Skinnyboy63's picture
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Trying to [bulk] pretty fast for a wedding in 17 weeks


Trying to bolt pretty fast but also want to stay away from 19-Nor products this is my fifth cycle
I weigh 185 lb (want to be 230lb) 6'2 and 42 years old I've done test, tren,deca,EQ. Any advice would be appreciated I know there's a few guys on here that could really help me out on my cycle
Thank you to everybody that can help and share some of their advice

Rosschestzip's picture

I haven’t heard it used since like 2019 lol

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ya you can take it with anything as far as I know, there’s no complications with mixing it with anything. It’s a growth hormone secretaguge so if you were using growth hormone you might wanna lower your dose but that’s about it. Also what helped me with appetite was just a simple cbd vape pen. There was a clearance on them at a gas station near me and I bought like ten. First two weeks of using it I probably gained like 6 pounds just cause I kinda had the munchies without realizing it. And I didn’t get high from it, I hate the weed high so if I felt it at all I wouldn’t have used it

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I have my marijuana card i've smoked it so long it don't give me the munchies no matter how much I smoke

Rosschestzip's picture

Also if you want to look your best for this one day you can bulk and gain as much as you want but visually fat loss as more short term effect in your appearance. So If it were me, I’d bulk and gain as much as you can and then when you have like 4 or 5 weeks I’d start cutting. Fat loss even changes the way your face looks, and for most guys a skinny face is more attractive than a fuller face. Just google pictures of faces before and after diets or like weight cutting face shots. Also if you do it that way, you don’t want to just lose weight in that second half, you want to lose fat, because you just put all that time into gaining muscle, you don’t want to lose it. So you’d still want to keep eating a good amount of food, but lower the carbs and increase protein, and start doing cardio. Cardio can also help increase your appetite but also burns more calories. I’d say getting shredded and cutting is your best bet but I know for me I always wanna bulk bulk bulk, so I have hard time watching the numbers on the scale go down, so I def understand if you’d rather bulk, but I’m just saying for the ladies, your better off cutting. Then you can show chicks at the wedding your 6 pack.l

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Skinnyboy63's picture

What would be a good cycle do you recommend to do that something that would help with appetite at first I have on hand adrol,test e an c, tren e, EQ, mast e,deca an npp, I have dhb on the way caber, aromasin ( I have a six pack now) the picture isn't doing me no justice but I do want to be bigger I look in the mirror and I see the 155 lb dude that I've been most of my life I did my first cycle at 37-38 if I need to get anything just let me know I was thinking about going with the one guy that said do a dhb cycle so I ordered some last night I ordered five of them and every cycle that I've done has been low dose except for the EQ test cycle and whatever it is that'll help me eat more and I don't mind pinning everyday

Rosschestzip's picture

Idk it’s hard to say because really any cycle can give you any results. It’s kinda like your on or your off and then diet and training will decide the outcome. Dhb is good, I love masteron. I did test masteron and dhb togethor and it worked pretty good. Also for weight gain anadrol was really good but after a few days it can make your appetite worse because of the toxicity. There’s a guy on here named Makwa who wrote up great article on DHb and another one on anadrol, you should read those and also read his stuff on training and diet. Go up to the search bar and type in “Makwa” and then click on basically any of the links and then click his picture to bring you to his page, on his page you can click the three little dots to show more and click forums and that’ll be a whole list of everything’s he written. He’s like The Godfather here but he’s been taking a break for a few months, he’s a pro bodybuilder and is full of knowledge.

Honestly a good dose of test and one other compound of your choice (besides tren) plus orals, and mk-677 that’s gunna be the best cycle to gain weight. The orals have been the most “weight gaining” things I’ve used. But there the most toxic for your body and the toxicity a lot of times effects your appetite. But also without food not a single cell in your body will grow.

