Solo379's picture
  • 43

+ 1 Orals


I’ve read plenty of how too many orals are yes bad on liver so I know that. I have 2 weeks left on my oral kick for my 9 week cycle this time. This time though I do use liver supports also liv52 milk thistle. Have my Ai. This week though I feel I may have to throw the cycle cause for the first time I put two orals. Orals Winny 50 mg and tbol 20 mg for my orals also tren and test suspension. I did this cycle pushing my limits on shots of the bat cause test suspension that’s why I did winny orals. Just it’s hitting my body diff. I’m healthy had my check ups. Liver kidneys are good.

So joint pains and lower abdomen pain and I’ve read ahead of time what it could be. I drink my water take my supports for it but it feels as if this time I have to cut the cycle thoughts on my pushing my limits past my basic only cycles.

RSN34's picture

If you’re going to run oral I would take TUDCA and NAC together. This will help you liver out tremendously. As for winny I would drop it right away and your joint pain will be gone in no time. I don’t touch winny for that reason

Solo379's picture

See I knew all what could happen. I thought with having all my supports I’d be fine but it hit me like everyone else. It’s truly amazing how strong it is and how it effects you. Def have dry joints. I feel harder and stronger but just the joints brother lol. I’m thinking of just adding in Test P to finish my cycle since the orals are going to hit the curb and then just use test suspension pre workout again.

RSN34's picture

I know brother. A lot of people don’t realize how strong and what effect these orals will have on the body. You need more liver support for those orals imo. Next time try running just Tbol with atleast tudca you will be happier. Tbol won’t dry out your joints like the winny.

press1's picture

You've been chomping 50mg Winstrol tabs & using Trenbolone and you are wondering why you are getting Joint pain? Your joints will be dry as a bone man - Drop that nasty winny asap. I simply cannot bench medium heavy when on that stuff, feels like I've shot a nail gun through my shoulders.

Second I know there are one or two studies out there saying tren doesn't affect the liver - I beg to differ. Last year I had exactly the same type of pains in the lower abdomen area, they would always come on just after I had eaten also. I use to cycle the stuff for months at a time thinking it didn't do any damage - Wrong, it does. Went to the Doc's and liver levels were sky high. That day I simply went back down to test only and the pain went immediately. Being stupid I thought I'd test to see if it was the tren doing it - shot 0.5ml only and was in crippling pain for the next 10 hours. Don't get me wrong you are generally fine on the stuff for around 6 to 8 weeks at a time, but IT IS toxic as hell to most of your internal organs. I think it effects liver, kidneys and intestines/guts all as badly as each other.

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RSN34's picture

Whoever is posting articles about tren not being hard on the liver have lost their mind.

Solo379's picture

Tren is one of the most harsh things out there but back in the day I’ve seen many say all you gotta worry about is gyno. Then atrophy then your Y n Axis. Tren is a bitch. It’s great but half a gram to much well you can start having pains like I have cause I haven’t found my sweet spot. I still don’t think ppl see it this shit will kill you. You can become a monster but then you die. I love learning but I’m still growing in knowledge. I’m still just thankful for bro’s like you so I gain knowledge and well can tapper back or just never do it again. So again I hope one day I can help people my age n younger like you have me

RSN34's picture

This is how we learn brother. I like to help out when I can. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. You’re better off doing that than learning the hard way.

Solo379's picture

Like I said it’s nice to have a brother hood

Solo379's picture

Yeah it hit me hard bro. I’m going to finish my final weeks and prob never use orals again sep for my Ai and Pct brother. I may use tbol in the future but winny orals are more than what I thought. I do appreciate all your bro’s input. That’s why I hope one day down the road I’ll be able to help others slowly but surely.

SL's picture

Why suspension? The goal is to get stable blood levels

Solo379's picture

Yes I understand that usually I always run short cycles. So normally I’d use prop for my cycle but this time test suspension to see how I’d react to it. Also It does suck having to pin so much but for this cycle I’m a pin cushion lol. I love the feeling of it though but I’d rather use test P.

SL's picture

Oh gotcha. Even prop kicks my ass personally. I usually just run trt test and stack with a 19 or something.. I keep things really simple works great.

