Gh0st's picture
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+ 9 Labs AP Test Cyp and RS Qtropin.


Been well over 6 weeks now on the gear I’m using. Stopped Proviron 2 weeks prior to draw.

AP Test C 200 @400mg/wk 0.7ml MWF
AP Primo E 200 @400mg/wk 0.7ml MWF
Already stopped PharmaQo Parabolan 150mg/wk 0.5ml MWF

Labs drawn Friday morning. Last injection Wednesday afternoon. That’s the worst total test numbers I’ve had on Cyp, ever. Usually my 200mg per week for TRT puts me at 1000-1100 5 days post injection. It should be noted, I’ve had decreased response to test in the form of Sust over the years that’s been well documented by me at this point. This is however the first lab I’ve had with low numbers from Cyp. Could be source issue, could be me. Unfortunately I have a ton of the stuff so I’m going to increase the dose and redraw in 4 weeks anyways. Won’t use it again though.

Parabolan clearly destroyed my HDL which already low due to genetic mutation and thus gave me all the info I need I will never run it in the offseason due to risks outweighing benefits.

Qtropin I changed to 8IU EOD. Last injection was the day of the lab draw 4 hours prior to draw. My numbers dropped from low 300s at 4iu daily which you can see from my prior labs. That’s terrible.

Not happy to see any of this except that my kidney function looks great. God bless Telmisartan and controlling my blood pressure.

KillswitchEngage's picture

This is the 2nd time in as many months you've complained about low testosterone lab results from different UGLs. I don't think you're a good litmus test on the potency of gear my man. I think there's more of a chance you're metabolizing the testosterone different than most people than getting underdosed cyp back to back. Hell even I got 1800 total T on that shitty high solvent OTB cyp @ 200mg week, although it was a previous lot from your results. However, I think if these labs were getting caught underdosing testosterone that cost pennies to brew then it would ultimately be their downfall. I haven't seen bunk test since 2006 forum dark age Western Union days.

Gh0st's picture

Well I’m not a litmus test. But I don’t disagree. This is just the first time I’ve had low results with Cyp. I’ll be happy to conclude this after my next set of labs. Going back to one of my main two UGLs I’ve always tested well with. But like I said before, I’ve documented progressively low results with Sust. So I do believe that’s me. And if that is the case with the next set I’m 100 happy to admit I’m an oddly interesting case of a progressively rapid metabolizer. And that just sucks for me.

I’ve never used OTB test however so. Not sure who you’re thinking of.

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Big Tone36's picture

Why were you using 8 i.u. eod instead of 4 i.u. e.d.? IGF will only stay elevated for around 24hrs I believe. Mid to high 300's at 4 i.u. like you said when you did e.d injection is about were I tested in the past. Shoot it 4 i.u. Ed and test again if you have any left. I've always been curious about this GH but never used it.

Gh0st's picture

Study is posted below bro. I’m out of Qtropin. Like I told RS in pm it’s the first negative test I’ve had in years I’ve been using him

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Makwa's picture

I would chalk that one up to the EOD pinning. Is this the first time you have tested with EOD pinning?

Gh0st's picture

Yeah Mak never tried before. I kinda don’t want to change the routine just to see if there is a difference between this and the grey tops… but it does have me thinking I’ve used the Qtropin for years with no negative results until now. So maybe it’s better to plan going back to daily for me

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Makwa's picture

I have gone through probably over 2000iu of the Grey tops and have always liked them. Using some now for my current cycle actually. Just like with AAS the more stable to blood levels with IGF the better the results IMO which just fits better with ED pinning. There are some pros and cons with just one big slug a day vs multiple pins/d but it is still taken ED.

DeeMan's picture


Makwa's picture

You seem to be having the worst luck with testosterone. I am still a believer in ED injections of HGH.

Gh0st's picture

Yeah definitely not great brother which sucks because I’m pushing to grow these next 12 weeks so I could really use some good test sooner than later. My coach and I decided to start prep late April for nationals.

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Makwa's picture

You are going to have to get on your tried and true testosterone to see if you can figure this thing out. Nothing worse than doubting the legitimacy of your AAS when prepping or for that matter anytime.

Gh0st's picture

For sure

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robb's picture

At some point in the future use a labs test cyp that has excellent feedback and labs and really see if you are a bad responder or not. I'd put my money on the gear being under dosed.

Gh0st's picture

Absolutely. I bought this crap just before Titans came back after a hiatus.

