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+ 60 My 2 Cents on Primo


I have been fortunate enough to get a few cycles of primo under my belt now so I would like to share some of my thoughts on how to make your primo run a positive experience. Run it right and you will be rewarded, run it wrong and you just wasted a boat load of money. Strap in cause here we go.


Where I see a lot of primo cycles fail is that people are not running enough of it. You won’t hear me say this very often but this is one of those compounds where more is better. There, I said it. People often skimp on the dose in an effort to save money. If that is you, then move on from primo and cycle something else. Get out of this common theme you seem to hear where *”I’ll run it at 400mg/wk for the first half of cycle and up to 600mg/wk for the last half. That is just dumb. Pick that max dose you want to be at and roll with it from the beginning.

Half-assing the dose will give you even less than half-ass of the results and then I have to listen about you whining that primo doesn’t do jack. So don’t be a cheapskate with primo and the transformation it will provide will be very impressive. Here is a hint, stock up on it when you see a good sale. It then becomes affordable to run a proper cycle of it. I spent nearly $3k on one of my primo cycles so yes it is very expensive but it is one hell of a fun ride.

So what would I recommend for dosing primo? I personally wouldn’t recommend anyone to go below 750mg/wk. Nor would I go over 1g/wk. So if you can afford a gram a week go for it. That extra will really put you over the top and is worth it. If stacking it, 750mg is perfectly fine and would still be great even if not stacking. I have been below 750mg/wk and not real impressed. Hit 750mg and it is night and day difference. Been above 1g but didn’t experience much of a difference. Sweet spot seems to be between 750mg and 1g so find your sweet spot and you will be a happy cat, just don’t start to low.


Now that you have your dose figured out this brings up the next topic. How long should I run it for? Well, you need to run it long enough if you want to get optimum results. You hear it with EQ and now you are going to here it with Primo. This is a patient man’s drug. If you don’t have that patience then don’t run it.

Let me tell you that running a 12wk cycle of primo is going to be pretty lackluster and once again you will be pretty disappointed if you do compared to if you could extend it a bit more. I know it is an enanthate ester and we all hear about how enanthate peaks around wk 4. Well blood levels may be peaking and I am not arguing that. What I am here to tell you is that you will think your primo is fake because you really won’t start noticing the dramatic effects it starts to produce until about that 7+ wk mark and it just takes off from there. End it at 12 weeks and you just missed out on an even more spectacular transformation.

This stuff just keeps getting better the longer you run it. 16 weeks is bare minimum I would bother running it and you will be totally transformed if you do so. 20 weeks is the golden ticket and for us trt dudes 24 wks wouldn’t be out of the question. Hopefully you don’t have a mortage if you run it that long though. Get in at least 16 weeks and you will be a happy cat once again.


This is pretty simple here. You are running primo for the hard, chiseled, dense, vascular look it can provide. Why would you want to cover all that hard work up with subq water that running higher test typically produces. I run anywhere from 150-250mg of test e. Above that and I need an AI and start to lose the look. Use prop or whatever test makes you happy. You should already know what dose and type of test you can get away before running a cycle of primo. Now is not the time to figure that level out.

Take my suggestion here and run your test at a level where you don’t need to run any AI. This should for the most part keep you dry enough so you can really appreciate the primo. If any amount of test bloats you or you need an AI no matter what dose of test you take, then take a pass on the primo. You are not doing yourself any favors running your test high. Your goal here is cutting not putting on slabs of muscle so you don’t need test very high (may I dare say any at all…..hhhhmmmmmm?).


Are you going to spend $2K+ on a cycle and just wing it with your diet? Unfortunately many do and are rewarded with a piss poor cycle for their laziness. I am assuming you are going to be cutting with primo, that is what it is best used for by the way, so don’t throw your money in the toilet by not tracking your cals and macros.

You should also already know your TDEE by now and not just from a calculator. The calculator is just an estimate and can be way off based upon your specific metabolism. So if you haven’t ran a cutter yet and figured out exactly what your TDEE is based upon actual experience and not just starting with the value from a calculator, then you are ready to roll. This isn’t the cycle to figure that out. Well you can, but it is very expensive way to do it. You better know about nutrient timing also. There is a lot more to successful dieting and hence a successful primo cycle than just cals in vs cals out. So get your ducks in a row with all the aspects of dieting before running your cycle. You will be well rewarded if you do.

