MonstrousS's picture
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New cycle

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The last cycle I posted didn't work out. The DHB I had was just too fucking painful, and once I was half way into my 3rd bottle I got cellulitis in my hamstring that was brutally painful. Life also got in the way of training and eating which I normally never allow to happen. Regardless, back to the drawing board:

Test e 437.5
tren ace 350
NPP 525
EQ 525
Tren base [25mgs 2-3 times per week]
[Possible primo at 350] <--- Would like input on this.

I know the test e and EQ seem out of place due to esters, but I b&c already so test e is easy enough to bring up, and I have been testing my response to EQ by running it at 500mgs for the last 4 weeks, so by the time I am certain my test e is stable at the blast dose, both will be in full effect and i'll be able to layer on the short esters.

Test e at 500 is typically as much as I can get away with when I take 25mgs aro e3d. If the NPP fucks that up and I require more, I may just drop it and add more tren ace. I have pharmacom aro and it's very good but impossible to cut evenly because of how small and hard it is (not like my peepee which is huge and wabbly.)

This will be eod dosing all of the gear broken up evenly each time. Any input welcome! I know it's not crazy advanced, but i'm just trying to run an oral free, multicompound cycle.

exoticnfit's picture

Been off EQ for some weeks...not sure exactly how many but it is ALWAYS noticeable as I am already veiny but that shit makes me pop out veins like crazy.

As for eating...right now I am not overly hungry where "I NEED" to eat but when I do I certainly get down with some good calories.

On EQ...I literally take the shot and before I clean things up to carry on with my day I am already feeling the need to feed!!!

Must be part psychological but it always happens. Usually getting in an average of 900mg/week when on.

That will likely start soon enough again.

MonstrousS's picture

Nice, yea i'm experiencing some serious fluctuations in hunger from the tren and the EQ, altho i'm just about now getting to the point where the EQ is stabilizing, if I understand the ester properly. Seems to be thought of more like deca, in that it takes 6-8 weeks for the intended dosage to be doing it's thing. I do want to bump something up. I was going to throw a layer of test prop on top, but maybe just going to a gram of EQ would be a good low maintenance choice.

Also considering dropping the NPP for something less watery. I am bigger and rounder, but I miss the hard veiny look! It's mostly the caloric surplus doing its thing but I can tell the NPP is killing my striations and gainzzz. I know it's more of a long game strategy to bulk using a water retentive compound, as it'll result in an even better look later when I do go back to the lean hard look, but i'm not a competitor and I may find it more valuable to be happy with how I look 365 days a year.

Jim Layhey's picture

Bro I ran Eq at 900mgs for 12 weeks and it was awesome for appetite no wonder they give it to horses!

MonstrousS's picture

Oh NOOOOO banned?! Not our boi. What did he do?

Tbone69's picture

Hell I still can't find it lmao!

MonstrousS's picture

Hopefully he's in a better place now.

MonstrousS's picture

This cycle is going PERFECTLY ----- for those of you who have been staying up late at night hitting the refresh button, over and over, hoping I that have just posted a cycle update to read.

aro dose is holding everything perfectly together at 25mgs e3d, and I have not had a need to take caber yet. Both 19-nors are in full effect, so this is good news. Seems to not cause an issue unless estrogen is allowed to creep up, Together they are far more dangerous than either one alone, so it will be valuable info to carry in to the future, finding out if I never end up needing any caber this cycle.

The nandralone is causing more water retention than I am used to, but that's just because I most often am running tren and mast with low test. The look I have right now is great and my skin is glowing, so the ladies tell me.

EQ and tren are causing a dramatic increase in hunger, specifically for carb sources. But due to the highish amount of anabolics and my 4on 1off high intensity split, all of the calories seem to be getting utilized or burned up. To be fair, I have lost a bit of definition, but I am fairly sure that is 80% water from the npp addition.

Tren base i'm using 1-2 times per week so as not to build a habit, and only 25mgs at a time. I know 50 REALLY causes a noticeable change but I know I would become dependent on that so quick.

