JakeKO's picture
  • 2.3k

+ 7 My Carnivore Meal Prep


Gotta love my wife. Come home to find her meal prepping my new Carnivore meals. She thinks I’m crazy, but loves the way I’m looking since starting this diet. God bless her!

Shout out to @press1 and @UncleYoked for all the Carnivore advice. So far so good!

Dr. Shawn Baker definitely got my attention, Yoked. Thank you for the introduction.


Diesel77's picture

Looks absolutely delicious bro, but not a "carnivore meal"....its "beef and rice"

"Carnivore diet" is animal based protein sources, eggs, fish, meat. No grains/rice. Animal flesh/protein, hence the "carnivore" name.

Catalyst's picture

Can you ask her to ring my wife? I’m not even sure mine knows where the kitchen is…….

Makwa's picture

I'll take the cooked version Lol

JakeKO's picture

I had the cooked version for the first time for lunch today, and I actually loved it, Thank God.

Makwa's picture

I would be smothering ketchup all over it too.

JakeKO's picture

Oh, I thought about it, but she spiced it perfectly. The meat wasn’t even too dry. If I had made it myself it would probably taste like shit

Drexyl's picture

Top one looks like what my grandfather would make me a sandwich from when I was a kid, he’d crack a raw egg on top of it and go heavy on the black pepper. Great stuff!

bundlz's picture

Eat your veggies bro !! Hahah good luck

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JakeKO's picture

Thanks, Bro! Just trying this for 4-6 weeks.

zorro2021's picture

Try to get some glass containers bro, food taste so much better

simonmagus84's picture

You’re allowed to eat rice on a carnivore diet?

JakeKO's picture

Not sure, but if I don’t eat any carbs, I know I will feel like complete shit. I’m limiting it to rice only though

Bill1976's picture

Love those food containers. So convenient

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JakeKO's picture

I get them on Amazon. We use them for just about everything

JakeKO's picture

I love it

press1's picture

Well it looks much better than Shanes 'swimming in chicken broth' version!!! Lol

So I am guessing the top version is pre-cooked and bottom is cooked? Don't tell me you eat that RAW as well mate?!

Lets see a List of the Ingredients that go into this Jake then we'll decide whether to Trademark it or not LMFAO Lol

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JakeKO's picture

Raw lean sirloin chopped meat (90-10 I think)
Garlic Powder
Sal and Pepper
With a side of 7-10 saltines

JakeKO's picture

She says the cooked stuff underneath was prepared the same way, but fried in a little Olive Oil

JakeKO's picture

Let me ask her and I’ll get back to you

UncleYoked's picture

That's Tartare, cooked with a little lemon juice

JakeKO's picture

Yup, the first one is the Tartar, and I actually learned to love it now. It’s like a Meat version of Sushi to me now.

press1's picture

Bro LMFAO - You ain't ever getting a dinner invitation to my place eating stuff like that

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press1's picture

Mate I literally would not be able to eat if I was sat next to someone eating RAW meat Lol Uuugh

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JakeKO's picture

Bro, if you ever visit the states and come visit, trust me, she would cook us a meal that will blow your mind. This is strictly for this cut cycle for as long as I can handle it. Planning one awesome cheat meal every Saturday or Sunday

Mac12769's picture

You say that as you take a mouth full of Haggis lol.

press1's picture

That would be correct - IF I WAS SCOTTISH!!! Lmao

However, I am English who all the Scots tend to HATE with a passion, because we were nasty to them many years ago ..... Lol

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Mac12769's picture

Oh I know bro, I watched Braveheart too lol. Figured you like the little food history jab.

bundlz's picture

He's talking about the civil war
...sunday bloody sunday :::: in your heaad inyour head zombie

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Greg's picture

Ummm... raw Haggis, wouldn't that be a treat.

Mac12769's picture

Woof. Reminds me of my teenage years when I lived in Mexico (about 5 yrs) and my buds would go downtown, shopping and go through the butcher/meat markets. Everything out on the table. And I do mean everything.

JakeKO's picture

Ok, I’m going to have to google Haggi’s now

JakeKO's picture

Oh man, that’s a little rough for me.

Greg's picture

You should catch a whiff of the stuff. Have a bucket nearby.

press1's picture

Yep a Sheeps Stomach sat on a plate filled with mince is not my idea of appetising fun either LOL

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UncleYoked's picture

Alright, I'm in brother. I'll start between march 15 and april 1st, full on. Let's get shredded

JakeKO's picture

Awesome! It’s on!