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+ 9 Rethinking PCT - HCG v Clomid - Bollox v Brain - thoughts v evidence


Just thoughts.

I am exploring something different with my PCT at the moment.
Most people know I firmly take a holistic approach to PCT, leveraging the best tools available (or tolerated by the individual body).

I am going to document my current PCT path with bloods etc but I have experienced something different this time I wanted to share. I will post bloods next week when I have them to show what has happened (I am guessing at the moment so need the evidence myself).

You know I am a massive proponent of HCG both on cycle and for PCT (HCG is part of the original PCT of course - see my PCT/HCG postings).

Well this time, after a very very long tren into deca run, I always used hcg during the cycle, then allowed 7 weeks for deca to drain and 5 weeks for test E to drain. During the 5 weeks post last shot test, I used HCG for the first 3 weeks EOD and then just used it twice when I felt test dipping low enough to allow estro (which rode low all the while on cycle due to a very low test cycle and high deca, previously moderate tren) to approach crashing. using hcg only twice in week 4 brought my estro back up and kept me healthy.
Week 5 saw ZERO hcg usage, then blood test. Blood results next week.

However... I continued with no HCG into week 6 (week 6 would be the point where I run my ED 3 week HCG blast to fully ramp the nuts up), because, I feel my test is probably at low normal levels which would be absolutely ridiculously successful alone if LH is switched on too. Put it this way, I feel the test levels improving daily but need evidence. So, I feel my LH might have switched back on a chunk - bloods to prove this of course. There is definitely enough time for test to lower and hcg is well drained (hcg takes less than 5 days to fully drain and not be a factor, I had about 12 days maybe, before bloods.

So... if LH rebounded that fast, it proves: HCG is THE most important part of a well designed PCT, or at least maintaining your balls is the most important end-factor.
IT proves the pituitary can switch on again fast. (see my 19nor part 3 post to see **EXACTLY how severely shut down my pituitary was just a few weeks ago).
It also proves that 19nors dont shut us down the way people think... it is people shutting their testicles down that causes issues.

IF, that is... if what I suspect is true. If it is true, we absolutely MUST rethink what we are doing with regard to PCT. (these thoughts apply to those without pathological issues such as clinical hypogonadism, not AAS induced hypogonadism - hope that makes sense):.

Just thoughts.... bloods to follow....... bloods may prove me wrong... sure how many times have we heard someone say "I can feel it" LOL

giardap's picture

Ok...... so...... nope. i feel something but nope, not to the level i suspected and not to the point where it changes a pct approach. However it does prove hcg only approaches to pct are a fools errand. So thats a good outcome.
Lh is not up to an appreciable level. It is still below .5
There is also a possibiity here that there could be an argument for HCG as a TRT therapy, but it would require ai's and regular bloods.... so perhaps a drug-hoiday approach or something like that (just a thought really).

I spoke to the doctor and he reckons that it is pulsing on off but my pit is still asleep. Test is now at 20 which is about ok for my age. 650 or so.

So with this test level achieved i proved only that my balls work to the right level for my age.

The doc spoke to an endo for me. He said the HCG has disipated BUT it is estrogens (even though estradiol is not that high) that will keep the pit asleep. He also says it is likely weakly pulsing which accounts for a slow lowering of test and the sleep cycle working well which is seen by morning wood but then no obvious test symptoms in the evening, consistently. As opposed to the usual high test horny all day.

So on 1 hand... hcg kept my balls alive and once i prove the pit works we should be in good shape.
On the other hand... hcg with a half life of 28 hours, can disipate but its shut down effects at the pit last longer than the 5x half life it takes to leave the body. Test can take a lot longer to leave the body depending on levels, estro and pit action. We already know this but here is the proof.
I will post bloods when possible.

JMacD's picture

Hey man, you seem very knowledgeable about all of this, and you definitely have my attention here. I'm not going to pretend to be able to carry on an in depth conversation on PCT like you guys, but I have some questions about your protocol. I sent a friend request your way..

giardap's picture

P.S. it is my hypothesis that the testes dont always restore function, or do in a limited way each time until TRT time

I've just proven hcg restores them to 200 points above norm... so can the brain help hold that level, is the next question....?!

giardap's picture

So this is my mission for this year.
To see if the brain will play ball.

Let me give you an example... when i turn on the keto diet, i get a clear100 point boost above base. So the brain is capable to maintain above the current base (did fat adaption for over a year....).
Ive been compiling methods, you can see the list in my trt forum post about increasing natural levels.
So first off complete pct, then measure where the brain settles after serm... thrn make a judgement on lifestyle and aromatase possibilities.

giardap's picture

Half life's arent useless!
What is truly useless is folks not realising that inhibin, estrogen and test all control negative feedback. And at 2 locations. But the pit itself can stay down too. Some of these are things i cannot measure.

Ive gone over my bloods again. Unless there are unmeasured estrogens causing an issue as you say, (which i seriously doubt).... and its not likely the test keeping lh low.... its at 650 so lh should pulse on/higher.... My estro is <50 which is the lower limit listed (i run well at about the low end)

I dont need test to drop any lower. It is endog test, mostly as produced by an exog source which is not in my system, measured by blood and urine.

