kodiakGRRL's picture
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+ 7 Primobolan Depot and Acetate


Primobolan or Primo comes in both injectible (depot) and tablet form (acetate). Primo is very popular with the women third in line to Anavar and Winstrol. It is also considered to be a "step" up into the world of injectibles for women. Primo does not aromatize. It is also a favorite because it can be utilized for either cutting or bulking cycles. Primo brings lean gains for women who are looking for size but not necessarily bulk.

Primo does have a reputation for being faked due to the expensive nature of the compound. The tabs (acetate) are unique in that they are not hard on the liver however, they do lose strength as they pass through the system and so larger dosages are required.

Typical Cycle
Primobolan Depot
50-150mgs per week
12-14 weeks
it takes approximately five weeks for the effects of primo to be felt

Primobolan Acetate
50-75mg per day
10-14 weeks

More experienced cyclers will front load and or stack with Anavar or Winny right up to competition as Primo is not known to cause water retention.

Side Effects
-notorious for hairloss - use nizoral or nioxin to help
-facial hair growth- nair ;-)
-sore throat/scratchy/cracky deepening voice..(that husky sexy voice you always wanted)
-clitoral sensitivity or enlargement
-oily hair
-interrupted menstrual flow..-( still can get cramps and bloating
-vaginosis or yeast infections

please keep in mind that this compound is not recommended for women who have little or no experience using aas

GulfCoastGorilla's picture

Now I've got a question. What if your Primo Acetate is injectable and not Oral. What is the program for that. Surely not 50-75mg ed still correct ?

HannaStrong's picture

I did the enanthate ester at 100mg shots twice a week. Try to get a hold of that as the acetate is in pill form and from what I found out not absorbed as well. Not sure how it would be via injection but from my understanding it should only be used oral. I had the option of the acetate as well in tablet form but opted for the inject longer acting version.

kodiakGRRL's picture

the ester makes it pinnable eod ...

griss's picture

In another post you stated,........150-200mg a week plus 50mg/day of acetate would be a solid primo cycle that you'd run for 20 weeks. Is the 50mg of acetate for frontloading? Run the acetate entire 20 weeks? Your info is a breath of fresh air.

kodiakGRRL's picture

that's what I use as a cycle with the ace at 50mg/day mind you the acetate form is technically supposed to be in tablet forms, the compound is difficult to get it to hold without a lot of pip in the injectible form unless you are using a lot of ethyl oleate ... I also run doses on the higher end that is what I respond to .... I don't know if that is due to my size or just the way my system process anabolics ..

HRDx25's picture

Want to use primo for cutting cycle, first time using injectable as, ran var twice before too much bloating and water retention. What is a good beginners dose?? Diet suggestions??

kodiakGRRL's picture

diet suggestions.... you might want to have that lined up prior to trying a cutting cycle. You'll find that the diet will take off 80-90% off the fat regardless of what compound you are using

GrowGirl's picture

Thanks for the info.. I was considering primo acetate for my next cycle.. what do you think about crushed primo tabs made into topical solution with the dsm gel for faster and safer absorbing. ? I hear it's also great for stubborn fat areas as well..
Just kicking around some ideas for now..just finished a short cycle of 6 weeks with var.

kodiakGRRL's picture

I think that transdermals while they sound wonderful arent all that .... I actually tried a transdermal test cream made by a ugl and found it to be somewhat disappointing especially the texture of the cream ... and it wasn't crushed up tabs... whats great for stubborn fat areas?? the cream or the steroid?

GrowGirl's picture

I was chatting with an old friend and told me about making the transdermal with primo. Then he mentioned some people had put the cream on stubborn areas like lower abs. They claimed it helped.
We all know the lower abs are the last to go..
As far as I always knew, spot reducing fat was never an option lol.
But however I thought I'd ask ; )

kodiakGRRL's picture

I ve never heard of anything that truly spot reduced fat that was actully real other than surgery etc ...

