Firefight205's picture
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Bpc 157 for torn Labrum


I'm 46, Firefighter and have 3yrs until I retire. I've had surgery on my right shoulder for bone spurs, right distal bicep tear and left meniscus. What I'm saying is I have eaten up alot of sick time in the past 6 years. All happened after I turned 40. I have a partially torn left labrum that I've been trying to baby for almost a year.. Cortisone shots have stopped helping. So I've been reading alot about bpc 157 and npp. I'm currently on TRT and sermorelin. I've taken steroids on and off since I was 18 and always used deca to help with injuries. I am prone to hold water so I don't want to use deca even at a low dosage. Any thoughts on bpc 157 and npp or anything else that might help at least get me closer to retirement? Any advice?

UncleSams's picture

Hi! BPC is great for helping to recover from surgeries and minor traumas. But you just cannot expect it to be miracle healing all injuries.
For the one you described you are likely to need a surgery. And only then you can facilitate the healing with BPC
Hope it helps

IronMind's picture

No, a torn labrum surgery will be needed. The problem isn't trying to get it to repair itself and grow back... because that isn't possible. The interior capsule of the labrum is getting shredded apart from "wear and tear" the only thing to minimize the inflammation/pain was the cortisone shots...if it's getting worse/you may want to get a surgery consultation and see if they can put you in Physical therapy temporarily till the surgery.... otherwise you're looking at a shoulder replacement in the future.

Firefight205's picture


Firefight205's picture

Thanks for the input. Did u have surgery