Let me just throw this out there too. I just bought one of these new fitness/heart rate tracker things and it is a total game changer when adjusting diet. I think it is common sense that your TDEE changes on a daily basis based on your activity. I have noticed daily swings of damn near 1,000 calories with my TDEE. Here is an example. Lets say my TDEE is 2500 cals. I have noticed some days based on my tracker which is using my heart rate and stuff to track my cals, that some days I burn through 3500+ calories like when doing yard work all day and some days I’ll only burn through 2,000 cals when stuck in the office. So I eat accordingly. Some days I can eat more and some days I have to eat less. I call it dynamic calorie tracking. This on the go tracking ability has made it so much more effective when dieting now. This thing is absolutely unbelievable in how accurate it is and how much easy (quicker) and more effective it has made cutting.

So now that we have all this tracking cals and TDEE business out of the way, I want to talk about your protein level when running primo. THIS STUFF LOVES PROTEIN. 2g/lb is the bare minimum and I am not going to say anymore. Well, maybe a little bit more. This stuff provides superior nitrogen retention which can help you stand up to some pretty severe calorie restriction and still save all your muscle. I have yet to find a compound that can do this like primo can, BUT, you have to feed it the protein it needs. Sorry tren, you just don’t stand up to primo in this category either.

You will never hear me say this about another compound, but I was able to build muscle while in a slight calorie deficit. I was tracking this with calipers so I am not blowing smoke here. I am not talking slabs of muscle but some is better than none when cutting. Slamming the protein at 2.5g/lb while in a 500 cal deficit and I was still putting on some lean tissue which is not very common, albeit damn near impossible in most cases. My protein once dipped closer to 2g/lb on that same 500 cal deficit and the mass was maintained but stopped building lean mass. Got the protein back up and the slight increase in lbm resumed. Now when I dropped to a 750 cal deficit the lbm gains stopped altogether but I wasn’t losing any lean mass. Now when prepping, for a while I was in a 1000+ cal deficit and still not losing lbm. That is impressive. So feed your primo the protein it needs and you can strip the fat pretty damn fast and not lose any muscle, or very little anyway. Don’t feed it the protein it requires and you are SOL no matter what then. None of this 1g/lb bullshit with primo if you want to save any muscle and burn off the fat at a rapid pace. Not that I would recommend 1g/lb anyway, but you get my drift.


If your bodyfat is pretty high there in no point in spending $2k to lower it to a more respectable level when you could do that for basically free. Do me a favor and don’t run waste money on primo until you get down at least into the low teens. It is way overkill starting with a much higher bodyfat than that unless you have money to burn. You are going to have to run a much longer cycle then also to really see the unique look that the primo provides with uber low bodyfat. So, crank that bodyfat off first with a good diet, training, blah blah blah and you will be much more impressed with your primo cycle.


You here it often that primo is a mild compound with very little side effects and can be a good beginner compound. Well true, a lot of the nasty side effects with other compounds are very minimal with primo but here is the kicker, you need to pin a lot of this shit for an effective cycle. What that means is multiple sites with proper site rotation or you can end up in a world of hurt. I’ll let Rusty post an abscess pic if he wants. Beginners are not ready for the type of pinning that running a proper cycle of primo requires. It becomes a chore even for a veteran so stay away until you are comfortable pinning multiple sites for a long time. I would recommend having a minimum of 6 available. The more the better obviously and don’t be doing any of this 3cc/pin stuff. That is just dumb and asking for trouble all in itself.


You don’t really need to stack anything with primo to appreciate what it does. With that being said there are some things I love stacking with it now. If you really want to take out a second mortage, I have had a great outcome stacking it with oral primo. 150mg/d is the golden ticket here. Yep that is right and let me tell you this, it really seems to define the look of the injectable. In essence the same compound but it does appear to do something that the other doesn’t and vice versa. No clue why but it does. It works better as a finisher than a kicker though. Freaky transformation at the end of cycle.