Well-being is really high, to the point where I should be a little more concerned about some stuff than I am. Could be good, could be bad, lol. Sex drive is animalistic, but fortunately I have two partners at the moment. No typical nanadralone sexual side effects, which i'm really happy about.

I was contemplating layering on some amount of tren ace, because I have several bottles of it right now and prefer not to run compounds of 100mgs or less, because of the oil volume needed, so adding it to an tren e cycle seems to be a practical use. But everything is going perfectly so I am not too interested in risking creating an issue where there isn't one.

Twice in the last 2 weeks I have gotten a random anxiety attack that was mostly physical and not so extreme that I couldn't manage it. Hands shaking, thoughts racing, heart racing, that kind of thing. But I was easily able to keep calm and let it pass. Might be a good indicator that more tren isn't a great idea tho.

If anyone has any input i'm all ears. Even if it's to tell me i'm a fucking n00b sandwich. Just don't call me late for dinner you fuckin' feel me yo?

Tbone69's picture

How's the blood pressure?

MonstrousS's picture

Good question. I take 10mgs cialis ed, but havent actually checked it yet. Where i'm at, it's still very difficult to see your doc without a really urgent reason, due to covid.

exoticnfit's picture

Yes, buy the cuff...the one that requires batteries is what I have.

They seem to read higher but at least you have a range to work with in case you get a reading that should worry you.

Cialis has worked perfectly for me on the daily for BP.

Tbone69's picture

Same here, a manual cuff is like $17 on Amazon though! Super easy to check yourself and never runs out of batteries!

MonstrousS's picture

Good call I should be doing that already. Thanks for the tip! I'll add that to my next bug-out-bag shipment.

MonstrousS's picture

Ugh, looks like I posted too many reviews or something. No message from a mod tho. Glad i'm not banned but if they would have messaged me first I could have explained every review.... Supposed everyone has a story tho, and I should not assume that i'll be specially considered.

Anyway guys, i promise i'm still HELLA cool.

Tbone69's picture

Never write 9 reviews in one 12 month span. Doesn't matter how many vials you buy or if they're on a promo or not. It's seen as playing the system here.. But you'll come back up, don't sweat it.

Jim Layhey's picture

I’ll let you barrow 5 of my karma points but you gotta pay me 7 in return.. that’s the vig.

MonstrousS's picture

Whatru gonna do; break my anonymous knee caps?

Jim Layhey's picture

Oh never I’m a pacifist. Jesus is watching!

MonstrousS's picture


Bulkdaddy's picture

Double your test dosage! If you run primo I’d run a shit ton more than that!

MonstrousS's picture

I'd love to run more primo than that but i'm not a member of the 1%, so I can only afford a handful of bottles per cycle.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Gotcha buddy.... Run with the cycle you have.. I can’t afford primo either. If I blast primo I’d rather run about 10ius of growth a day..

Jim Layhey's picture

I want to kill you for running these off numbers haha the ocd in me is wigging our ! Looks good to me I’m on NPP also (600mgs) we can be Eskimo brothers

MonstrousS's picture

Lol I had the standard numbers going but then I looked at the mg/ml of my gear and the eod dosing, and adjusted to make it all even. So in a way, this is OCD friendly when you physically prepare the injections!

How's the NPP going for you?

Jim Layhey's picture

Going good! Although yesterday twice I got this sensation in my nips.. hope it was just a fluke. I’ve never had gyno/prolactin before so I’m hoping maybe it was just my shirt I was wearing lol

GrowMore's picture

Have you tired using a pill cutter? Those things are brilliant for cutting up those tougher pills. When I use a lot of test splitting aromasin am/pm makes a huge difference compared to EOD at the same dose in controlling my oestrogen

fusebox's picture

I have pcom aro and adex and the aro crumbles and the adex is so hard that it is impossible to split even with a pill cutter so I know what he's dealing with.

GrowMore's picture

Perhaps he should find another brand which he can dose Am/pm

fusebox's picture

I agree. I bought them on the buy 300 get 200 free so I wasn't worried and if I need them I'll figure it out. Been using balkan but the old style that are super easy to split. Haven't tried the new style

MonstrousS's picture

Yea it's just like fusebox said. Even with a good pill cutter its just ridiculous. BUT, I've gone thru various sources before that, having issues each time with under dosed, or possibly fake, or whatever. So now that I have a good quality aro I'm willing to make it work.

