7gothic's picture
  • 750

+ 1 EBC: Summer 2012



  1. Patsfit
    You were chosen because you added new muscle at an age where muscle is hard to come by and goes quickly. Keep the fact that you're wearing Depends Undergarments to yourself, and the youg guys at the gym will bow before you.

  2. Wallabookie
    You were chosen because you added beef as a seasoned bodybuilder, which is harder than doing it as a newb...MUCH harder. I could have went with Phil just as easily, but Phil leaned out and shredded so much. If this had been the next EBC (6 week comp) Phil would have won easily over everybody, and I expect him to place in the next one coming up in a couple weeks.
    Jhendo---You struck a great balance between fat loss and was still able to add significant muscle---a sure sign of effective, legit gear.

  3. Texbigboy
    You added significant beef to a tall lanky frame and an ugly face. That's not easy, and you may actually have a shot at attracting a woman now.

  4. Alphatiger
    You went from gyno to Rhino brother. When you first came here to eroids, I was sitting here looking at your pics, and I told grrrl..."this is exactly the type of guy who should not be jumping into steroid use---not until he loses some fat and builds a little muscle". You have done that and more my friend.


EBC Rules: 

needs an update

EBC Donors: 

EBC START DATE-------7-14-12
EBC END DATE---------10-1-12

eire77's picture

Good man im ready to roll :-) the last ebc first time id diet properly with a cut, so im lookin forward to doin a bulk properly lots good food!!

shrapnel's picture

My "Beast Bulk" Pack is in the mail and enroute to me right now! Freezer full of food, fully stocked on sups,Girlrilla has had battle lecture, ITS GO TIME!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

subs33's picture

Damn..your doin this ebc as well..patsfit aka gorilla fit couldnt do two ebc's in a row..Maybe cause he won..lol Right on bro..lookin forward to this. The first ebc we had loads of people, but not all finished..the more the merrier. The first ebc was the shiz..lots of chat and good times with that first ebc..we had at least 6 or 7 members make awsome gains...

This will be my first..I need the drive to eat a high protien diet consistantly. I made very little gains with my last test/deca cycle due to poor diet..Im not goin to let it happen again

shrapnel's picture

Diet is key! Yeah I'm physched! Yeah i didn't win so I'm in;) Kinda sucks though going from one extreme to another with not much time between......but be a short run so ill take long break after this run.Super excited though.Gonna sit down and work on MY diet for once this weekend... and start stepping things up mon.

Eminemsroyaltys's picture

I got no sponsor

subs33's picture

You dont need a sponcer..you can represent...usualy people who get sponcered are choosen for a reason..wether it be good genetics,good consistancy, and other factors..an SRC is goin to want to see someone make some kikass gains with thier oils, so the community will be wise to thier quality shiz..so, if an src see's your photos and reads alot of your post and knows youll be in it to win it. Then some times they will choose to sponcer you..Almost like being sponcered for supplements...lol except, this is a bit more true to the game. ;)

subs33's picture

txbigboy was sponcered by roidseek..roidseek was or is in the top 3 src's due to ebc..thats just my thoughts..

everclese's picture

is it bulk or bf loss? I want to compete, gonna be hard either way for me bro already almot 6% and w/ my long hours in heat lotta work to eat rice and oats for me

eire77's picture

Big old bulk:-) im sure their be rules and a pic poses posted soon bro ,one thing i dont need worry about is the heat and sun its all rain fucking rain......

eire77's picture

yeah your skinny ass in :)) cool bro pm me if you need help with your diet :)))

eire77's picture

dbl post edit

subs33's picture

Are you using oils from our src's??? I remeber thier was a grey area as to whom you were representing..I know if i lived in a country where I can buy test straight from a legit pharmecy i would be hittin it.

anyways, welcome and I will be happy to see your gains. Ill pm you about diet, if thats cool..You, should have your pro card if you dont already..no?

subs33's picture

Yes indeed and your the man with the plan, when it comes to diet..Viking and sarge already have thier students, so i will be asking tips from you, my bro msus504, and hopefully suzy...

Thanks phil..

subs33's picture

Cool..naw im good with a diet plan. I may ask a question, but dont plan to bug ya brah..so, no worries..lol

GH huh...niiice. I have always feared GH because of pictures i seen of side effects. Like people with an arm longer then another ect...This was back in the 90's though.lol good luck Phil..

Ya, still got that rice steamer??...i pulled mine out of closet and have been steaming veggies and rice ect..i love it.

Gorillafit's picture

Hands tighter than a Virgin? Wait a minute, mine are still all loose and experienced! I'm still waiting for the GH to magically fix all my old ass parts! LOL ;-P

shrapnel's picture

Glad to see you up in here phil! Great vids btw!!!! Me and Girlrilla checking them out earlier! Fuck bro bulk anymore and you will freakin' explode! lol!

Gorillafit's picture

7Gothic was shooting for the 14th last I saw.

Gorillafit's picture

Yeah thats what he said he would be posting required poses and rules. We're all waiting.

eire77's picture

Phil one of your arms longer than the other lmao :-) :-) dude you need go easy on that gh :-) :-)

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Goth hurry up and have our page ready for tomorrow buddy. I been needing this for motivation

Gorillafit's picture

Thats enough of the trash talk! None of you kids stand a chance now, GNC has agreed to let me combine my GNC Gold Card and AARP discounts so I'm set! LOL ;-P

AlphaTiger2011's picture


shrapnel's picture

Well took your advice and have been drinking a 12 pack every night , smoking a pack a day, eating mcdonalds and playing x-box to prep me for this ebc!!!! Don't think i got the full 30 years of damage..... but i sure as hell tried ;);)

Gorillafit's picture

You should be all rested up now and ready to go! Don't forget to put a finger smudge on the camera lens to blur the before pics! LOL ;-P

subs33's picture

Bump! Some members think EBC is over Mid October. Here states that it ends the first of October.. Only reason it matter's is cause the extra couple weeks could help me focus on a last six week fast esterer dosage and ratio: ect ect...

shrapnel's picture

x2. I thought it was the tenth ... guess its the first! Good looking out.

fast48's picture

grrls reply was tenth October. Sent pm to shrapnel when i got reply to spread word. But dunno now what happens with ebc???

pharamacuticali's picture

when is the next ebc? i need to get on this shit.

Gorillafit's picture

Your in an old thread from the summer EBC. The new EBC should start in a few weeks. It will probably have a banner ad up top of the pages.

popeboy1's picture

I could have swore I was in this, man has my boyz forgotten me that quick lol

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