Imagine your building a house and your boss buys you a million dollars worth of tools(the tools are the steriods) and he says “you now have the top of the line tools build me a house” but he doesn’t give you a single brick, 2x4 or anything. (Bricks and wood are the food). You wouldn’t be able to build anything, literally nothing. That’s just like gaining muscle with steriods. You can buy every single steriod under the sun and take them all in the perfect combination and you will gain exactly ZERO pounds without an abundance of food. And using steroids you’ll actually need even more food. So just remember the food is about ten times more important than steroids. Also just an FYI I never gained a pound on tren, just kinda cut me up a little and it’s the most unhealthy substance so I just wouldn’t use it

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Rosschestzip's picture

That’s the anadrol and dhb write ups but try and find his other ones on nutrition and training and really everything

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I've read a few of them now he has some really good stuff thanks for informing me

Skinnyboy63's picture

Thank you man I'm going to read all his articles

Skinnyboy63's picture

Thank you I was thinking of mk-677 for appetite. When I ran EQ it gave me a good appetite but at the end I didn't run it long enough I'm going to order some now

NWApatches's picture

You sir are a duck. This forum is flooded with y'all. Truth - your not eating 5 k calories daily. Or you wouldn't be 185-195 w.e also your on cycle five and you look like you go to the gym and hang out in the men's room cruising for boys. YOU GOT YOUR FUCKING ANSWER. EAT MORE FOOD. AND I CAN TELL BY YOUR PIC YOU DONT TRAIN RIGHT BUT HOW CAN YOU IF YOU DONT EAT RIGHT. stupid as fuck dude hands all in your pockets n shit

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I wouldn't want to take your job dude

JakeKO's picture

How could he possibly be training seriously in a pair of slides??? SMH

Rosschestzip's picture


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wanted's picture

Oh stop. Ride it out

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Stokes500's picture

Brother you need to right back to basics because what your doing just isn’t working. 5 cycles deep and you have run tren and this is where it’s got you.
Start be worrying about your diet, how many calories are you taking in and what macros? Do you use an app to record and monitor your intake? You definitely should. Yeah I hear you you have a fast metabolism your a hard gainer, so is every skinny guy until you actually break down what there eating and how there training. What are you eating in a day ? It’s 06:55 am here and Ive been awake nearly 2 hours here’s what I’ve eaten already … 250ml low fat chocolate milk with 10 liquid egg whites , large jar of over night oats with mixed berries and golden syrup , a bagel with peanut butter and a banana. When I get to the gym and opened up I’ll eat 4 rashers of back bacon with 2 wholemeal slices of toast and 4 scrambled eggs, I’ll train shoulders today about 10am and as soon as I finish I’ll drink 250ml low fat choc milk with 10 liquid egg whites and 50 gram of dextrose. Then I’ll wing it from there probably go out for dinner and have stake or butterfly chicken with new potatoes depending on if the mrs wants to meet up or not on her break. I will then have 2 more meals and another shake or 2.
That’s the reality of eating for the size you’re after. Looking at your picture and history with gear, you’re not eating like that bro.
How long do you train for ? I train 45 min to an hour any more than that is counter productive for me at this size as I can’t recovery or eat the extra calories would require.
Do you know your gears legit? I would be looking through the reviews here and finding my self a good source.
You want to put 45lbs on it can be done but it’s going take dedication and discipline stick around read and learn, you want help then post up your diet over a few days and your training log and I will gladly have a look see where I think your going wrong and I’m sure others will. Honestly I don’t think gear is your problem I think it’s diet training recovery so let’s get that in order then maybe talk gear. Understand though there’s no magic pill or magic number it’s just self improvement from knowledge that comes with time and dedication. Now if you want to see real size ask @NWApatches to show you his watch

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I eat the same thing every morning 5 eggs 4 prices of white bread I have instant oatmeal packages flavored I usually put four packages in a bowl and a banana a protein shake that says 750 calories 60 g of protein that's in the shake and that's in between breakfast and lunch my boss is a dick and a slave driver I do have chips in the truck and I'll grab a few here and there when I can or peanut butter crackers
For lunch I usually eat two quarter pounders with a large fry or two Whoppers with a large fry than I do a protein shake in between lunch and dinner then for dinner I usually eat a big lean steak or lean hamburger 93% an I usually eat a pint of ice cream before I go to bed
Now for working out I'm probably overdoing it I go to the gym 5 nights a week and I'm usually there for 2 to 4 hours a night and my sleep is all messed up that could be a cause too I only get three to five hours sleep

