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+ 37 Are You ready for AAS


I know you are sitting at your desk and thinking it is time to get Swole. Little AAS will fix you right up if you are ready. If you are not ready then a little AAS could be a huge waste of money and a huge hit on your body’s health. So are you ready?

AGE Are you old enough?
If no then stop being greedy you are at your peek right now use it.
If you start AAS at a young age, when you are in your 40’s you will have to take a loan out just to buy your cycle. Immature men cannot handle being wrong and learning from people that have the knowledge. If you’re too young to listen to advice and learn then you’re too young. You have to make sure you have matured physically and mentally. If you ask anyone older than 30 about the decisions they made even at 25 they would tell you they made a bunch of mistakes. At a young age your body is getting used to the new hormone levels. This makes it hard to make rational decisions. If you go and throw the ratio off even more by using AAS it might send your poor brain over the edge. Remember you run a risk of having to take shots for the rest of your life by starting AAS.

Body fat. Is your body fat low enough?
If your body fat is high you have a higher chance of being affected by side effects. High body fat also means you are out of shape and should take care of that naturally. Body fat calipers are cheap and a quick Google search will give you a site to calculate body fat.

Diet Is your diet in check?
To me, this is the hard part. Without a good diet you do not give your muscles the fuel they need to grow. You need to eat protein at least every 3 hours. AAS isn’t a diet plan. If you want to lose weight then eat right. Milos Sarcev Secrets of the Pros has good information on nutrition.

Work out Plan Do you have your work out plan down?
Not just for the past week but for a long time? Your joints need to get used to lifting before you add heavy weight. If you take AAS to early then you run the risk of screwing your body up. If a good work out plan isn’t followed on a cycle you waste the cycle. Make sure you have a good plan and have been on it for a long time.

Not growing Are you able to make gains in the gym?
Wait until you are eating right, sleeping good, working out hard and cannot make gains. Take your body to its full natural potential. When it’s hard to gain even after switching up work out plan then maybe it is time to look to AAS.

Do you even know what an AI is or which one to use or even if you use one or not?
You have to know about AI’s. This is a must. Not only do you need to know about them but you need to have them on hand and ready to go. Do not count on your favorite SRC to ship you some in time.

PCT Do you know what PCT is?
PCT is a must know. You should have a solid PCT set up before you even buy AAS. You need to have them in hand before you start a cycle.

Injection Sites
Do you know where to pin?
Improper pinning could end up in a trip to the hospital or even your family and friends over top of you praying wishing you were still alive. Here are a few spots you can use

Needle size Do you know what size needle you need?
Do you need ½” or do you need a 2” 18 gauge or 29 gauge.

Cleanliness Do you know why cleanliness is important?
Keeping everything clean will lower your chance of infection.

Side effects Do you know all the side effects and how to deal with them?
All AAS affect everyone different so you need to know every side effect that could possibly come up. If a side comes up you need to have what you need to deal with it or have the ability to deal with it.

Sources Have you researched the sources?
You should take a lot of time to pick out the site you want to purchase from. This is all on you. This is not something I would do in a few minutes or even a day or 2. I research and make sure that I have the best chance I can not to get burned.

Health Are you healthy enough?
You need to make sure you are in good enough health to stress your body out to the max. AAS will raise your blood pressure and make you put your body through hell.

Know not to use more than 1 compound Why only one compound at a time?
You always add one compound at a time so you can see how your body reacts to each compound. If you add more than one compound at a time and side effect show up you will not know the cause or how to treat it. Every male should use Test E or C only on their 1st cycle.
If you think you are ready post a thread with all your stats and cycle and let the forum review it.
Also everyone should read this

This from Nitti
Learn everything you can about this and about your own body before you make a decision to take the plunge! Hormones are nothing to play with! If you're in your early 20's, you don't need AAS! And if you tell me that I'm wrong I will call you am impatient ,lazy fucktard! Put in the work! Let your body peak naturally! Learn to eat the right way. Make time for extra sleep! Become a guru of your own biology! How does your body respond to this type of training, that kind of diet and so on. Once you've gotten to the point where you believe you're ready, go through the checklist again! When it's time, you stick with the guidelines! Learn how you react to the basic compounds. Always test only first. Find your testosterone sweet spot! That first cycle will be your best so make the most of it! During that first run your body has plenty of receptors but not enough test. Once you introduce that first blast of test, WOW!! It will be the most amazing thing you ever experience! But don't get greedy and impatient. More isn't better, especially in the beginning. Move along to other basic compounds like Deca and EQ. Steer clear of the beast! I would recommend staying away from orals all together but that's just me. As you grow physically, you'll also grow mentally. Be a student, not a hard head! Good luck, live long and prosper!

fred1's picture

Great information, thank you.