Which leaves a sleepy pit and/or inhibin..... now yes aromatisation in the brain can play, but i reaĺly dont believe it to be the case. My pit has been shown to be heavily shutdown, prl almost crashed too..... inhibin/activin.... hmmmm.... as i cannot measure i will stick with the greater evidence which is of a physical shutdown. (My 19nor post shows the depth of shutdown across the hp). General levels are so low... it really seems unlikely to be aromatisation. However.. zero estro via a serm should cause the restart.

Thats means unless i use a gnrh agonist a serm is still the right tool. Clomid is best mono, yes, but i use the combo. I dont need zero test to restart successfully, just zero exog test and zero estro at the hyp via serm.

Oh re: the 2.5 to 11 of test....
So very true. And understanding the implications of why exog test still released at say .5mg per day 5 weeks post last shot.... why it can keep a pct from working fully..... so important

jrod91384's picture

I'm interested. Send me the links please?

giardap's picture

I've read this previously. will re-read cheers for sharing.

Timing and bloods... the 2 core pillars for any PCT. Sadly, the 2 things people refuse to do correctly.

Makwa's picture

Last thought: If pct was as easy as everyone thought why are all the people on trt now days. Hit me up if you want to read more.

Because they are to lazy and weak minded to do a pct. The YOLO's don't want to come off. PCT isn't rocket science.

I was on TRT before even using steroids.

Greg's picture

Last thought: If pct was as easy as everyone thought why are all the people on trt now days. Hit me up if you want to read more.

I was on TRT before AAS. The why of it is because "old people problems" weren't an issue when all of us boomers were babies. Until recently, the focus has been on childhood diseases. Now, they are finding out how to tackle "old people issues". And big pharma is more than happy to help spread the awareness that your lack of enthusiasm, labido and energy can be helped.

Then you have the youngin's blasting and cruising who are now armed with a socially acceptable catch phrase. And a very small percent of those who actually have issues at a young age, and a smaller percent who fucked themselves up running AAS without any PCT protocol.

giardap's picture

In fairness Greg, this very board has TRT people with EXP tags giving the youngins so called PCT advice that as good as guarantees they will end up TRT.

I am not blaming eroids, but it is real it happens here daily and can become a problem for those who do end up follow the EXP advice.

Greg's picture

I'm not seeing a conflict between our two comments. I suspect anyone who is truly on TRT understands the process and offers the same advice as I do which is, "Stick with your doctor and follow the process".

The others are full of bullshit either going to a "men's wellness" clinic or simply cruising.

giardap's picture

No, no, and I should have mentioned that some of the best advice on the ABC's of test usage/ endocrine system management has come from legit TRT folks.

Comment meant more as an observation than anything else really. We just see more numbers here, of people with aas induced hypogonadism, which is preventable.

giardap's picture

No, tren... why?
(* very long... run)

giardap's picture

Not recent, cutoff point was prior to tren study post
Deca/npp experiments began after that (Deca /npp solo etc etc),

I love tren, love it. Just cant run it anymore. Accumulated too much damage and / or tolerance has dropped too low.

Not a side to be seen in the old days. Used fkn love it, still do.

Manshit's picture

Man you amaze me over and over.Of course keeping you balls active makes PCT faster and more profound.HCG makes pct much better.I wouldn’t dream of pct without it.I think you are on to something with using while on cycle.Guess what,endo’s Agree with you.Almost everyone I know on trt are also using hcg at least once a week but usually twice.Keep bringing it!You are certainly on to something.

stairmaster's picture

Another great and helpful post from u!'s picture

Good read Giard, the longer I'm in this life the more I realize just how important HCG is to a good cycle and a good PCT.'s picture

x2 agreed

0newheelup's picture

Cant wait to see ur results also. Was this pct a hcg only or did u incorporate clomid/nolva and are just focusing on the hcg part of it? I'm guessing hcg only being ur "holistic approach".. Thanks for sharing brother

johnmarshall12's picture

I am a HUGE fan of HCG! I have tried in numerous posts to convey the poor of this substance to bodybuilders. However, i guess I was not successful as my communication techniques were too direct perhaps.

Someday lifters will realize the full potential of this drug and it will make PCT an entirely new game, and other aspects of the sport.

Good post +

Drock_357's picture

Damn G, you are a living science experiment....much respect for all the knowledge dropped on this community.....I’m definitely following this closely and can’t wait to see what the bloodwork shows, ...takes some real balls, ( no-homo and pun intended), to do these kinds of experiments on ones self and moving outside the box of the “ normal” pct procedure

giardap's picture

Just thoughts for now brotherman. Even if bloods make a fool of me, I am happy to learn something, ya know?!

Thing is, it is the normal PCT that has probably caused most of the lads who wrote about it to end up TRT nowadays.

I might end up there yet, but I am fighting it for now, trying to get smarter about things and learn/listen to my body.
Fkn Ironic it has taken me 20 years to start thinking intelligently about these things! Oh well!!!

jrod91384's picture

I sent a fr. I had a couple questions

Drock_357's picture

Just consider the last 20 yrs was spent for r&d, ...always look at the positive side of these things...good luck with the research G!

Side note: it has taken me 30 yrs to conclude that the mullet is no longer in style, so it’s the shaved bald look for this guy.... so always take your time, gather all the info you can before making big decisions

giardap's picture

Danny McBride almost brought it back!!

Im a shaved baldy too, i have ultimate respect for you now LOL

Cheers fella, enjoy your weekend!