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+ 1 Online Coaching, Cycle, Supplementation/Diet advice ....


Hey Guy's :-)

I am aware that a few members on here do this for a living often alongside Personal Training in the Gym.

I am curious to know how you set yourself up online initially and how you find it - especially with Covid presently?

How many hours per day do you spend doing it and does it make a good living for yourself or is it more sustainable just part time?

exoticnfit's picture

Hey Press,

I PMed you on this in greater detail...let me know what you think!

Guru or Pro the only concern someone using the service be it a customer or yourself is that they have the qualifications/certifications and EXPERIENCE worth while paying for the service.

Many guru's have wasted peoples money that I've heard but I know that many Pros (Pro BB) have done worse because they simply are just good athletes not coaches. Even Shawn Rhoden didn't have a clue about "basic blood work" and why he nearly died during the year he won his Sandow.

This was in article/interview where he spoke about having not real idea about doing blood work and keeping tabs on his own body and not knowing why he was feeling horrible. This is a MR. O!

I'm sure many Pros and Elite Amateur athletes do a far better job these days but frankly put, I've spoken to far to many in the past/present that wing it more often than letting blood work and getting to know there body better when it feels off, that they are not the first ones I would rush to for almost any advice.

If you just want to know their compounds used for cycle that is not hard for them to tell you but if you ask them what their blood work is like before, during and after you'll likely be disappointed with the answer.

From a "Online PT" perspective what works for them is not likely going to work for the masses much less even some who are athletes. This is where certifications/specializations come into play along with experience on training people one on one and/or group training.

Online Group Training can be very lucrative but most have not really tapped into it with a very high level of success because it does have other aspects that are very different than in person services.

Like anything else, you are better off starting asap and fixing/updating things along the way that makes it easier to sell/offer the service to clients as well as improves the user experience. Waiting to find the perfect online software, video streaming system, payment system will take time and YOU are the best person to use and try out what you already have access to and going from their in improving it.

The reality of the situation is this..."if you are personable, can connect with various demographics and have a strong background in personal/group training you can do very well" and it is because people pay for YOU not necessarily the specific program.

YOU are the connection to those people and if you can do so in a fun, intelligent but inviting manner that offers safe and effective training, whether you do it in person or in front of a camera you are creating VALUE. Value worth paying for.

Personally prefer the in person experience for athletes as they need far more attention be it group or private training and I think the same way for private training for regular fitness enthusiasts because they are paying more for that individual attention.

However, online there is someone always ready to do a workout that is safe, fun and produces results at ANY given hour of the day. This makes setting your schedule easier since you have anyone with internet access as a potential client rather than just within your geographical area.

I won't usually train any clients prior to 10am anymore. Unless you're willing to pay premium price

I simply like to get more sleep in, a couple meals and do whatever computer work needed in the morning so 10am it is.

However, one of the reasons I am also going to be implementing a new Online Live/Recorded Video Training service are for these reasons.

  • Its 5am-8am somewhere in the world even when it is 10am-4pm for me! Finding those who want to do early morning group/private training is easy when your client base is anywhere in the world.

  • Likely going to focus on group training via Online Video Training since it will be: less expensive per client (with an unlimited client base per class), more clients trained at one time with a similar goal and the programs will be with limited exercise equipment (based on what clients will have access to at home) which is cheaper plus no added overhead.

  • Unlimited clients using the Online Group Model. The average rate for Online Video Training $25-$60/hr for one client but rest assured most will have very high expectations for private training (as they should) than in a group format for training. This higher price tag/hr limits your client base to those who can afford it.

If you offer Group Training on Live Video format you can dramatically reduce the price anywhere from $5-$50 (you can do less or more) and with just a small number of clients being trained at one time the numbers say, you can make far more per hour. ie: $10/hr x 10 Clients = $100 and they will likely be able to afford 2-4 sessions a week with you. Not many areas in the country can you get a client to pay $100/hr for 3x a week totally $1200/4weeks.

Now look at that $10/hr per client with the potential of Unlimited clients...realistically probably 50-100 at one time is possible as you grow your brand and more people are interested in paying for YOUR personality and training expertise. $500-$1000/hr is achievable (I've done 250 people group seminars/training in another industry) because you have no space limitations other than how many your streaming video provider allows. Some streaming providers will be free while others at a cost which will offer greater options to service your clients.

Just my thoughts.

press1's picture

Hey Buddy - Just PM'd you back but it may have got delayed in the system! LOL

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press1's picture

Really really informative stuff there Exotic! You definately sound like you know what you are doing and where you are going with it all :-))

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exoticnfit's picture

I was one of just a small few pioneers that started up Online Personal Training in general back in the early 2000's with Interactive Online Programs. Worked with a start up and helped them understand what trainers would like to have in a software program.

We used computer animations as opposed to what would have been smarter and doing was very unique though and allowed to collect payments, update programs, share programs with other trainers internationally and even buy programs off trainers that had ones made.

Then I was blessed to be one of the first small businesses to do Online Video Training/Certifications for another Industry back in 2012 and it became the norm around 2015-16 when many new startups offered strictly Online options to do the same.