I know what some of you are thinking now. I’ll just replace some of the oil with the oral and I don’t have to pin as much then. Good luck with that. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work that way so erase that thought from your mind.
You can probably take out a second mortage for this one too. Var is freakin awesome with this stuff. Once again tail end of cycle is best. Get some good var and you will be happy. That is pretty the only orals I would really bother with.

Now what would I stack with primo as far as oils. DHB is a favorite of mine so that is a no brainer. I have also found there to be good synergy with primo and EQ/Bold cyp. As you can see there really isn’t a whole lot I would worry about stacking with primo, it is just pretty damn good on its own and I wouldn’t venture out stacking additional oils until you get at least one solid solo primo run under your belt. You could add some orals to that solo run if you feel so inclined to do so which I wouldn’t have any qualms about.

Here is what I wouldn’t stack with it. Mast is totally un-needed here is kind of redundant so skip it. I wouldn’t run tren either. Kind of ruins the unique look that primo imparts and turns a feel good cycle into a feel like shit cycle.

So bottom line, keep it simple with primo. Definitely no need for any fancy stacks here.


You have been waiting for this, well at least maybe some of you, so here you go. This is perfect to get your feet wet with primo.

1-16 750mg primo
1-16 250mg test e (or low enough so you don’t need an AI)
1-16 50 mg provi
8-16 50 mg var

If you are a fan of GH then throw it in there. What I caution you about though is your GH makes you retain any hint of water then drop it, or at least drop it the tail end of cycle so you can see the true look of primo.


Here is a biggie. Running primo becomes so much more easier if you can get it dosed above 100mg/ml. I’ll take 150mg/ml any day and there is plenty of good primo out there at that dose. I’ll take pinning 6ml vs 10ml a week any day. 200mg/ml is even better. People seem to be worried about pip with the higher dosed primo. I have never experienced that and have pinned multiple brands at 200mg/ml and 150mg/ml and never experienced pip with any of them. Don’t buy a $1K worth of 200mg/ml until trying a test bottle though first. Lol

I am sure some of you who have ran primo may not agree with what I am saying, but like I said this has been my experience after multiple runs and if I had to recommend how people go about with their first run of it, this is it and should provide fool proof results if you are serious about running this compound.

zorro2021's picture

Man thanks a lot, so when running Primo it is always better to keep the test in a low dosage? No wonder I felt like shit on my last cycle, even my Estrogen crushed bad

Makwa's picture

I would try to keep your test just high enough to keep estro in range. Primo can be pretty good ai for some so if test is to low you be hit with low estro sides. Shouldn’t need an ai. If you need an ai then lower test dose so you don’t. That will keep you your driest and hardest and looking the best

zorro2021's picture

Great advice, this time around I’m doing nnp, primo 200 and Sustanon, it is only my second time doing primo, my protocol I was thinking of 700mg of primo, 400mg of test and 300mg of NPP all weekly, can you give some fees back on that?

Makwa's picture

I would drop the npp last half of cycle. I don't care what people say, you still will hold a small amount of water with npp so drop it at end if you really want to sharpen the physique up and get the true pimo look.

simonmagus84's picture

Make a separate post with your cycle log. More people will chime in. I personally would stick with Primo and test but runs test around 350 mgs
. Ask they guys though through a cycle log.

UncleYoked's picture

I think this thread needs to be updated for inflation, it's got to be at least 5 cents now.
Primo is by far my favorite, I've run it a few times but only once at 1000mg with test at 500. Physique and strength were phenomenal, side effects minimal but it did plummet my e2 a bit. I ran TNE every so often to help keep the E2 elevated and because I like the killer workout. Looking back, that's probably the most well rounded I've ever looked. With tren I become this rock monster but primo gives the god level physique, I also dare say I was stronger on primo then tren but in a different way. Tren was raw power, pick up 1000lbs and throw it across the room through the wall type strength. Primo is more like progressive strength, able to keep lifting consistently heavier and not feeling like you need to take a 47 min rest inbetween sets.
Of course this is just my experience.

Dets's picture

Hey Mak, great post.

Thoughts on hematocrit and RBC production?