Long time no see brother I hope you’re well!

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Gh0st's picture

Yeah I just went with AP because the Test Cyp was 200mg/ml whereas everyone else is constantly overdosing their stuff. Needed something to cut any PIP I might have and also have always test well with cyp prior, unlike my last several lab pulls with Sust. Again though, this could just be a trend for me. Time will tell with more labs.

I’ve got lots of labs on the Qs and generally always good results until now I’ve been using them solid for 3 years. These last two vials were a gift for doing my last set of labs I didn’t even ask for anything RS just reached out to compensate me and probably being a loyal customer. Of course I accepted.

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TnTerror88's picture

Damn man, yeah I wouldn’t be too happy with this score either…. That test score is really disappointing. If the primo is legit and you had been running more of it you probably would have gotten the good primo look that comes with high primo/low test. But I know that’s not what you were going for and I can imagine how bummed you were getting that. That igf1 level is garbage too, imo. I’d switch homie. But you’ve got some grey tops stashed and ready now don’t you??

Gh0st's picture

Yeah it is what it is man. It’s a new lab for me and I tend to get disappointed with new labs lol. But that being said just look at the Janos from the Sust I sent out with poor labs in that. Maybe it’s me? Idk. I think what will be the tell for me is using my go to that I’ve never had issues with in the past. If those numbers are low- then I’m 100% convinced I’m just not responding as well to test as I used to. I know that’s the case with Sustanon. But certainly didn’t expect it with Cyp. Only variable is new source. I haven’t reached out to AP but would love to see if they cover a Jano send out. Not worried about it if they don’t, either way.

And yessir. Just switched to the grey tops! Sunday MWF half vial every morning so ~7.5 or 8iu I believe they’re a little overdosed from everyone else’s labs on them. We’ll see what my next set looks like mid-late January.

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TnTerror88's picture

I know you can’t really go by feel but I truly do believe they are overdosed. Or I’ve just never done anything with this level of purity before because they seem awesome to me. Sleep is insane already, cts is extreme at times. Idk, I’m excited to get my bloods pulled on them after a couple more weeks and hoping to see an insane number this time.
Just curious….why the EOD injections instead of daily?
And about you not responding to sust, I honestly wouldn’t expect that with cyp if you have had good blood work on cyp before? Do I remember you mentioning trt? If you were on trt then you’ve most likely had bloods pulled with cyp before, right?
EDIT to add: mark my words, if you pin 8iu of these at once in the morning you are gonna be one sleepy ass dude all day lol. I took 5iu the first night and slept like a rock, was hella tired until atleast 11am the next day. It was extreme.

Gh0st's picture

Nah I’ve mentioned in posts before brother GH has never made me sleepy. EVER. Info on EOD injections is below look at @HanginLow comment.

You can see my labs from earlier this year and lots of prior labs in my profile bro I never delete labs I’m almost positive I’ve only deleted selfies and gear posts

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Vmill4's picture

How did you feel on that primo?

Gh0st's picture

I feel good enough. I can’t say I feel significantly stronger or anything like that. I was actually thinking just two weeks ago why the hell some of my lifts were low (now I know it’s test related). But since then I had a long term relationship end and sleep/appetite hasn’t been great. So the last ten days in not a good indication in general. I’ve run primo many times now. At this dose I see a change in aesthetics slowly over time, hardening to the physique, and really just use it for improved nitrogen retention during growth phase. As a compliment to test. Never a primary compound. Mainly because I Fuxking hate pinning. And I’ve never gone higher than 450-500. I’d rather use test as it’s less painful and less amount of oil To inject. And I’ve grown with that. So don’t fix what ain’t broke kinda mentality here.

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Vmill4's picture

Hopefully everything gets better for you man. Like everything it takes time and patience. Was running the same 400 mg a week for 6 weeks felt more like eq for me started to get nosebleeds once or twice a day on one side.

HanginLow's picture

Here is the study for anyone wondering why he is doing EOD injections, should be equal if not higher IGF1. Also knowing you take the 8iu all at once, this is extremely concerning numbers.

HDL being tanked is normal as you know, I think we have the same genetic polymorphism, my natty untrained HDL from when I was 20 years old was only 32, and it gets crushed when I do Anavar. Particle size matters and your lipid panel looks great other than that.

That creatinine is a sight to behold, very nice.

