg'd

MONK's picture

Hater ;)

Greg's picture

Quite the opposite... 2 neg's equal a positive

MONK's picture

It's all good man.

Greg's picture

just to be crystal clear...

I gave you plus one (a "negative negative") on each of your posts, to negatively affect the negative ones you got in a positive way. So the negatives are no longer negative. However they affected the positive ones negatively so you got zero.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Neg'r please.

vhman's picture

Lol!!! Thanks for the laugh (no homo)!

Engineereddisaster's picture

WTF? Who's bringing the Negs into my thread? I'd have one of the mods find out who is negging your ass.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Oh yes. Of course!


Perfect brother.... the math re food groups is spot on! youve had me fkn preaching to you for two fkn years and you never told me you had this level of knowledge ... wadda fk!... i feel violated lmao!

NO but seriously.... seriously good stuff here that EVERYBODY should know.. these facts are the basis of nutritional experimentation and should already be known by a large percentage on here but!... certain posts prove that sadly ARE NOT.

This is being taken to the MOD forum for a stickie vote it is in my view very very important information for anyone who wants/needs to customise their body. ........................................ +3 Smile

Engineereddisaster's picture

Thanks bro! Always means a lot coming from big Vike.

Don't feel violated. You've forgotten more about diet than I'll ever know. We both know this. :). So I'll continue to accept the preaching.

Engineereddisaster's picture

I left my intelligence category off on purpose. Smile

Greg's picture

This can be kind of a pain in the ass so it’s going to take you a couple of weeks to figure that out.

This can't be stressed enough. Figuring out your RMR/BMR you first use the rule of thumb. Then monitor and tweak your diet over a period of time. People easily over/under estimate the amount of activity and sleep with respect to the BMR.

If after several weeks you have maintained your weight eating 3000 cals (for example)... you've found your BMR

EDIT: forgot to mention... when starting out, measure/weigh your food -know what a serving size is.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Great addition. Thanks brother.

guitarplayer1's picture

Nice write up cracker! lol I find it crazy that people would be wanting to jump on gear without already knowing this shit though. Kinda like the people you see in the gym that look the same month after month just going through the motions then leaving and eating whatever they want and they say oh i went to the gym today so i deserve this. Spinning their wheels what it is.

These are usually the same mofo's wearing spandex shorts and fucks that walk around the locker room with their used coffee filters exposed for all to see.

Owes a Review × 1
Engineereddisaster's picture

The magic pill mentality usually goes away after the first cycle. Smile