NoodlesSubQ's picture
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+ 2 Is it apparantly obvious when you're on gear?


I've had a good number of people start treating me a little differently recently and a fair amount of people telling me that I look like i'm hitting the gym. Thing is, i've been on a good diet and exercising 3-4/week for like 2 years before I got on cycle, and got maybe a few comments a year about it.

Is it aparantly obvious when you're on cycle?

I'm only on 300mg/week of test E, which seems low for most cycles here.

Tradesman34's picture

Just say yes, I work out , and like to stay healthy... nothing at all wrong with taking care of your body. Should get treated with more respect if anything

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Drexyl's picture

Did the OP get banned?

JEX30Sex's picture

I think too young and if you go back through his posts his cycle history and data are inconsistent to say the least. This is a great post though as reading through the thread a lot of what is said has gone through my head.

Catalyst's picture

I think so

Drexyl's picture

Luckily they run a pretty tight ship here, I’m sure it was for a valid reason.

Catalyst's picture

Youngster I think. Bit too young for gear

Drexyl's picture

Yeah, I didn’t know that. Like I said, a tight ship.

FatBoy26's picture

I would say so.

press1's picture

A lot of it depends on what you are running I think - if its just low Test like you are on then it will be more subtle, but I imagine you have still gained at least 14lbs on it so far so anyone gaining that amount of weight in a few months is going to look noticeably bigger esp. if they haven't seen you in a while. If the person is on Test, Deca and DBol then it is very obvious, virtually everything about that persons look will change. The body will bulk instantly even though a lot of it is water weight it still looks like muscle bulk, their face will change and become bigger and will also appear more masculine and less youthful, they will constantly look like they have just trained with a flushed face often due to higher BP and estrogen, acne you name it. Assuming they train shoulders and traps these will be the most noticeable areas due to them having the most androgen receptors. Then again though I was accused plenty of times of being on gear when I trained natty just because I looked lean and had muscle, so opinions can vary.

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FatBoy26's picture

I deliberately exclude training my traps for that reason. Doing a sales job I’m concerned my clients will feel intimated lol. People judge unfortunately.

Bill1976's picture

Yes! It’s very obvious if you do it right.

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FatBoy26's picture

300 will yield gains. You should be able to feel the results mate. As for it being obvious to others …… only if you tell them. And that is personal decision, it’s your business. Remember all of these people commenting haven’t injections steroids before, they don’t know. I would keep it that way only because there’s no benefit to telling them.
In the past if people commented on my physique I would say ‘ lots of hard work ‘

How do you mean they’re treating you differently. ? Some people are jealous that you care about your body and put the time and work in while they don’t..

FatBoy26's picture

What are you like in conversations with women ? I suspect not great. I used to be that way until I learned. Follow David Wygant and Zan Perrion …. Very helpful indeed…

FatBoy26's picture

That’s heartwarming to hear. I was bullied at school and it did effect my confidence. Then I discovered boxing. I promise you bro if you learn to box it will make you a nicer more likable person. It effects and elevates ALL areas of life. I’m more patient with people, expressively happier and significantly more confident. In social situations when I talk people listen.
I used to be like you and it’s horrible. Saying something then it would go ignored, trying to pick the best time to open up and feeling the anxiety. learn boxing, Muay Thai or MMA…. It will change your entire life mate …. Just do it.

I think when people see you put on a bit if size it’s an expression to the world you respect yourself. You’re doing something they aren’t.

press1's picture

I was extensively bullied in school also bud for many years, even though I just tried to go unnoticed and keep out of others way. It definitely does effect you as a person and what little confidence you do have goes out of the window. Then you generally become a more anxious person as you become hyper aware of how you are acting and what you say, fearing anything you do say will be attacked or laughed at. So something that makes you able to fight and defend yourself especially when younger I can imagine is invaluable because your confidence in turn grows so much that you literally no longer even care what others think as people either like you or they don't. Kinda the same with training and getting bigger because people do show you more respect and stop taking the piss, so in turn your confidence grows. The Bullies will always be out there that's for sure, there are plenty of them lurking in internet forums and are easy to spot. However you'll always have the last laugh as when you look at them they will always be the ones that have never achieved anything, and generally hate all the others that have Smile

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FatBoy26's picture

There was once I had to take my top off for a nurse in front of my wife at the time. The nurses eyes and expression was very provocative indeed. My wife’s eyes were full of fury, she was not impressed at all. When we left the surgery I said to her ‘ I like being a man ‘.

