the_gainz's picture
  • 46

+ 2 Red Cross offering amazon gift cards for blood donations


$5 gift card sent by email if you donate between Nov 25 through Dec 19.

Pale's picture

They give out promotions all the time. Its all good

daksmack's picture

If your donating blood for a $5 amazon gift hard then your an idiot, you should be donating because you want to, give me a T-shirt if you want, I’ll wear it proudly, but 5 bucks, give me a break.

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Greg's picture

Cynical much? It's called a blood drive. The incentive is to get those who normally donate to come out sooner than later for the holidays.

daksmack's picture

Cynical none actually. Just sick of people needing a handout to do something good.

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Greg's picture

If the red cross was giving donuts and coffee as a thank-you is that also a hand out?

T-shirt, coffee, giftcard... it's all thank-you swag (acronym for "Stuff We All Get"). Even a junkie can get $20 selling his plasma. I can guarantee you, no one is donating for the swag.

Goose24's picture

Honestly I would be a lot happier if the Red Cross used the money they were providing coffee, doughnuts,swag and c.c's for R&D rather than having a buffet or cool t shirt. Most to all people go in there for the the right reasons (saving lives) us we go in there for two reasons. Bottom line give me a damn 5 cent sticker and get me on my way.

daksmack's picture

That’s true. I used to give blood/platelets every month for 10 years straight during my time in the US Air Force, they always gave us a box us Girl Scout cookies, think mints, always got a good sugar high, I would eat the whole box during the platelets donation.

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JugulrTRENsuspension's picture


PPGfreak's picture

Great post bro