Rosschestzip's picture

That’s like 7000 calories plus a 4 hour workout and your 5th cycle? You must be like 240? Oh wait your names skinny boy and you say your 175 but you meant 195? No one who weighs 195 calls themself skinny boy and desperately NEEDS to bulk. I’m guessing the 195 isn’t the truth and either is 185, your probably more like 175, eat about 2800 calories and maybe train 45 mins. If I’m wrong and your telling the truth, then no one here can help you and you need a doctor STAT!!!.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I told you my intake is 3,000 to 5,000 calories
200-220 g protein a day and I'm not running a cycle right now I'm on trt

Skinnyboy63's picture

My name is the first thing that I thought of and I have no reason to lie when I wake up tomorrow before I eat or drink anything I'll weigh myself and send you a pic if I weigh myself right now I'll probably be closer to 200 or 200. I'm 6'2 195lb in the morning soon as I wake up before I eat and in my boxers

Rosschestzip's picture

It’s cool man, you don’t have to prove anything to me, I’m just some random idiot on the internet lol. I’m just saying all that shit you listed is an insane amount of calories. , 2 750 cal shakes pint of ice cream is 1000-1300. 2 Big Macs are like 800 each plus a large fry . Steak, 5 eggs 4 toast, 4 packs of oatmeal. That’s a fuck ton of food at least 5,000 calories plus snacks and drinks . I considered myself a hard gainer until I actually ate 5,000 cal, I can gain almost a pound a day eating like that. If you actually track your food on an app, you’ll probably be surprised at just how little your eating. And basically you just need to eat more. If your eating 10,000 calories and not growing, you still just need to eat more. It really is that simple. Tomorrow actually eat everything you just said you eat and repeat and you’ll gain 6 pounds by next week, I promise you and if you don’t, then idk what to tell you lol. And if your spending 4 hours in the gym and not puking or being so weak you can’t walk out, then your doing something wrong. your just a medical anomaly I guess

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I've been eating the same way for a while now no I can't tell you this about 3-4 months ago I was real sick and got all the way down to 170 lb maybe 165 lb I jumped right back up to 195 lb pretty quick but I just can't get past 200lb and that's 200 lb in the morning before I eat and in my boxers

Steeltoad777's picture

I eat 6-7 small-mediun size meals a day, plus healthy snacks in-between, plus one or two protein shakes, plus I usually cram in a 600-1000 calories weigh gainer before bed.

You can grow on anavar or winstrol if you're eating correctly.

I've always been a hard gainer. I've always known that food is more or at least as important as drugs. Its taken me years to fully understand and believe that tho.

Skinnyboy63's picture

I have adrol I guess I need some tricks to eating more I can't get past 5500 calories and with that many calories all day I feel like I'm going to puke feel like shit

Stokes500's picture

The math don’t math for me there’s no way your weight is 185lbs and your eating 5500 calories a day and not growing, even without gear and shit training you would be gaining weight fast even if it was fat, and at 185 if your consuming 5500 calories and burning it as fuel you would look amazing you would be shredded muscle stage ready. With intense training your maintenance is 2600 calories and at 3600 calories you would be gaining around 1kg per week at 5500 you would be gaining fast really fast

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Skinnyboy63's picture

My calories right now ranges from 3,000 5,000 a day if I go to 5,500 I feel like shit and all day I feel like I'm going to puke

anvil's picture

I out weight you by 50-60 lbs my BMR is 3700. It doesn't just add that's why you catching so much flak buddy. You said no 19nors in your title and are trying to take npp and tren. Truth that every person who is what you want to be is diet, training and then gear. You can't inject diet and training. 5 cycles at 185 6 2 you are small. Eat, train use the amount of gear that has you seeing results.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

Tren didn't mess with me like Deca did and I gained the most weight off of that cycle and only lost about 12 to 15 lb
But also I only did EQ for 12 weeks and it should have went for 20 so I would have probably had better results on that one

Skinnyboy63's picture

196lb you mean

Skinnyboy63's picture

I have caber on the way but I'm thinking about going the dhb way

NWApatches's picture

Welp that's what it takes. If you can't do it back up off it and do something else.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

