GlycogenGuy's picture
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+ 2 To Superdrol or NOT to Superdrol?


I’m getting my supplies together And wanted to know your thoughts on SD. I did a search and the reviews are all over the place. The only common thing stated is massive fast muscle gains and elevated liver enzymes.
I guess the severe sides really kick in at 30mg a day and they vary dramatically. Is it possible to offset the liver enzymes with Milk Thistle, Liv52 ect?

eric11's picture

great stuff i just picked up a few bottles of CENSORED.drol... very potent ill be running it soon 4 weeks max. used it twice in the past powerful sticking with CENSORED.brand cause i never had bad luck with ther tabs and ther priced rite.

Trenbolone1's picture

I used to take s-drol back in the day when you could order it offline from this was like 2007. My personal experience is as follows. At 20mg a day which used to be the manufacturer recommended dose AI would see extreme strength and size gains. 20-25 pounds in 4 weeks. In the process though it would trash my lover values, and give incredibly painful back pumps even while staying hydrated. I found that taurine at 5g a day would offset some of the back pumps. I found the gains to be virtually impossible to maintain regardless of what I ran along side or after. It was a roller coaster cycle up and down. Taking all this into account I haven’t seen any reason to run it since 2008. Everyone is different, that being said this is my PERSONAL experience and opinion on this compound.

Trenbolone1's picture

To be honest man I never saw any fat loss. It appeared to me off my research superdrol was a bulking compound. It was just raw strength and size. Somewhere floating around my house I do have two lab copies of bloodwork for before and after s drol and man it destroyed my liver values. If I can locate them I will post them. Fact is it won’t do anything that a solid diet, training method, and good test dose can’t do given a little time. In the end the test is far more maintainable. As for fat loss I rely on diet and training manipulation with a little tren. That shit works wonders.

Trenbolone1's picture

That’s a solid cycle. I am currently running sust 350 and tren e 200. Total of 700 test and 400 tren. Anytime I drop the tren I run mast. It’s helps maintain the hard vascular look from tren.

Trenbolone1's picture

Well I lost a 2 karma for posting a question apparently in the wrong spot on the forum even after reading all the forum rules. Lost 2 more for asking a question about a certain lab on the source page that is an authorized seller for them. The supplier that sold me the gear. The lost two more points for a full review of a supplier. The review remains posted to this day and it baffles me as to why I lost two karma for a positive and complete review. Truth be told I am a wealth of knowledge for hormones and enhancement. I spent two and a half years under the supervision of an endocrinologist. I spent two years picking his brain. I also read a text book called anabolic pharmacology prior to the 2.5 years spent under doctor supervision. I don’t preach bro lore, just give facts and authentic personal experience.

Trenbolone1's picture

Yeah man idk. I see a lot of people just looking for sincere help and they just get bashed and beat up for asking legit questions. I get the whole concept of educating yourself, but just treating some of these people like crap kind of goes against why they are here. My rule of thumb is if you have educated yourself enough to ask a legit question then i will provide a legit answer. Feel free to hit me if you need any input.

Relou's picture

A few things to consider before running SD (based on my experience and some reading here)

1- Start as low as possible and see where it works best for you.

2- Drink plenty of water and increase carb intake.

3- Do bloods before and after. It can dramatically increase your liver enzymes and also known for altering cholesterol levels but the impact can vary from person to person. A blood work is highly recommended.

4- It will put on mass faster but try to be as dedicated and consistent with diet and training as possible to get the most out of it.

5- Liver support may or may not help. In my case SD always hit me hard in terms of sides especially after 2 weeks. I never exceed the 3 week mark. 2-3 weeks enough for me.

6- The higher the body fat the more profound the side effects are, In my case.

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GrowMore's picture

Update for those interested:

Heading into week 3 and I’ve been running SD at 20mg split am/pm. Plan on running it for 4 weeks total.

Pro- added a freakier look to my flatness, some strength gains, definitely felt that ‘on feeling’ since I’ve been running it. I can see why they call it a dry anadrol.

Cons- coming into week 3 and I’m starting to feel a little lethargic, could be something else as I’ve got a demanding job and 2 children under 2 years, in the first few days of taking the oral I became extremely angry, this is unlike me and once I realised it was the SD it subsided.

I don’t think I’ve given SD a fair run as I’ve been consuming around 1,800 calories during this cut and I keep hearing it needs a solid amount of cals to make the incredible gains you hear about (don’t all steroids). However so far it’s been brilliant for keeping me pumped and feeling jacket. Weather or not it’s better than anadrol I’m unsure, probably not as SD is so toxic and anadrol has similar effects. I’ll update after week 4.

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alekaras's picture

the lower you go on carbs the more lethargy you get ,as makwa posted below it really shines on high carb ,it will blow you up like a balloon in a good way..and strength wise is second on my list same with drol !!

GrowMore's picture

I’ll run it in my next big bulk blast and see what it’s really made of. It’s done a quality job this cut, giving me a shape in a calorie deficient diet when usually I go a little flat.

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Makwa's picture

Yeah I really thin SD shines when used as bulking agent or when carb loading for a prep. It would be on the bottom of my list when doing a cut.

GrowMore's picture

I’ll hold my hands up and admit running it this time was mainly for my ego and morbid curiosity.. usually I’ll up the oils rather than add an oral.

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GrowMore's picture

You’d need to be very aware of your temper mate. I’ve spoken to a couple lads and SD had s similar effect on them also.