FatBoy26's picture

Best revenge is massive success.

The saddest part and something people need to be aware of as they get older is that hurt people hurt others. Usually partners.

Lets face it its a good feeling walking into the store to get a new phone and you can just feel the atmosphere shifts slightly because you walked in. People just treat you different.
However I would be absolutely embarrassed if someone felt intimidated by my presence…. Occasionally at social gatherings Ive meet insular people. I’ve gone out of my way to show them im no threat by befriending them showing interest in their life while no one else is talking to them. I don’t care how you look or how cool or uncool you are …. Getting to the point where you don’t need validation off the cool kids is important.

Makwa's picture

I don't think so. Most people on AAS look completely natty. The few who take it serious with diet and training may even start to look like they are on gear when they are not and get falsely accused of being on. Few guys at my gym who look like they have ran a cycle or two because I personally helped with their diet and training but I know are completely natty. What is obvious is when you have diet and training dialed in. that is whay really transforms your physique. Now once you are way above your natural carrying capacity of muscle then it starts to become obvious, but few really get to that point. 5'5" @ 195lbs and 5% BF is pretty obvious Lol
The ones who I can tell are obviously on gear are the ones who look like the Michelin man with acne all over. That is pretty obvious. For the record, I only supplement with creatine.

Drexyl's picture

I must have body image issues, I’ll look in the mirror and say to myself “fuck, for all that I do I should be looking a lot better than this!” And I’ll see a guy 10 feet away and say to myself that’s how I should be looking, that guy is doing something I’m not. Then the bizarre happens, and this has happened more than once, the guy will walk in front of me and I see us both in the mirror and suddenly I look amazing, very amazing, leaps and bounds bigger and better shape than him, then he’s out of the picture and I see Pee Wee Herman looking back at me in the mirror. Truly a strange experience.

Claudezilla's picture

That would be our crippling body dysmorphia lol same shit happens to me all the time…

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Big Tone36's picture

I tell my wife this 70% of the males at the gym are on juice. These young fkrs look like they started training last week but back, shoulder and chest full of acne. I see young girls like this too.... not good

JEX30Sex's picture

For those of us on gear and know the symptoms it's easy to see. "Game recognize game" -Rollo from The Boondocks

TrainElite's picture

No it's not obvious that you're on cycle to 99.9% of people. Now down the road if you eventually keep putting in the hard work in the gym, eat like a horse and get huge then a few random people that it might be noticable to would only really be another big guy who's used gear himself to help himself get big or whatever. It's one of those things, much like how big guys notice other big guys in the room. Regardless of how quick you got there, it was still a ton of hard work and dedication that clearly got you there. The main thing is how you feel about yourself and your hard work. Be proud of the looks and comments as they are just an added bonus.

JakeKO's picture

Not really. It will be more obvious that you’re taking better care of yourself, and training hard. Now, further down the road, people may assume, but will only know if you tell them, so don’t. They will only discredit your efforts, and use it against you as an excuse for them still looking like shit. Any knowledgeable person running gear knows one important thing, gear isn’t Miracle Grow for humans! It takes a lot of HARD work and proper dieting to see any noticeable results from it. No one else needs to know you’re running gear but you, so keep it to yourself.

Bearded_muscle's picture

I’ve heard this question before, the answer? No. It isn’t obvious. But it is obvious if you’re on gear and you’re using it properly.

Big Tone36's picture

Is this your first cycle?

Yes your appearance will most certainly change, your face can take on a different look, you will feel fuller your neck gets thicker etc. It's harder for you to tell because you see your self 5000x /day in the mirror but if someone didn'tsee you for 2-3 weeks you'll look bigger. Even as a veteran now using anabolics for 2 decades I can definitely see a difference when I'm "on". Don't underestimate the power of only 300mg/test, I'm glad your starting at this dose and not going to extreme. Remember it's a marathon not a race. Training and your diet will dictate how well you look and gains you make