BigDaddyCool's picture
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My next PCT plan


Good day,

Towards the end of December, I will have completed the following cycle:

-HGH: 2.7 IU per day for the whole cycle and beyond;

-D-Bol: 30mg per day for 6 weeks;

-Testosterone Enanthate: 250mg x 2 / week for 12 weeks;

I will start my PCT 2 weeks after my last injection and then I'll do the following:

Week 1 Nolvadex 40 mg ED + Clomid 50 mg ED
Week 2 Nolvadex 40 mg ED + Clomid 50 mg ED
Week 3 Nolvadex 20 mg ED + Clomid 25 mg ED
Week 4 Nolvadex 20 mg ED + Clomid 25 mg ED

Do you guys think it's enough? Do you think I should add some HCG in the mix? If so, what protocol do you recommend?

BigDaddyCool's picture

Here is the PCT plan I ended up choosing:


-I was able to get it from my doctor so it is pharmaceutical grade.

-First shot to be taken 7 days after my last testosterone shot. I will do 1000 IU eod until the bottle of 10 000 IU is empty. So it should last about 20 days.

Farestos (Toremifene citrate)

-It is a SERM very similar to Novladex. It is not as powerful as Novaldex but apparently it would be less toxic.

-I will start 14 days after my last shot and will follow this protocol:

1st week: 80 mg/day
2nd week: 60 mg/day
3rd week: 60 mg/day
4th week: 60 mg/day

I'll have a blood work done 2 weeks after my PCT is done to see where my natural testosterone is at. I'll report it here.

giardap's picture

Blasting hcg like that will probably effect libido
Remember where you heard it first

No bueno

yourSonsFather's picture

Too much nolva (20mg will be fine) but probably you should run nolva earlier before clomid because of high estro level.

Some "old school" guys runs "clomid front load": 150mg 1st day, 100mg 2nd day and 50mg ed to week 3 like you propose. I don't know if its "good practice". It boost your body to unlock HPTA but nobody know how can be destructive.

IMHO you should run 5000iu in 5-7 doses e3d to restart HPTA.

Did you pin HCG during cycle?

giardap's picture

If you dont know then you shouldnt be posting on it
You have advised tamox dose correctly but then to overdose on clomid and hcg. Frontload for clomid wrong too

Bad info
Stop doing that before you become a troll

yourSonsFather's picture

Did you understand "Some "old school" guys runs "clomid front load"" ???

giardap's picture

I did
Im not saying its wrong to frontload clomid, im saying you got the frontload wrong
5x50+50 =300 on day 1 = steadystate dose 50 from there for duration of clomid run

There are different ways to feontload of course but it should not be overdosed. And its worth saying the 300 can be split to 3 doses across day 1 of 100 per dose if worried about sides

mrbones's picture


yourSonsFather's picture

Got it bro, my fault!

CRAZY DOSER's picture

I'm not sure that you need so much nolva. Should be enough 20mg ED. In my opinion it needs to pay more attention to the prolongation of the PCT. And you need to be very attentively during this 2 "empty" weeks, because there is a dangerous high aromatization.

giardap's picture

be enough 20mg ED.

Spot on. No clinical benefit to greater than 20

njs's picture

i personally prefer to bring hcg in. but 2 weeks after last pin is too early. your testo score will be too high for pct. 3 weeks after last pin of depot testosterone is my choice. the opinions about that are very different. but i think, you have enough testo level 2 weeks after last pin. thats why i start in week 3. the optimum is making a bloodwork 1 week before last pin and 2 weeks after last pin. than you know better.
my personal way is to pin 3 x times hcg (750iu for beginners) 1500 iu e3d. folowing common nolva clomid pct. my libido never broke down with this method. but just a info, my cycles are much longer than yours. if you cycle the first time you wont need hcg. the more you cycle the more hcg gets important. specially when you cycle 6 month or longer. i do not recomend that cycles. i do competion and giving only information.

BigDaddyCool's picture

Wonderful link. Thanks a lot.