MSTRKLLR's picture
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New to break genetic ceiling, I guess...


Hey there, I am 40 yrs 5'6" 168lbs. I cant get past this level, and I've been stuck here years. The hard part is, I have to be under 170lbs for my job, unless I tape. I run about 3 miles a day, and do a push pull leg routine. I'm attempting this to help me get better at my job and overall health. If you look at the cycle, I want to add arimidex somewhere in there. Please advise...

120mg x 220mg
JakeKO's picture

Absolutely not recommending every day pinning, LOL. More like .50 mg of Sus two times per week

MSTRKLLR's picture

Thank you for the wisdom. I put an order in for Rad 140 just after I read you post. Sustanon seems to be a beginner's choice from what I just read. After I try this SARM cycle, I may give it a shot.

JakeKO's picture

STF you fuckin know it all! When the hell did I suggest every day pinning? This poor guy is trying to avoid pinning at all. Why the hell would I suggest that??? Why don’t you start busting his balls for blood work now like you do to everyone else, yet haven’t posted your own fucking over a year

JakeKO's picture

Whatever, Bro! Only someone’s who’s been touched would even consider using that terminology.

JakeKO's picture

Not pissed, just annoyed with your know it all, red font using superiority. Are you scared that your douche bag opinion may be ignored because 90% of your responses on here are pompous, belittling remarks??? The other 10% of your responses are ratting people out, or asking about bloodwork, LOL. Everyone on here has been cooler than usual lately, and that all kinda started when your ass went missing for two weeks.

Now, back to the topic at hand. The terminal half-life of testosterone propionate is approximately 19 hours, and thus suggested injection intervals are every 2–3 days to achieve maintained therapeutic response. Ok, so someone who takes Sust would get the initial boost of Prop twice if only pinning twice per week, as the other esters will build up and come into play later on. The guy was considering using it in a cycle, not TRT. Why not have two beefier days you could work you tougher workout days around? Was your first cycle so fucking lame that you insist everyone else’s should be? Or is it, that you’re more experienced, made your own stupid mistakes, and learned the perfect ways to run everything, and now demand everyone follow your every word about everything? Bold red fonts???? C’mon man, that’s a perfect example of someone that knows no one wants to hear what they have to say.
Ya see, when a person has as much knowledge as you do, and responds to others in a respectful way, people listen. It’s cool to correct people, by all means, I don’t mind being corrected, but do you really need to be a douche bag about it??? You may feel that Sust needs to be pinned ED or EOD, but that’s your own opinion. Maybe it’s better if your planning to abuse the drug, but I disagree, and feel that it can’t be used in a milder way,, because kit works for me, bloats me the least, and is how I feel at my best. If I run C or E, by the third week I start bloating. When I run Prop alone, and have to miss a pin for some reason or other, I feel the crash coming on by the next day. That’s sucks for me, so I prefer an ester blend so I can miss a day here and there without crashing. I’m sorry that’s not in the “Rusty Douche Bag” handbook, but it works for me.

Moving forward, I take my place in the back of the room and leave the podium open for you to be a complete douche bag to everyone. The stage is all yours, douche bag!

And ultimately, using Pedophilia as a humorous way to belittle someone is fucking disgusting dude. Find another source of humor. Or are you one of those guys that get caught with thousands of naked young children on your hard drive. How can you feel that is something funny to joke about???? You’re a fucking loser for that kind of shit, dude! You should be ashamed of yourself, really. Fucking disgusting.

Tren rant over.

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Can i get a pic of that fruit basket ol trusty?

Drexyl's picture

I’m not taking a side in this one, but sustanon is great, or bad. There’s a way to run it, and a way not to do it. EOD even every three days for a total of 500mg a week gave me outstanding results. The pip is what turns me away. Doesn’t matter how low the dose, and yes I’ve had legit pharmaceutical, the stuff hurts. I can run short esters, but testosterone hurts delivered like that. Would I do it again? Yes. The results are amazing, but you need to figure out your acceptable area. Or for me pain level lol

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

I agree....I prefer sust above all others..although i hav yet to try tne, i hear thats painful lol.. And im totally taking sides...Fuckin hate midgets, they just creep me out with them little arms and weird fingers...

Drexyl's picture

Don’t forget the feet, little sausage toed midget feet… the toes would be like a small mouthful of grapes.

MSTRKLLR's picture


Drexyl's picture

One thing to keep in mind, and this is probably my age speaking for me, if you get yourself in trouble with testosterone, or a nandrolone, or anadrol, the odds are a doctor can get you out of that trouble. The stuff has been around the 1950s or earlier. If you get yourself in trouble with RAD140 or any of these new SARMs, you may have a very hard time finding a knowledgeable endocrinologist to bail you out. Probably me being half an old fart, but it’s realistic advice. Hope this all works out for you.

Drexyl's picture

Facts, the pound of prevention is worth the pound of cure.

JakeKO's picture

I know absolutely nothing about SARMS, so I can’t help you there, Bro. Good luck with it. Watch this video below. This guy is supposed to really know his shit about SARMS. Some people don’t care for him, but I think he gives some good advice

MSTRKLLR's picture

Good video. I wish it was longer...

JakeKO's picture

Here’s another video he made about it

JakeKO's picture


Here is another video he made about how to run it

MSTRKLLR's picture

Great videos, peaked my interest.

MSTRKLLR's picture

Sweet thanks! I'll check it out later

MSTRKLLR's picture

Nice, thanks a lot. SARMS seems like a way for me to get my foot in the door safely. And I'll use all of your knowledge to go from there...
I'll be asking questions throughout this journey

ONESICK's picture

SARMS aren't exactly safe. I wouldn't even say safer. Many have the same side effects as actual gear, some worse. Especially if you have no idea what you're doing. You are going to crush your natural testosterone production by the end of an 8 week cycle. Depending on what you take and how you respond you will gain weight fairly quick. Often half of which will be water. Given PCT goes perfectly you will lose the water and lose about 20% of the muscle and strength you gained. That's best case scenario. Worst case is you have a hard time recovering your natural test production. Spending half a year trying to regain it. It's the name of the game.

MSTRKLLR's picture

Its weird, all anecdotes point to the benefits. They also sell that product so it may be one sided

ONESICK's picture

Given you have everything on point, training, diet and sleep just like gear. SARMS do what they're supposed to do. Buying from a legit lab that produces good shit will give you pretty good results. Can, CAN be very comparable to gear. Some people react differently to some compoounds. Like I reacted fine to LGD and RAD but I know guys that got gyno from the. Same as gear, it's a lot of genetic respnse. Some people get very little negatives.