Solo379's picture

Bro I looked at your pics your vascular as fuck. Lol. I’m starting to get my veins back I’m prob 11% bf right now can’t kill this last bit on my abs. Harder than usual. Any ideas bro for helping with my side to get my cut v back it’s there just not how it used to be

SL's picture

Yea bro here’s what I do.. everything is calorie dependent, don’t rely on the gear. Nutritional timing is more important than nutritional intake.. But both is ideal. so there are good keto calculators online. You will put in your weight height age bodyfat. It will give you an idea of how many calories you use everyday to sustain your body weight. I usually go into a like 10% deficit to cut. Rn I am doing for carbs 50/50/50 then load day of 200 grams first 4 meals out of 6. Last two meals just Lean meats and little veggies good fats.. keep my protein at 30 every 2 half hours. I do fasted cardio everyday for 30 mins to an hour with heart rate at 130. I will do hiit intervals every 10 mins spike to 150-160. As far as v taper. Wide grip pull downs let your shoulder blades stretch and your muscles fully extend then squeeze. All muscle mind connects and make it heavy and hard. Also time under tension. And barbell rows I do tons of them. I’m at like 12 percent rn but I will down ready for stage in 120 days Smile just started prep

Solo379's picture

Appreciate it bro. Like me my meals are all lean meat. As in ground turkey, ground bison, boneless skinless chicken breast, Salmon,Shrimp. My heavy meats are New York strips and ground New York strip for meat balls in my pasta. In between meals are berries cottage cheese. My only cheat day I max my fav food pizza rolls and fruit roll up lol but still do a light lift n cardio to show effort lol. So my diet is decent. I def eat right I’ve always been the tone guy best way to put it but could lift heavy for my size. So now I need to get my abs in check before I start hitting heavy meats to fast to truly grow grow. I wanna sit comfy for 6’2 at 190 but be a monster lol.

SL's picture

It’s all calories in calories out bro. Doing fasted cardio will melt the fat off after a week of low carbs. Also don’t worry about getting big when trying to lean out. Pick one and get after it. It is all calorie dependent. You need to count everything and get your diet dialed in to get down to that next level of cut. I definitely wouldn’t touch pizza anything or any dairy cutting.. keep it simple and stay dedicated. My last meal was 110 grams tuna (30 proteins) 65 grams almonds (33 fats) and 45 grams steamed potato (11 carbs) I eat 2700 calories rn in my cut which in slight deficit. I’m 5’10 197.. also orals I don’t mess with much they’re hard on you and don’t get great results imo. I only use Anavar during cut, proviron. Anything else is harsh and injectable are much safer and more stable. Remember we want stable hormone levels and stable nutritional intake. Good luck bro keep grinding

vhman's picture

Bloods? Rolling the dice with your health with you just guessing things are fine with your liver.

Solo379's picture

Before all the covid stuff happen I went and had my reg check up since I turned 30. So the did bloods. Bp kidney function liver was good. I was amazed by my liver to be honest since I’ve been a drinker all my life but cut back always when I know I’m going to cycle. I just think since I’ve never had two orals at once I pushed the limits on this one. I eat clean. Just my body isn’t reacting as I thought it would which is why I’m going to cut a oral and stick with oils mainly till I can figure out that area for my body. I appreciate everyone’s input. This community I’m glad always cares about us all.

vhman's picture

All I’m saying is you’re just guessing right now. Bloods are the only way to tell for sure. Glad you’re considering dropping them. I would never run them without bloods.
Best of luck.

Achak's picture

Injectable glutathione is hands down the one best detoxifiers available. It reduces oxidative stress in the liver and kidneys. It has many other health benefits too. I recommend you researching the health benefits. TUDCA is another excellent supplement that reducing liver enzymes.

As far as the joint pain goes, I recommend Krill Fish Oil 3-6g a day. Sarm MK-2888 Ostarine 25mg a day. Glucosamine 500mg 2x day. MSM 6g a day.SAMe 1000mg a day

Solo379's picture

Appreciate it. I knew what could happen but was going to push and see where my body limits are. I’m thinking I found out orals don’t like me at all since more liver toxic. Thank you again

Bill G's picture

The only one I've taken is dball. Between the estro and my blood pressure (prolly caused by the estro) amd not being able to eat with in a week two at the most. Fuck that it's not productive

Bill G's picture

Winstrol is bad for joints a ligaments. The other is liver toxic. Drop the orals and see if there is a difference.