No I'm 195lb it wouldn't let me edit
I didn't catch it until I already posted it

KonstantViktory's picture

Blow up on Sustanon 250 and some AI. Start at 100mg EOD and work your way up, at a steady pace if you can afford and handle it. Dial in on a quality Arimidex and find a good dosing protocol that works. Bloodwork would be necessary for true introspective analysis but usually no more than 1mg total per day is needed, and that's usually for 1 gram plus weekly. What I'm recommending you start with is somewhere around 500mg - then titrate upwards as quickly as you are looking for size. The old guys in the 90s used to run about 1ml per day of preloads on average and whatever orals or nolvadex there was available back in the TJ days of easy OTC blowing up on a quick day pass to Mexico, or week long stay or whatever. Some guys would even blow through 20-30mls of preloads in a single 3-4 day stay and be good for a few months.

Bulking is easy with large amounts of good food (pick up olive oil for sure, the good kind) and a couple of huge front loads of testosterone - with that being said I've recommended STARTING at a stable modernized approach of 500mg weekly and using AI control. I also recommended the possibilities of affording the titrate into, say perhaps, the 2-3 gram per week range. You'll get fucking huge if you eat like a tank. 230lbs will be easily achieved at 2-3 grams peak dosing with 4000-6000 calories daily. Do your cardio, train abs, train hard, control the E, and pick up a hardening oral to blast the fuck in on the last week before the wedding. Find a good prohormone or dry sarm from a supplement shop and eat the bottle up in a week aylmao.

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JakeKO's picture

His ass will end up in the hospital using this advice, LOL. The first part of his body to blow up will be his heart, LOL. Your 500mg per week and a lot of good food was great advice though.

NWApatches's picture

Blast 2-3 grams per week to achieve the goal he's aiming for? He's 42... 185... Bulking is obviously difficult for him because it comes down to food.. Ive never ran even a gram of any gear and achieved 255. Why would he need to blast 2-3 grams per week??

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I'm 195lb

NWApatches's picture

Well you obviously need to be two hundred something to do something

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23Sparta's picture

You already ready know brother, you gots to EAT to grow.

Steroids ain’t got shit on food

Skinnyboy63's picture

Yes sir but I eat trust me my metabolism is real fast

UncleYoked's picture

My metabolism is fast and I've gotten closer to 300 than 200
I ate like a dump truck though. My breakfast took almost 2hrs, giant bowl of cottage cheese about a dozen eggs, sausage, bacon, maybe 1/4 cup of PB, 2 bagels ( used to cut up the eggs and put it on them with bacon), bowl of oatmeal and some other shit. I could have made it quicker but I was working on constantly packing food in and this was an all you can eat buffet I'd go to every morning before work and close it out. They hated me at first because I would go back multiple times, after a while they just gave up and would give me everything at once so I didn't have to keep coming back, it was a real chore. My midnight snack before bed was a protein shake or water and half jar of natty PB, scoop and swallow, vegan oysters. All day was focused around FOOD. When I was doing long distance endurance, I learned to eat while moving, all kinds of shit too, krispy kreme donuts, pizzas, burritos i learned were a no no, cans of pie filling, anything packed with fat and sugar was gold. Point being, find ways and time to get more calories in, if you're eating a lot now, eat more than a lot.

simonmagus84's picture

You should go on that show Yoke vs food

Skinnyboy63's picture

Hey bud I sent you a p.m. bud

Skinnyboy63's picture

Yes sir good info thanks man I'm going to try to eat more I usually do a protein shake in between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner should I do more of those too

UncleYoked's picture

During my bulk phases, I'd only have maybe 2-3 protein shakes a week, food is the secret

Skinnyboy63's picture

I'm grabbing some mk677 now for my appetite

UncleYoked's picture

It'll help but even with that, there will be times you won't want to eat. That's why I started scooping and drinking PB.

Skinnyboy63's picture

What would you recommend uncle yoked cuz when I go past 5,000 calories I feel like I'm going to puke all day and I feel like shit and I'll leave work

23Sparta's picture

You learned that in prison

wanted's picture

Real food is better than shakes. But maybe your body isnt getting the full nutrients from the food your eating
Do you take a digestive enzyme or have pineapple with your meat meals ..

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I'm going to get the supplements you were saying