Engineereddisaster's picture
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Not everyone here is nice like uncle Ed


A few years ago, a former member and I had a beef. I was running some mean tren so I decided that I was going to take the beef offline and handle it. No homo. I did some research, found out where the guy lived, what he did, who his family was etc. and was elated to find out that he lived in an area that I frequently traveled to. I decided on my next trip to the area, that I was going to stop by his place of business and say Hi.
I know that’s kind of crazy but hey, I was on too much tren for too long of a time.
As Tren sometimes does...It makes really shitty ideas seem like good ideas. Hell, you might even see 5 towels on you hotel room floor and automatically assume your lady was sucking some guys dick in the hotub. Lol.
At any rate, I ended the cycle, stopped the tren, sanity came back and I laughed off my shitty idea. Well that was until this person threatened to snitch on me in an email.
This particular member did some shipping for a particular source That I liked and he threatened to “pull out his notebook, find my personal information and snitch me out. (All homo on his part)
Normally, this would have worried me, but it didn’t because I never use my personal info when shipping gear and I knew for a fact that he didnt have my personal information.
I think he thought the threat was a good Idea until I replied to his email with his real name, and told him that I would visit him at his real address, and I gave him some personal information about himself that he didn’t realize that I had. Perhaps he didn’t realize that I was planning on making a personal visit to say hi. Lol.
At any rate. That put the fire out immediately and his threat to snitch went away quite fast.
Why are you telling us this Ed?
I don’t know kids, I guess because Im in a shitty hotel room and can’t sleep. That and just as a reminder that you kids need to always be careful.
Ed’s final thoughts:
1. Not everyone here is as nice as uncle Ed.
2. You can’t trust everyone like you can trust Uncle Ed. 3. Even your most trusted bros will snitch so be careful, you really don’t have to prove your friendship by telling people who you are.
4. There are ways to get your gear without having it shipped to your house with your name on it. Be smart.
5. Your source likely has guys working for him that are probably not as awesome as your source is. Be careful.
6. Your source may not be that kickass bro that you think he is. Be careful.
7. Most importantly respect others. That guy who you are planning on pissing on might just be on your doorstep with his finger on the doorbell very exited to meet you.

Hope that helps, all my love, no homo

Protein4breakfast's picture

Always great to read a story and crack a smile on eroids. Having a temper myself I’ve been in similar situations and talked myself out of it and been glad for it but also been in similar situations and not talked myself out of it and wished I had. I’m glad your more reasonable self prevailed but these are all very important things to keep in mind

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TableMuscle's picture

Thank you Ed for the story. I have had thoughts like that before. The thing that really scares me is that someone gets pissed at me and comes looking for me. I’m ok if they find just me but the problem is like many others on here I’m not alone. What if someone shows up at your door looking for you to harm you and guess who answers the door? That’s right your lovely wife or daughter all alone with no protection. Before you think your a badass think of what your willing to lose.

CBBurrr's picture

Funny stuff Ed. It is amazing what you can dig up by using google and some creativity. There was a guy on Meso trying to shake down Nandro, force him to sell him bensos and shit. Just for fun I helped ID the guy. He went by lauderdale boy, and was a chubby fuck that just got dumped by his old lady.... according to his facebook account.

thomas33's picture

Lol. I remember that post where the guy thought his girl was cheating cause there was two towels on the floor

Fangsharp's picture

Kicked my day off perfect with a hot coffee. Fkin hilarious Ed. No homo

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Well said brother. .. no patience for the snitch shit. bueno in my book

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KMC's picture

Great advice Ed.

ETA: Tren: a felony court date looking for a place to happen.

Owes a Review × 1
Ozninjaguy's picture

lol...yeah...the wet towel guy. I actually agreed with him. I thought his missus was banging some guy and said so.

Pale's picture

The towel story, lmao! And as someone currently be hunted by several rejected members and federal law enforcement I definitely agree lol

Engineereddisaster's picture

Bro I’m still waiting for you to be a final masterpiece. Lol

Ozninjaguy's picture

For sure you can factor in Pale in part of your ongoing story...just give him an alias..and since you are alone (presuming here) in a motel room - get those creative juices flowing..and on a serious note - good advice in your post.

Pale's picture

Somebody will have to dig up that thread for you Oz,lol. It was and is an eroids classic.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Well, now I'm REALLY curious...where is that thread?

Pale's picture

It is here in offtopic but I will have to try and remember which one it was.

Pale's picture

Not the same one bro. It was a Mike1980 thread. I am not even positive that was the name but I believe it was.

Rob83's picture

Ahh, I thought you meant the towel guy! Just read the two you bumped, good reading right there!

Ozninjaguy's picture

Ok. I thought that Rob's link was wrong. Thats the Towel Guy. i have searched for the thread but can't find it - maybe deleted.

Pale's picture

I bumped them both , enjoy

Ozninjaguy's picture

Mike had, and probably still does have, some serious issues...I read most of the many pages of comments...the curious thing for me is, if you were to be his masterpiece, was it going to one of those naked type renditions? (no homo)

Pale's picture

Lol, that was before I became mod as I recall but was also maybe the catalyst for me becoming one

Ozninjaguy's picture

Understandable. I have only been here 2 years and have read a lot of shit - but that guy takes the cake. I'm surprised that he lasted as long as he did. Kudos to the guys then who originally thought he was genuine and had his interests at heart.

giardap's picture

Forgot about the wet towels lad! Wonder has he finished his tren run?!

DSTER's picture

That was probably the funniest topic of the year.

giardap's picture

Big time D!

sunamcaxa's picture

that was interesting read xD, who was that guy that thought hes lady is cheating on him? xD, also thank you for advices

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