Is it possible that people who are already prone to higher hematocrit levels on test are more prone to problems on Primo? I'm having a bit of an issue on just a minimal dose of primo, waiting for my bloods to come back but I'm experiencing a few symptoms that I suspect have to do with blood thickening.

Makwa's picture

I have never had issues with it, but just like any as their is the potential to raise it. I don’t believe primo is is worse than any others though

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

Wanted to bump this thread and ask. Anyone ever notice or experience crashes E2 due to Primobolan? I have run it higher than test and really enjoyed it. Never at a gram though, which is something I plan on doing soon. But after experiencing crashed E2 from EQ next to TRT dose testosterone I started reading about the possibility of Primobolan and/or Masteron having the capability of doing the same. The jury still seems to be out on it. Not sure if it’s individual dependent or some of these guys are getting bunk Primo that’s actually EQ or what. Just wanted to open the discussion about Primobolan’s possible effect on E2 levels and any experiences on the matter. Thanks @Makwa

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Makwa's picture

What I have noticed with primo is that it really has an impact on my estro once my bodyfat starts to get low. Once I get into the the single digits, I actually have to increase the test amount, or I start suffering from low estro. I have to start pushing about 400mg of test vs 250mg once I am in the single digits if I want to keep my estro in range. Gives credence to the fact that higher BF leads to more aromatization. I added 300mg of mast on top of my primo last cycle and the low estro hit me bad. It was a double whammy.
The high dht and low estro sure made me look good but I really felt like a pile of dog crap.

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

Thanks for the tip @Makwa I stay the singles BF wise. I don’t venture into the doubles these days. Every AAS works better when you’re lean so I try to stay <9% So good to know to up the test a bit. Makes perfect sense with the connection with higher aromatase and higher bf. I’ll keep it around the 400mg Amount and see how it works. Probably keep the HRT with test e (150mg/week) as is, and just stack propionate on top to get it up higher when i up the primo and drop out the nandrolone. Have plenty of TNE as a backup if needed. And I hear yah brother, the look with high dhts and low low test is so great but God I feel like crap. Lol

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Makwa's picture

I think that is a good idea to supplement with the prop. You will be able to adjust dosages on the fly with the prop. With a gram of primo I think 400mg of test is a good starting point.

HanginLow's picture

As stated below yes primo will lower e2 just like masteron albeit to a lesser extent. With 1g primo you need at least 500mg test to keep your estradiol around 30-50, this is very individually dependent, I have found with higher injection frequency the estradiol stays lower. 1g of Mast would need between 500-750mg of test to not be completely crashed. The benefits of higher normal estradiol are innumerable for bulking. You will dial this in with blood work, currently have a client on 800 primo and 600mg test and his estradiol is 48, for me this is a perfect environment for growth.

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- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

Thanks for the feedback Rusty. And you too @HanginLow I’ve never needed AIs. Ever. In the beginning of my enhancement I assumed I would, like most assume, but quickly learned I’m one of those people who can run as much gear as I wish to and I’ll never get acne or gyno or any estrogen sides. Test, dbol, 19-Nors … anything, in any dose, and I’m acne/gyno proof. Maybe some water retention but that’s it. Usually due to higher test which I’ve lowered my test dose over the years as I’ve stated before. With my approach to AAS these days Low E2 is more a concern to me than high lol. EQ hit my E2 hard. Little dbol helped that but now I have to fine tune how much DHT or DHB derivatives I can run to maximize their potential with the least amount of test I can so i can balance keeping E2 in range (either normal or higher or elevated end if I’m looking to build) while also keeping total mg down. I’m trying to find ways to up the E2 without resorting to more test. Dbol is great, ups the E2 but being 17-aa can’t really run that as a staple. Maybe supplementing Trestolone in as an alternative to more testosterone would yield the E2 levels I need with way better returns than simply a higher dose of test would. Lol Trest is still one I haven’t gotten around to trying yet. But as far as I can see, results, and capability to elevate E2 it would be unmatched. Maybe be able
To run that Gram of primo next to TRT test (150mg/week) and use a couple hundred mg of trestolone / week and I’d be gtg. I mean, 150mg test and 200mg trestolone would seem like a way more effective “base” than an equal or higher dose of just testosterone just to keep E2 high enough. Hmmmm lol