GrowGirl's picture

Love reading your posts and replys..you always seem to answer my questions in advance..thanks for the info..

kodiakGRRL's picture

Thank you ... and thank you for reading ;-)

AM030004's picture

Does anyone know how long I should wait to start an anavar cycle after completing a primo only cycle? I finished my first 12 week primo cycle about 6 weeks ago. I haven't had any problems except some minor acne on my back and shoulders, but it is almost gone. So is it too soon? I'd appreciate the help

kodiakGRRL's picture

get labs done ... are your hormone levels back to normal ?

ironhardempress's picture

i have a question about using Primobolan. I asked it on another forum but never got a straight answer, or guys answered that werent much help. ANyways, I still take birth control pills, microgestin (norethindrone and estradiol) despite being 53 because when i quit taking them I just felt flat out weird (Ive been on birth control pills since 1979). I started taking 50 mg injectable Primobolan per week a couple weeks ago. Should i continue my birth control pills? One of the reasons I didnt want to stop taking them is when i did stop my sex drive went right down and i am naturally a very frisky gal. Will the pills affect the effectiveness of the Primobolan? Thanks in advance

kodiakGRRL's picture

your issue is a lack of estrogen so when you stop taking them your estrogen levels plummet and you feel like garbage.... the pills don't have any significant effects on any type of women's cycle unless you are a top level bb'er and thats when the gals will drop the birth control .... otherwise the answer is ... no they dont affect your cycle

ironhardempress's picture

that is what i was thinking but really needed to know for sure. Thank you

little_miss's picture

Primo injectable is my absolute fav. I find I get more sides in anavar, Winnie's I use pre comp only.
At the moment I am using Turinabol, absolutely love it!

Skitty's picture

On that note ... When running both var and primo do you spli the doses of primo like of it was starting at 50...25/25 ... Or take it all at once? I guess I will give them a try since I gad good results on var I think if this cycle goes right I will love these results ... Hoping to hear some advice here ladies and gentlemen...

Skitty's picture

Hello there ladies! I am in the need of a little help here, I have previously cycle Var twice in the past two years and had great results with minimum side effect, I had good gains with it. My diet it's fairly clean but am planning for this next cycle to hopefully eat more to try to gain more mass. My question here is has anyone tried Var and Primo? I have plenty of Oral primo 50mg tablets I just got from a buddy of mine who prefers the oils but I would like to know how can I cycle this two componds together at what mg daily and for how long?. I know the oral primo is a lot weaker and therefore I am not sure what would be a good starting point... I have run Var starting at 5,10,15,20,25,20,15,10 and ending at 5. A little help would be appreciated...

kodiakGRRL's picture

have you run primo by itself?

Skitty's picture

No ma'am

kodiakGRRL's picture

Then you don't stack until you are familiar with the compound

Skitty's picture

So best choice is to run primo by itself, also do I just do one dose or is it best to split the daily doses? I will start at 50mg a day maybe work may way up to 75mg at some point... Before the cycle concludes do I want to taper down to 50 kinda like var or can I finish up at 75mg?

kodiakGRRL's picture

it is best to split but I don't bother anymore .. I tend to forget to take the other half .. in general I don't notice that much of a difference in sides by taking my orals all at once but I m usually running stacks with oils in addition to the oral ... run it at 50 for about two weeks to see if you need to bump it up to 75 ... i generally taper off everything even if it means i go eod for a week or so before coming off not necessarily dropping the dosage all the way down

Skitty's picture

Thank you very much I'll deff try it this way and see how that goes. I appreciate you answering my questions Smile

kodiakGRRL's picture

No problem ;-)

Crackerj82's picture

Hey everyone I am new to this and need a lot of advice. I am a 32 year old female competitor in figure. I will be competing in an international show in the spring, my first time competing at this level. My last off season prep I took anavar 10mg and Winnie 12.5. This season a friend of mine is suggesting primo enth for 10-12 weeks (bulking) and then have a 8-10 weeks off then go on my anavar and Winnie cycle as well as clen/t3 when I am in my cutting phase. I have never taken primo and don't know what to expect or how much to take or anything. When I was on the anavar and Winnie I had no real sides except increased sex drive and hair was coarse/oily. The reason he wants to put me on primo is to give myself a break from oral AS.... So do you guys think should I use primo (if so how long to run it and how much and how frequently do I pin a week) or should I just continue with anavar and Winnie for both of my bulking and cutting cycle?

kodiakGRRL's picture

I m kind of surprised you need to bulk for figure .. .. I ll let tony help you with this one as I m more inclined to say you don't need that .. bulk and cutting are more about diet than the tools you use to get there.