Primo looks real or at least is masteron with the reduction in SHBG cranking up that free test. (makes me wonder as the test appears to be underdosed)

Anyway just my 2cents / observations, thanks for testing man and I hope you get all this sorted. Guys like you and I do not have time to be messing with underdosed gear, every month counts before we are gunna be too old to do this competitively

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Gh0st's picture

Thanks for posting the link brother.

Yeah I’m super bummed to see another low test score. Especially with Cyp since my last was solid at least in TRT back in Feb.
and yes, my baseline HDL is high 20s. I think 28 if I remember. And my total cholesterol is usually less than 100, with LDL being around 70. So the Parabolan really did a number there.

Assuming the same with the primo increasing free test numbers since I pulled the Proviron. It’s got some bite too which I’ve never ever had with mast, can’t go on that alone of course but I haven’t sent for mass spec myself. Seems good so far.

I’m pissed with the total test numbers mainly because I want to add in NPP, and I don’t have room in the barrel to throw in double test. I’ll have to go with 1.5x I guess at least til I order again and just live with it. Should progress fine though we’ll see.

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DeeMan's picture

Damn man sorry to hear about this rough time that you experienced. So look let's just cut to the chase, we both know that your score should of been 2000ng/dL at MINIMUM. Remember when you first purchased this test c I commented that it did indeed Jano test at 175 mg/ ml instead of 200mg/ml? Now even with that said, 350mg total (175mg ml) should of had you above 1231 total test as you know. Hell even the trough at 5 days post inj @ 400mg you would test higher than this total score.

Gh0st's picture

Absolutely I remember. I am splitting it 3 days a week but that shouldn’t matter with the cumulative build up. I pinned essentially 1.4ml or even a little more we just round up to 1.5ml between the Mon and Wed before labs were drawn. So I would expect my numbers with that to be at least 1600-1700

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DeeMan's picture

My correction AP's Test C most current Jano tested at 189mg/ml. The prior Jano I refer to was 174mg/ml. Regardless of both of those results, total test score was still to low.

Gh0st's picture

My mfr date was 7/20/21 so I’m gonna guess that’s the lower dose Jano. And could be even lower than that who knows. They gave me the option to replace test or give full credit for whatever else I want on product list. Definitely not the former. No idea what else I would even want to try I don’t need anything. I got their NPP to try already. I’m good on irals

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DeeMan's picture

I'll pm you

roidsource's picture

Do HGH serum test, inject 5-10 IU's IM, 2-3 hr before you pull bloods, will reimburse for the testing.
If someone is on simple TRT, we can sponsor bloodwork for : HGH/IGF-1, E2, ALT/AST. + HGH. The Bloodwork needs to be done within 1 month. Up to 3 KNOWN members who comment under this post.


Gh0st's picture

I’m good brother, thanks though. I’m switching over to another brand. Repeating IGF-1 in 4 weeks to compare

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Mdes's picture

Damn those are disappointing numbers for the qtropin . I’m running them now at 3-4iu a day . Gonna pull some numbers soon cause I’m curious now

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roidsource's picture

Yes, please, do bloodwork, incl HGH/IGF-1, ALT/AST, E2. We'll pay for the labs.
Protocol : HGH injected IM 2-3 hr before the blood draw


press1's picture

Out of interest what Dose of Telm were you running per day? Doctors often warn that when they put you on ARB's or ACE's that it can actually bring your eGFR down as well as increase ALT and AST levels but it sure hasn't with yourself!

Highest Blood Albumin level I think I have seen on here that.

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Gh0st's picture

Just 40mg.

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Roider007's picture

Appreciate the bloods but yeh those numbers are low for sure.

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FlemDaddyKush's picture

Yeah I would say that's a little low for 400mg a week. But I do remember you having low score with sust a while back also. Do you think you have alot of scar tissue at your injection sites and your body isn't absorbing the testosterone that good anymore?

DeeMan's picture

For 400mg a week that is definitely low. At that dosage he should of pulled at least 2000 minimum

Gh0st's picture

I was expecting right around 2000

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Gh0st's picture

I’m not sure what to make of it honestly brother. As soon as Titans opens up again I’m ordering some test. I’ve NEVER had low numbers with any of their gear and that includes Sust. I’ve pulled some of my highest numbers with their oils.

But in regards to scar tissue I’m 34 I’ve only been on TRT 3 years now and I cycled before that for 5 years time on plus time off never used short esters so… highly highly unlikely.

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