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+ 2 Bloodwork of my last Test-E cycle


My last cycle bloodwork levels.

These pictures show my Testosterone and Estrogen levels.
Pre, During and Post cycle.

Shows me on cycle running CENZO LABS 500mg test-E per week.

Shows me on cycle running Aromasin 12.5mg as needed.

Shows my PCT using Clomid and Nolvadex.

And shows my most recent bloods where Test and Estrogen has returned to baseline.

Any thoughts on the effectiveness of my PCT?

Any thoughts on my naturally low E2 levels?

Should I run HCG on my proposed cycle or is my PCT effective enough?

Ordered from: 
photronicals's picture

I was shooting every 3.5 days having 250mg every shot.

I have never tested my levels during a cycle other than this blood panel running Cenzo Test Enanthate.

My estrogen was bang on during the cycle as its normally v.low naturally but I'm seeing endocrinologist this Wed 21st Oct, so I had my estrogen well under control, I will post a picture of my estrogen in this post and il try title the picture.

Do you run HCG during or post cycle?

photronicals's picture

I think I will be running HCG as I am concerned about sterility and sperm production and overall health.

Would you recommend running it during or post cycle?
Cheers mate

photronicals's picture

That's real interesting mate, what mechanism does it work?

How much HCG would you recommend to run on my proposed cycle?

I wanna keep the boys healthy and productive that's for sure!!

Proposed cycle:

photronicals's picture

Do you have a link or the title of the article so I can read up please mate. I understand everyone's different and works different to different compounds and dosages.

photronicals's picture

Thanks bud, much appreciated for the link and info! Gave him a thumbs up and a favourite for it.

photronicals's picture

Cheers bro, I do have the rest of my panel, they all seem bang on to me but il try post the complete panel with titles on the pics

DbolAndAll's picture

what is being measure here, testosterone? lh fsh?

photronicals's picture

Testosterone and Estrogen levels bro.

DbolAndAll's picture

which one is test and estro, i just see a number with different dates

photronicals's picture

I have titled the pictures, is it not visible?

Test has the peak of 52.5 nmol/L
And estrogen is the one with a peak of 158 pmol/L

photronicals's picture

Inevitable bro lol