WOR support1's picture

Nice article! It's always a different view per person and many mixed analysis by doctors as well but I guess if someone does it correctly and have a good diet and exercise regularly, no prob at all.

JBsuperman's picture

What do you think about someone older, say in their 60s, taking AAS, and combining it with HGH?

broman2021's picture

Forgive me if I'm not doing this right I am brand new A few years back I was always choosing CENSORED pharmacies I'm looking for a great Deal probably CENSORED Any top brands you can recommend I would appreciate it And Your choice of source to get it my eyes are really bad I appreciate the help I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules

WILDCARD1's picture

Well put

Owes a Review × 4
ugly's picture

I don't know about bf. You don't need to be under 15% bf to start. Do a cycle of test at least 500mg, use ai and be in calorie deficit. Also hgh is a wonderful fat destroyer, but only if it's pharma grade. Ugl doesn't do a job well. REDACTED. No need to add tren or deca, test only is enough.

Bodybuilder_007's picture

I like this article. Wish I had read it few month ago and could save a lot of time googling different questions. Thank you!

META99's picture

One thing I will say on this subject is that I have seen a lot of people think they were going to be gym rats for the rest of their lives. However, Injuries, Marriage, having Children, added demands and success in their work place…all pull them away. And while you might think you are ready in your twenties, it will not be worth the tax on your body to introduce AAS due to those unforeseen circumstances. Waiting in life to start, often, is the right thing to do. The time will give you introspective to know for sure if you are ready for the commitment and the taxing nature of these things we do (changing hormones and eating big and stress from training). We all only have so many "blasts" our body can handle in a lifetime, so each one counts. You better be ready for the commitment FOREVER.

Drol 250's picture

It's always mixed reviews but even the doctors have to admit low dosed clean diet and a hard but smart workout. Check ego at the door I dont care if I'm throwing 100lbs dumbells. The goal for me is looking good long term. Dont get me wrong body building and being that big would be awesome.But you eat sleep breath that shit. Discipline I'm sure you all have shoveled brown rice bland chicken for 6 weeks till you throw up looking at it.
I got injured and stopped making my own test my level was 93 at the age of 29. Some guys are naturally built dont need it. But no matter what I stand by it done properly it promotes a very healthy lifestyle you bust ass in the gym eat good and I can walk past girls and they smell it on me shit they dont know what it is but drives them crazy. Sweet testosterone i salute you

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Eric61988's picture

How do you delete account on here

thatotherguy's picture

Great article

gapi2911's picture

Great article...really like the facts you expose and that even the dumbest gym rats can understand. I am not one of the guys that share bits of advice all over, but only if I see potential and that he or she has done his homework. But this article I will give to some of the guys that really need to read it first before using any AAS.

Thank you for your piece

Cornelius Butterwait's picture

Thanks man

GingaNinja's picture

Great read. Thanks man!

Relou's picture

All the factors you have discussed here before running a cycle are very crucial. People jump on steroids like they are some magic pills but they don't understand that Diet, training and other factors play a vital role in achieving the desired physique.
I believe PEDs are not bad if you know how to do it and put on lot of work researching and doing things in a balanced and sustained manner.

In a promo × 1
JARHEAD2's picture

Bump..... great post that’s still overlooked by too many

leanbulk819's picture

a lot of good info here, i like what you said about age. all the time at the gym i get kids asking me about gear and i know theyre curious and wanna try it, its hard telling them no but i usually tell them to wait till theyre 30

JARHEAD2's picture


Bajarock3's picture


Droid2017's picture

Great post. Loved every bit of it.
"is your body fat low enough?" - May I ask what is "low enough"? Obviously lower the better, but does it absolutely have to be in single digit? I have red that it should be less than 15% BF, some say less than 12% and some say single digit.
The reason I am stressing is this:
I am 42. Never been on AAS. I am a tiny guy .. about 5'5 - 5'6" and 136 lbs with 15% BF now. I used to be with 130 lbs with 11% BF until last year, but in an attempt to "bulk up" I ended up adding BF more than lean muscle (despite hardcore work-outs and immaculate calculations of calories and macros).