GrowMore's picture

I would wager you could perhaps get away with 750mg of test per week with if you dosed aromasin 6.25/12.5mg am and pm. Food for thought bro.

MonstrousS's picture

Thanks I will remember you said that and give it a whirl, probably next time I need to stock up on aro.

MangoPlatypus's picture

I’ve never used so many different injectables at once.

What state are you starting a cycle like that from?
Like, sub 10% body fat?

I’m wondering how much muscle growth the additional synergy is adding.

I guess the eq might help mitigate the loss of appetite I get from tren ace though.

MonstrousS's picture

I just tend to like running lower doses of multiple gears, as opposed to higher doses of 1-2. This would be a lot if I added the primo as well, but from what i'm hearing about primo, it sounds like something that contributes to results without contributing to sides.

I'm starting at 235lbs and about 13%. I use tren for all composition directions because it works fucking amazing for me and I don't get the sides that make it such a nightmare for some other guys. I want to use NPP and not deca because I've had good and bad experiences with nandralone and want to be able to just drop it if I feel like it. I still may continue to use tren enth as I usually do. I am considering ace just because I have several bottles of pcom ace, and don't wanna just collect dust.

Edit: the synergy tho, i'm hoping the nandralone/tren will enhance eachothers bulk potential, have an easier time feeding with the EQ, and get a little bonus effect from the primo.

MangoPlatypus's picture

If you get down to 8-9% and then bulk up from there you will be happier with the process

Tbone69's picture

Everyone seems to be so focused on a bodybuilding physique, but some of us want to be big, and care a little less about having sub 10 body fat. Being super lean is awesome, but it's not as appealing to the women in my life. Unless I'm really interested in taking pictures I'm never dropping below 10. I want to be able to eat with my family to some extent and have fun too! I prefer to torture myself in the gym moreso than the kitchen. Plus I don't live by the ocean... So we have tons of clothes on around here almost year round..

MonstrousS's picture

Totally agree. I'm not going to be competing in the future, so there's no specific goal coming up. The goal is to participate in my passion for training, looking great, and enjoying life. All I have to do to achieve that is hit the gym, keep a general awareness of my calories, and be honest and transparent with people I keep close to me. That's my recipe to happiness! Adding in the stress of maintaining a bodyfat my body is constantly fighting against, would be completely harmful to my goal. 13-16% combined with my size makes me the most impressive physique of ALMOST anywhere I go, which is great.

Tbone69's picture

Yeah the gym is the only place I go and have a couple guys way ahead of me lol but they're competing and have been at it for quite a while! But at work and in town I'm usually the only guy who you can pick it from a mile away that actually works out, all thanks to social media promoting the "dad bod" craze!
I went to a water park last summer "2019" and it was disgusting lol my ex and I tried to pick out who actually worked out and there was only one other guy who was most likely on gear, probably 6' 230-240 and a little above 10% bf, looked homo... Mid 30's maybe 40.. but it just goes to show how many people just don't fucking care enough to workout a bit and watch their diet at least a little.

MangoPlatypus's picture

No doubt, I miss moving weight sometimes.

One thing I’ve learned through getting really lean, is the eye to mind to muscle coordination. It’s allowed visualization of how specific movements contract muscles. I’ve found it helpful. An interesting side effect of the process I guess.

MonstrousS's picture

Ah thats a pretty good point. I've recently lost some of the cut in my delts and between my bis and tris, and I noticed tonight that it was a little harder to feel the lateral delt during certain raises. At the same time, I couldn't see it as well in the mirror as I could a month ago.

On the note of mind-muscle, have ya'll ever ran the sarm, RAD-140? I used that before I jumped on test, and god damn, the connection I had to my muscles was unreal. Even to this day, with 3 additional years of dedicated experience, I still can't get the same level of pin point muscle activation. It was truly unreal.

Tbone69's picture

Actually I've noticed that was well to some extent, on the smaller muscles if I hold my hand on them while contracting I can increase my focus greatly too!