Crackerj82's picture

Actually just got word my coach likes my size she just wants me more cut. So my cutting cycle is what we need help on

tonytulo's picture

So follow your coach..... No need for multiple irons in the fire.

Crackerj82's picture

I am totally following my coach! But what about on season cutting cycle?

kodiakGRRL's picture

cutting is based on diet and training steroids build muscle and speed recovery

Crackerj82's picture

Well I came from absolutely nothing when it pertains from two shows ago (2 years) to where I am today. I need a little bit more size for this big show that I am doing in early spring. My coach wants me to put on a little bit more before I start my on season prep.

Crackerj82's picture

I guess it's just to keep me where I am at not sure if it's bulking but just to keep me stable. I am going to find out more when I talk to my friend about it tonight. I guess I just need a little bit more size then what I got.

tonytulo's picture

Up your rest periods during your training for example if you are taking 60 seconds between sets up it to 2 minutes , pull back on cardio , eat more food.... Don't add more drugs. You don't need primo to " keep you stable" ever and anyone who tells you that is dumb and doesn't give a shit about your health. Too many "coaches" slinging shit advice it seems.

kodiakGRRL's picture

size is about eating not compound and especially not primo ....

tonytulo's picture


Crackerj82's picture

Ok yeah like I said I am so new to this all...

Irishluck531's picture

My fiancé is on her 3rd cycle, she has done 2 anavar cycles at 20mg a day for 8 weeks, she just started her first winny cycle and is wanting to add primo to it, what would be the best way to stack these 2 compounds? She has shown to be very tolerable and never really gets any sides, would really appreciate ur input on this

tonytulo's picture

Have her make an account. So she can come on and talk and research with the other women bro.

Irishluck531's picture

This is kinda mine and her account she reads all of it with me I just help her out with the research and finding the info for her, wanna make sure she is doing it the safest way

tonytulo's picture

Cool. The reason I say that is because its tough to advise anyone when you don't know their goals, where they started from, what they look like etc etc etc. My wife is on here also. There's thousands of forums posts if you use the search function. But, to really get feed back from members its tough when people don know what she looks like, doesn't know what her goals consist of, her diet , training, the gains she's made from the beginning , history , you get the point. Be a lot easier for her to make an account and do a forum post that goes into detail. Body fat , muscle maturity , diet, training all that will determine what you get out of a cycle.

Irishluck531's picture

I hear you on that. She is 5'1 and Mexican Puerto Rican in Korean she is about 130lbs pretty lean last time she checked her bf it was 16%, her idol is Michelle Lewin, if u google her contest prep workout that's the workout she had just started, we do the IM fasting but still eat real lean and clean a lot of chicken salmon and other fish take all our liver supports and cycle supports, try and use more real foods than powders for proteins but still do a shake or 2 a day, she is wanting the lean out a lot and get really tone for the wedding and for the honeymoon, I know the winny is ok where she is at and its all pharmacom gear. Just wondering if stacking the primo at week 3 and run the primo for 8-9 weeks at 10-20 mg eod would be a good polishing off I know how to set her cycles up with a single aas it's just I know it gets a lil tricker when stacking with women

kodiakGRRL's picture

it would depend on the ester ... Ace is EOD enanthat would be 2x week

Irishluck531's picture

My fiancé just started a when he cycle at 10 mg a day and she wants to add Primo at 20 mg every other day during her third week of the Winstrol with that be a good combo you think?it seems you know a lot about this kind of stuff when it comes to women she's done three cycles of and of our all that 20 mg with eight weeks cycles never had any sides she tolerates these things very well so any input on this would be greatly appreciated thanks

kodiakGRRL's picture

my honest opinion is that unless she is competing ditch the winstrol all together it is a very harsh compound internally. You may look good on the outside but it is tearing your insides up. you'll have to play with the dose at 20 (it is low) and see how she reacts to it.. the other BIG issue here is you've got two unknown compounds going at the same time so it is going to be difficult to see which compound is giving her the best results/most sides.

Irishluck531's picture

Well she is only on the winny rightnow at 10 mg a day
She was thinking about adding the primo in around week 4 and run the primo 8-10 weeks from there
Winny will end at like week 5-6 won't run it any longer than that