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Makwa's picture

Trest isn't the estro bomb that the internet gurus make it out to be. They make it out to be gyno in a bottle. They are all just parroting info and 99% of them have never even used it. A friend of a buddy of mine used it and so on......
I have used it a couple of times now and I did have to increase my AI somewhat on one occasion. Running with 4-500mg of test I didn't have to increase AI at all. When running it with low dose test 2-250mg/wk where I usually don't need an AI I had to add in a just a tad of aromasin while running 50 ed of trest. I noticed the trest was smoothing me out and I was holding water so I added 12.5mg of asin EOD. Dumped some water but still covering up definition a bit. I was cutting at the time so I didn't want to lose the definition so I dropped it after a couple of weeks and dropped the asin also. Trest is one of the better bulking compounds out there but not for cutting Lol It may do the trick for you though if you need to boost your estro by just a tad. Bulking I would use trest, cutting I would use TNE to help with estro.

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

Have plenty of TNE in the stash so thanks for the tip on that one. After that last crash from the EQ, I always keep emergency TNE and dbol on hand. Lol it’s a funny juxtaposition when you find yourself having to keep emergency E2 elevators instead of AIs laying around. Haha

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HanginLow's picture

You definitely have pro level drug tolerance, something I have talked about before not a lot of people outside of the sport realize. The most gifted bodybuilders I have known also can withstand high doses of AAS with little side effects, genetic advantage.

EQ converts more to estrone instead of traditional estradiol and throws everything off, this leads to actually lower e2 and issues with anxiety/depression with many. Definitely not an option for you if you are a low aromatize to begin with.

Personally I have not ran or put anyone on Trest so I could not really comment, the drug does interest me a lot though. Have you ran it? Would love your feedback

So based on the description of your unique biochemistry to counter act 1g of primo and only 150mg of test, you would have to really hit the NPP IMO. NPP upregulates aromatase enzyme expression so that could help drive E2 up. Also splitting your dose of Dbol up to be not all Pre like 10mg 5x per day (golden era protocol) would spread out the methyl-estradiol that dbol converts to and that does have a affinity for the estrogen beta receptor, a known path of anabolism. Of course as you brought up spreading it out will cause a bit more liver strain even at lower dosages and might not be able to be ran the entire cycle.

Primo - 800
NPP - 500-600
Test - 150
Dbol - 10mg 5xED (for as long as you can based on bloods)
TNE - 50mg Pre (as stated by Rusty)

even 250mg of test would really help balance everything out, just spit balling here obviously you are a very advanced competitor that knows their body

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Bulkdaddy's picture

I’d rather run a bunch of gh than primo…. Just my 2 cents

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JFit253's picture

GH w/ IGF 1 combo >

Bulkdaddy's picture

I’ve never ran IGF

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Very informative!! That's great perspective.

Gentauni's picture

God dang am I glad I came across this. GREAT info! Looks like I’m going to need a couple more vials if Primo. Bump my cycle from 16 weeks to 20. Cheers! +

Slowly's picture

If I wanted to perform the cycle that you were tasked with, I would exclude the Var because I don't have a good relationship with the orals.
I have a BF of 17.6.
I would like to lower the Primo dosage to 500mg. Do you think it wouldn't work on me that I've never tried before?

cmryan's picture

How would you guys compare primo to EQ and maybe even DHB in terms of supporting strength gains? My next cycle will be focused mostly on strength and some muscle gain. I prefer to keep test at roughly 250mg/week and this cycle probably wouldn't be any different. I haven't decided if I will include any other compounds but a big goal is to maintain a high sense of well being (a feel good cycle) throughout and that's why I won't use tren.

I'm much more interested in hearing everyone's thoughts about the difference in effectiveness not taking funds into account at this point (obviously eq and dhb are much cheaper than primo in terms of effective doses).

Anyways, I'd love to read anything you guys would like to share. Thanks guys.

