PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture
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Is Danny Garcia using aas?


Boxing star Danny Garcia just called off his big upcoming fight do to sudden onset of anxiety and depression.
I heard he had joined Canelos camp and has since packed on sum weight... Canelo tested positive for steroids awhile back so im wondering if young Danny is taking the same route? Seems like he came off to clean up his for next match but pct is a bit rough for him...whats your opinion?

ladykiller's picture

I dont think canelo popped for steroids, I’m pretty aure he only popped for Clenbuterol which to my knowledge is not classified as a steroid

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Well tomato potato lol.. if he used clen then Im sure he's not above using anything else if he thought he could get away with it... Kinda like testing positive for clomid, who knows. Either way it has already created doubt in my mind.
Who would have ever thought a country would cheat in the fuckin Olympics? I would assume that would be the hardest of all and yet it happened.

Sam I Am's picture

It’s been a tough year for a lot of folks.
Ive taken loads of shit over the years and tbh have had aggression issues but never depression..

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Yes sir thats no lie! Where u been hiding Sam? U been locked up?

GrowMore's picture

I wouldn’t want to speculate but it wouldn’t surprise me if he had taken something improve his boxing, most do from what I understand.

It’s great to see fighters like Tyson Fury and Danny speak openly about their battles with mental health and giving other blokes who maybe struggling someone to relate to and improve their chances of getting better.

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Sam I Am's picture

I agree and would put Prince Harry in that category.
I think the last year has been one of the strangest of my life. No where near the worst just really odd.

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GrowMore's picture

We’ve all had years like that mate. Mine was 2017-2018, things went crazy.

I don’t follow the royals as I despise everything about them.

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press1's picture

Hahaha I do - Harry is the biggest Hypocrite going together with his manipulative horrible wife.

I like Charles and William, I think they are good for the country and have come out well during the Corona Pandemic with all their work.

And the Queen is just Kickass - No one Fucks with Queenie. Throughout all the shit the press have stirred she never once rises to it or comments, just gets on with business.

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GrowMore's picture

They are all a bunch of tax dodging nonces.

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press1's picture

They live in Castles & Palaces mate - Tax does not apply to them LOL

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GrowMore's picture

You see the personal yacht we the tax payers are buying for the queen and her minions? A cool £200 million mate! £200 million for a fucking yacht to be named after her racist husband Prince Phillip which will be used to “improve foreign diplomacy“. Who travels by boat in this day and age. We could build a large hospital for that insane amount or 3 secondary schools!!

Fuck these cunts, don’t get me started because I’ll be here all day. Equality truly starts in this country when the guillotine is brought out for the royals and every Tory who took a back hander and in the process sold us out.

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press1's picture

I know they have it very easy and have no idea about living in the real world, but they didn't have a choice in being born into Royalty or not. They just do what they are told to do from orders from above and look what happens when they choose to leave the outfit Lol

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GrowMore's picture

We all have a choice how to exist and although I’m far from perfect I do not hide my wealth, use my position of power to refuse to send a pedophile to be questioned by the FBI about charges about sex trafficking/child prostitution/rape nor do I take much needed wealth away from most impoverished families in the uk.

The royal family have a great media team behind them to make them seem like ‘public servants’ but in reality they are a bunch of aristocratic wankers who run rings around us. The £200 million yacht shouldn’t even be debated and the royals should refuse and offer to pay for it themselves while we are recovering from a pandemic and the government have literally just stated there isn’t enough money in the pot to give the most needy children free school meals. I can cite another 100+ more atrocities about the royals which happened in 2021. We all know right from wrong.

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Hell yea...good point!