Forehead's picture
  • 248

+ 7 I’m doing a show in early July, this is my base going to do men’s physique ...


So I’m not by any means thinking I look amazing, but I have a nice start, if my legs were a little bigger might just go for classic. I never did a show before everyone talked me in to it, I started prep March 1st.... idk any advice is welcome.

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Bearded_muscle's picture

Best thing you can do is be ready early. Gives you time to play around at that low bf and fill back out a bit.

What’s your food right now. Lay it all out

wanted's picture

Hey beard always with the knowledge. Have you ever tried the granite pre workout ? Eaa are aweaome

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Bearded_muscle's picture

Everything they make is good I support John all the way.

In terms of pre I’m still rocking steel supplements charged (amped was too hyped for me) because of the nootropics and atom I get outside of just caffeine. They keep it under 200 mgs per scoop, I think it’s around 150.

It worked for me day one and I tend to stick with what works but I’d love to try John’s. I’m actually planning a little pre/intra break for about a month and I may try the granite pre at that time.

Edit: all my current training is taken form John or adopted from John. He’s a genius.

Forehead's picture

Well I just cut out pop,fast food,
Whole milk, sugary treats. And now I’m eating about 300 g carbs and 300g of protein a day, I’m doing cardio fasted, and I’m doing quite alright losing weight, I’ll be knocking off carbs by 25g a week and bring my protein to 200g by the next month, keeping fat super minimal , idk about less than 80g ideally but I go lower or higher some days... I have a super fast metabolism so I’m trying to bank a little on that In all honesty ... I don’t wanna pound clen and t3 and stuff if I don’t have to

Bearded_muscle's picture

That’s a solid plan, you’re on a good amount of food already so it should help keep your metabolism firing well into the prep. If you see some slowdown throw in a high carb day and that should do the trick. Excited to see what you can do brother, I’ll be joining you down the prep rabbit hole soon enough... let’s bring some shredz for summer

Forehead's picture

My biggest worry is losing a lot of gains if I rush this, I have done a natural cut before In the joint and looked amazing I was only 161 lbs, and no outrageous muscle bellies because of no sauce but i was able to obtain an extremely low body fat via cardio and deficit eating over about 3 months ... so my legs are just slightly under proportion to my body if my prep goes the way I want I’ll just go in classic and probably lose to someone with nicer legs, or I can just bite the bullet and work on legs next year, I got them bigger but not big enough. Trust me I’m not posting a pic lol but they have seen better days

Bearded_muscle's picture

Don’t go more that 7 days low carb. Make sure you fill out at least once a week. Your body will lose it’s ability to store carbs if you go long periods without them. Then when you try to fill out, you’re fucked. Hany calls it bubbly muscle, you have to keep the bubble, not lose it.

I do a 1000 carb day once a week or two 500 carb days a week on a cut, and I cut my other days down to accommodate. I’m 250 lbs so adjust for your goals and weight.

Forehead's picture

Gotcha I was also reading about a similar method of starting high carbs and ending ur work week with a 2 day deficit ... so I like urs better lol.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Yeah it doesn’t matter too much how you do it, I like the more extreme route of very low for a few days and then blast it high because your insulin sensitivity is super high and your glycogen synthase will be elevated as well so you’re primed to “overcompensate” and hold even more carbs than you otherwise could.

But play around with it, see what works best for ya.

wanted's picture

Goodluck . Sounds exciting i Cant wait to see your progress.

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Forehead's picture

Soooo that cycle got me 210+ and strong as fuck, I am now trying to slowly lean, after I cut out whole milk and pop, and fast food I lost 7 pounds I started March 1 at 211.5 and now I’m 204.5 so mostly water and bloat... now I’m gonna up the lost carbs and I’m just running test at 500mg a weed lol, and I’m adding tren slowly sooooo Im doing 25mg day then gonna make it 50mg a day until I’m at 100 by show and masteron and idk I am trying not to use clen and t3 I don’t like how it makes me feel,
My diet is on pretty good. I don’t really care what I eat so I don’t get cravings and shit...I have it all on hand if needed and the gh too in case I could use that to burn off excess fat I got a solid 3 months to get comp ready. So I wanna do it slowly not quick

Halsey's picture

He does look lean and mean! His hair behind the scribbles looks WILD.

GrowMore's picture

Good luck my man, here’s to you looking like a lean monster in July!

Owes a Review × 1
Forehead's picture

Don’t worry if I went lower I just look like a ken doll down there just a flat spot of skin

blackjack115's picture

You've got stretch marks on your delt? That's a new one for me, i've got them in all the traditional place but never seen them on the delts. Looking good though. I don't have any comp experience yet but good luck!

Forehead's picture

My mom has stretch marks around her lips what does that mean?

Forehead's picture

She was also trying to suck on fire extinguishers but we had to take her to the vet a few times when they would foam in her mouth.

press1's picture

Yeah they were the first thing I noticed too - were you much bigger at some point in the past pal?

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Forehead's picture

I’ve been as heavy as 237 with similar leanness , just hard to thicken legs back up after I hurt my knee years ago.

blackjack115's picture

Some people just seem to be really prone to stretch marks regardless of past weight gain/loss. Most of mine stem from early - mid puberty but i suppose it could come down to the fact that my diet and micro nutrient intake are a lot better now then they were then.

Halsey's picture

Traditional places like your wiener?

blackjack115's picture

I'm part asian so my wiener hasn't had a sufficient amount of growth to warrant stretch marks...

Halsey's picture

Your "wiener" part is asian? Sorry, lol