Growing up in my household was a blessing and a curse as they say. I won't get into to much of the negative details but one aspect was seeing how hard people worked mentally and physically and the "cost" and toll it takes when raising a small family.

I enjoy learning and discovering the most efficient path to success in any business venture I've owned/created. Just because something has been done a certain way for decades/centuries doesn't mean there isn't another way.

There was a time when people worked hard physically to make good money and that slowly progressed into working hard mentally as we get closer to this day and age. Wanting to be one step ahead I wanted to "learn hard" on how to work easier, requiring less time and making more doing so!

I'm always learning how to parlay one thing into another or how one form of new tech can perhaps make something done using older tech faster and easier.

If you are a good student who can learn something that is VALUABLE to others than you have the ability to share that for profit. Honestly, everyone who has ever worked likely has valuable information that experience taught them and many things they learned creatively to do the job easier.

Especially those in trades. If you have been a plumber, carpenter, landscaper etc. for a number of years you have learned how to do that type of work better than the average person. You would likely have learned on your own or by those with more experience, ways of getting something done safer and faster and CHEAPER. I have no idea why more in trades industries with experience do not create and charge for some DIY classes either in person or online to regular folks who love DIY projects.

ALL experience and knowledge is of value if you find those who are looking for it!

You don't need to be an expert (which is pretty much subjective) just far better than the average person with whom you will share your knowledge with!

If you've done almost any line of work for a number of years or better yet retired after doing one for decades YOU have VALUABLE info to sell and share with others.

Sam I Am's picture

Try it with realistic expectations. It may take a couple years to get it built up..

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press1's picture

Cheers Sam :-)

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trash300's picture

If u use or pay for coaching, I'd only accept Pro's, their knowledge is way better than from any "guru", and u support him during this hard time if u use his service.

Bearded_muscle's picture

You’d be good at it bro. Regarding hours, more than you ever expected probably. But like anything the longer you do it the faster and more efficient you get. Just take the same approach to your coaching you do to your training and you’re guaranteed to improve.

press1's picture

Cheers Mate Smile I am guessing once you have various templates written up for certain training programmes and different diets & supps things do become much more efficient. I had a few months training off a famous powerlifter in the USA a few years ago and each weak I would be emailed a new training programme on a spreadsheet to complete, he was wanting videos of me training and all sorts sending back to him EOD - he was a bit too intense about it all even for me LOL I should have kept up with it but coming up with the fee each month began to get a bit difficult at the time. I'd often ask him about different compounds and doses to run but he would never commit to straight answers as he is fairly famous especially in benching. His main recommendations in regards to what I got out of him were Adrol and HGH believe it or not.

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keithkirby90057's picture

Just curious Press is this just curiosity on your part or are you considering doing some coaching yourself?

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press1's picture

Just something I thought about maybe doing myself, I enjoy helping others and trying to get them stronger. One thing I've always lacked myself to progressing to the mega lifts is say another 20 pounds but I know that with many others around this weight I could easily help them onto things like 495 benches and 700 Plus deadlifts if people just follow what I tell them to do. Many think they need massively complicated routines when they really don't - Partials, accessory movements, big volume just aren't needed in most cases.

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MuscuLex's picture

There is another big aspect of coaching, which can not be overlooked. Psycological part, you will have to motivate people and guide them through, sometimes, a tough route and get them to the point where they can start enjoying those emotions of success.
Hats off to you, Press, I'm sure you can become a great coach, considering your personality! Way to go brother!!!

press1's picture

Big Thanks for your kind words The BB HARDCORE!!!

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Zalewski's picture

I have a coach so I will tell you what he has done. He has spent around the last 6 years proving his knowledge via his social media accounts, basically having very in-depth explanations of the reasoning behind everything he does in terms of training, eating, and recovery.
From there he consistently reaches out to new people, trying to start conversations organically over social media or the gym talking about working out and showing people his knowledge via those conversations. Then he sets up a free consultation where he explains his training process, how he can help you, and why you should hire him over someone else. It basically boils down to a 10-3-1 rule, for every ten people he talks to he gets 3 initial meetings, and 1 new client.
From there he also has his clients post their sets for form checks via social media, this allows him to quickly critique their form but also forces his clients to tag him, thus expanding his exposure. He also ask his clients if they have anyone who might be interested in coaching, and then ask the client to refer him
As for a living my coach currently charges $165 a month which is very reasonable for his level of coach. He does this because he is trying to win the numbers game and get enough clients to sign on to build an actual income. If he has 40 clients he gets an income of 79k (pre tax) which is very nice.
As for time it varies depending on if someone has a show coming up or not. Typically he does one check in a week where he watches a video check in and simply goes over diet, weight, training, sleep, and any other concerns and alters the workout plan or diet accordingly. For competition this check in process happens more frequently

press1's picture

Cheers for all that Bud - really good & interesting answer :-))

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Zalewski's picture

Thank you, tbh there more to it than that, the entire knowledge thing, but I imagine you’re well versed in that