Makwa's picture

If your focus is strength and a feel good cycle I would just stick with a test cycle. Primo is an aesthetic drug. Not so much strength. Dhb probably provide some strength gains but the pip may not have you feeling to good. Can’t beat a good ole cycle of test to feel good and help push some weight.

cmryan's picture

Haha. Sometimes the simplest answers. I've read of some powerlifters using primo and eq so I guess I was thinking of one of those along with some test. Maybe just overthinking it. Thanks man and Happy Thanksgiving.

Keepmovingforward's picture

Would you recommend this with eq as well or do you think higher test with eq would be better? One day I’ll jump on primo when I have the funds haha.

Makwa's picture

If cutting with EQ I would keep test at trt levels or slightly above.

Makwa's picture

It definitely can be an expensive cycle, hence why you want to have all your ducks in a row like what I outlined in the post. That way will provide you the best opportunity so you don't blow the results that primo can provide if done properly. For the average gym rat running cycles who isn't anal about logging cals and staying on strict diet and training routine etc. the results probably won't be much different than runniing something like an EQ cycle for example. For those willing to really put in the work though, the cost benefit ratio is there.

Danavar's picture

Started this cycle after nasty food poisoning and a ton of lost gains, except I lost patience and ran the anavar in the beginning because I looked like someone sucked the life out of me. Started @ 750 bumped to 840. I'm just wondering when I stop the var and continue the primo if my lipids will recover on just primo or they will remain shanked until I'm done.

Immortaltech's picture

That example cycle tho, put me on a whole new level, my body feels like its been on 10 years of training, the muscle development i got from it was unbelievable.. its sad that its too expensive, luckily i have 200ml in stack for future

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Makwa's picture

It really is a nice cycle. Very low sides and very versatile cycle depending on diet. Can put on some good quality weight without blowing up or strip a ton of fat off and not lose any lean mass. Just adjust diet accordingly. If focus is more on lean mass I also like to add some EQ then.

Immortaltech's picture

yes that's true, i ran it with prop tho, for the stable blood levels, because it was too much oil, i inject eod anyways

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kibby's picture

This needs to be a STICKIE.....


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ashop's picture

I love PRIMO. One of my absolute favorite AAS. Definitely needs to be ran in higher dosages for best results, but I personally have had success in lower dosages stacked with TRT type testosterone dosages.

Hunter2400's picture

Great write up! Solid info. I'm planning to run primo next spring for the first time and this is just the info needed to keep me focused. Will reread this several times between now and then along with my own research

rageracing's picture

Amazing post brother. I am a HUGE primo fan

zeusmarada's picture

Rage, I too am a fan of the compound. God bless our old source, for sure, for turning us onto this magical nectar.

Makwa, I've yet to give the compound a real run to see what it can really do. The fans of primo are enthusiastic for good reason, but as always, for those reading this post or my comment, please note that this post stresses the hard work of DIET and FOCUS. Still, when primo is added to the mix, good things come to those who eat protein and lift hard.

This post has my brain on overdrive. Thanks Makwa, you bastard! There goes my new laptop budget...

As always, much respect brother.

Makwa's picture

Diet and discipline will truly make or break your primo run probably more than with any other compound

Bearded_muscle's picture

How’d this slip under my radar? Great post brother, I agree with almost all of it. I’d say if stacking it can be run as low as 500. Also the potential for a long primo cutter and a tren finisher (or mtren...) to peak the look is undeniable.

To the guys who just want to look good naked and take care of themselves this is a godsend. Healthiest AAS out there.

PGA's picture

Great post man. I am a big fan of primo myself stacked with low dose test. I personally had AMAZING results with:

250mg Test E/week
250mg Deca/week
800mg Primo/week Aromasin EOD

The low dow of Test and Deca was just enough to keep me full and keep the joints feeling great. Low dose AI took care of all the bloat.'s picture

Makwa I am not sure what you do for a living, but you should take all this knowledge maybe become a personal trainer or something along those lines.

It's great you give this knowledge for free, but If your great at something you should never do that something for free.

Though I am grateful you give this knowledge freely.

zeusmarada's picture

The old saying, "give freely, receive freely" rings true all over this site. I'm grateful to be a part of it and play my limited role. By sharing candidly and openly, successes as well as failures, we all win.

That said,, you're dead right when you say that Makwa would rock as a trainer. Dead right indeed.