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alekaras's picture

if it is the real as it was 5-6 years a go it will blown you up!! strength gains are the least extreme ...lethargy after 2week is almost unbearable,and lipids I got test wile on it and came back zombie stage !! besides that its pretty much the most potent oral ever made!!

johnmarshall12's picture

I've run SD at varied doses from a legit source. I don't seem to experience the sides most complain about. i get higher BP and bloat from DBOL.

That's just me I guess.

Makwa's picture

I would just stick with Adrol. Pretty much the same thing but a lot lighter on the side effects.

gorillafit28's picture

Superdrol is by far my favorite oral! At 30mg it’s my least favorite. I run this compound 1-2 times a year it’s my shit. Honestly 10-15mg is plenty w this compound w some hard work the gains are impressive! I’m quite sure at 5 mg it would work quite well! From strength thru the roof and some very hard grainy muscle is the outcome! I say to superdrol but keep the dose normal 30 is extreme in my book! U will be pissing orange and lathargic! When used properly this compound shines!! Btw I like the inj even better if u can find it! Just don’t be stupid and over do it 5-10mg is quite strong in my book

Flex1971's picture

I'm new here so hello to everybody. Anyway I'm using sd for 5 weeks now. Running it at 10 mg for the first 3 wks. In 8 days my strength shot up and is stil running strong. I gained 26 lbs so far. Decided to run it low and long. It's working. I am much bigger. Still gaining weight and strength. After the 3rd wk I bumped it up to 20 mg a day. Sides aren't bad. Only damn back cramps but taking taurine and magnesium and it's working. I am eating alot as well. Bodyfat is a little high too but have been off work for a while and that will go away once I'm more active. All 26 lbs isn't pure muscle but arms are 19 and solid so I'm cool with it.

felony's picture

26lbs pure muscle in 5 weeks? LOL

If that's you in your avatar might want to change it for a little more privacy.

Be careful running sdrol that long. I have no personal experience with it however everything I've read on it points to it being extremely liver toxic. Five weeks would be pushing the limits.

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GrowMore's picture

Hi bro. Great input, have you had bloods pulled to see the effect on your liver? 20mg ED is still a moderate/high dose.

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press1's picture

Superdrol is like this - It works Very well but you will feel like Death on it. NO matter how hard I try to run it I never get past the 3rd day on only 20mg. If you suffer from any type of anxiety or depression forget it. First time I took it I put up a PR on the third day but the way I felt from the massive lethargy, wierd and general ill feeling killed the buzz and enjoyment of it all. I've tried to take the sides away by adding dbol and test susp etc but the strength of the SD still overides them all after an hour. Building up gains on injectables over time is way more productive than short oral bursts that go as quickly as they come, you'll feel much healthier doing it also.

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press1's picture

Hello me - I'm 6 years older now Lmfao

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GrowMore's picture

I’m planning on running superdrol in a weeks time and I’ll let you know how I get on.

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GrowMore's picture

Yes. 5mg split am/pm and I’ll go from there

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gorillafit28's picture

Man I love the stuff I’ve always found 5 split am/pm just as you plan is plenty! 10 m ed was perfect for me at 20 it sucks ass there is no reason for it! Keep us posted man!

press1's picture

Mmmm you've got me intrigued, might try it at 10mg and see if its more tolerable Smile

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gorillafit28's picture

yea There is no reason to run this compound high it works plenty well. Stuff is potent

GrowMore's picture

Appreciate the advise mate

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jack_wade's picture

The muscle gains I got from superdrol came on quite rapid!!! But I would be very cautious using Superdrol as it can be very toxic. It's the only oral which made my eyes turn yellow:(
I've never had any liver issues using Anadrol at 100mg daily.

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Geo's picture

If you gonna do SD, only do injectable kind. Oral one makes you feel like shit by week 2..even at 10mg.
Also liv52 and milk thistle are garbage. Tudca and NAC is what you need to keep liver enzymes down. If you can find UDCA it's even better. I ran Mtren ed for 2 month straight and took 1g of UDCA ed and had my liver enzymes in low 30's the entire time... Tudca had me in high 40's which is still good on Mtren, but no comparison to UDCA.

yeegits's picture

SuperDrol is just another oral steroid , there is nothing wrong with taking tren with it or any other injectable compound, I took anadrol on a low calorie/carb diet with cardio and shredded up while staying full, it’s all about diet; yes they hold water but people make it like you can’t run wet compounds and stay lean, it makes absolutely no sense, always start low maybe 15mg a day than if you are handing it well, do 30mg ; and don’t go over 30 , 4 week total cause your body will get used to it and I feel like the gains stop after week 3 anyway , it’s very strong, take taurine for back pumps

IrishWOLFhound's picture

Tried superdrol twice a few years ago , couldn't make it past 2 weeks on 20mg a day , heart burn , hair was shedding like crazy , lethargy was so bad I could even workout properly so I dropped it and I won't use it again . Negatives outweigh the positives for me at least .

daksmack's picture

Stay away from SD if your running tren. Just my .02. I had some god awful anger issues. If your going to run an oral with tren just run anavar bro! Throw some proviron in there too for some extra ai support. I’ve also heard tren with turanibol is great too. Avoid SD and tren bro.

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thomas33's picture

I like running anadrol with low dose tren.

wanted's picture

I personallywould take 50 mg of anadrol over 30 mg superdrol anyday of the week.... i have gotten great results
Dry and vascular and strong on just 50 mg aday when on a cut diet.... and i have always taken all 50 mg 2-3 hours before workout

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Dr.BroScience's picture

Superdrol will pickle your liver. I would avoid it