Now, I cant seem to get rid this f**king fat no matter what I do. I have tried Intermittent fasting, carb cycling and keto ... with some (but not great) results. BF% is certainly coming down... but not as it used to in the past. In the past I could drop 200 cals and reveal 6-packs (with skinny arms and legs), but not anymore.

I am gonna try Test E only cycle for 10 weeks with AI and PCT. Should I wait till my BF drops further down (which is getting challenging)?

Any advice will be highly appreciated.

DfromPhilly's picture

Hey bud. You really shouldn't cycle at 135lbs. Your Bf is ok (in my opinion, others like to see it lower), but you have no muscle to build on.

Something had to be off if you worked hard and your macros were on point. Maybe they weren't as in point as you thought or maybe something else. I'd hit the diet and exercise sections here and there's even a diet clinic thread in the general forum. It's a sticky:

You can get a lot of help there from diet experts, completely free. It's pretty awesome.

I don't think you need steroids, and no one here is going to advise a 135lb guy to take them. I will say this though. And I'd say this if you were 200lbs and thinking about your first cycle. Before you make any descision, go to your doc and get a hormone panel done and see where everything is. If everything is in line, ask the older guys in the over 40 section what they think. Between them and the diet guys you'll be in good hands. If something's off, your doc can help you decide how to move forward. You could need TRT or you could just simply need a better diet/workout regimen.

No matter what though, don't jump right in, talk to some of the experts here first and get some bloodwork done.

Droid2017's picture

Thank you very much for your advise.
I have "borderline low testosterone but still in normal range" for which my doctors do not want to start TRT (bummer). I do have thyroid issues (on meds).
I agree - something has to be off - either my exercise or diet (although I have been counting every single calorie and macro down to bottom), I barely eat outside or junk. I have hired a personal trainer to check my form and was told my form was good. I work-out 5-6 times a week. I am so frustrated now that I have been trying for almost 4 years and minimal improvement (I used to be 118 lbs - now at least 130 :)).
I will seek help in the diet section and >40 age section.
Thank you again.

DfromPhilly's picture

Good to hear. How's your free test? Even if total is low, if free is normal you'll be in a good spot to succeed. Look into Fadogia and DAA. Both are supplements that actually do raise your testosterone naturally. Nothing crazy but for someone with lower test it can make a world of difference.

Also read makwas forum on how to lower SHBG naturally (that will free up more test).

You're being open and honest and that's the best way to get some awesome help here. I wonder if 5-6 days is too much for someone with low test. I'm not that experienced with dealing with low test, but if you were trying to put on muscle, I'd maybe try a 4 day split and give yourself more time to heal. You can't loose fat and put on muscle at the same time though so pick a goal, stick to it and then switch to the other when you hit it.

The diet guys and over 40 will hook you up with the rest. Good luck boss.

Droid2017's picture

They never checked free test as "total was normal." I will have it tested myself through an independent lab. Will also try DAA + fadogia. Thats a great suggestion.

I always wondered if I am overtraining for my size. You reiterating that makes me ponder that again. I am a newbie on this site - but so far all the feedback/advice I have received is awesome. Thank you SO MUCH guys! Really appreciate you all trying to help out folks like me.

DfromPhilly's picture

Hey man, this just came to me on the toilet. Don't know why I didn't think of it before. Did your doc check your thyroid and/or do you think your insulin sensitivity may not be as good as it used to be?

I'd also consider asking your doc to double check your thyroid too.

And check this write up I did out. It may help if insulin sensitivity is part of the problem.

Droid2017's picture

Yes, my TSH and free thryoid hormones are normal (on treatment). I often wondered if I am developing insulin resistance. That's an excellent thought. Thanks for your input. I am gonna look more into it.

Draconiaous's picture

Thanks for the heads up brother!

Ksum's picture

I am currently on TRT as I have a pituitary tumor which cause a hormone imbalance. I have been debating on whether or not to increase my dosage to have the added benefit of muscle growth. I am only 22 which I know is young but regardless if I like it or not I still have to take TRT to maintain my health.

I am new to this forum but any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

stevey7's picture

Good post,especially for the young and up and coming fellas looking and wandering about information that they might not understand,this is what I like to see its a good eye opener.

Clarion's picture

Outstanding article! Thank you for putting this out there for others to read! I really appreciate this

0utlaw's picture

thank you

Dodge Viper's picture

Nice read. Tnx

AKHD103's picture

Wow thanks! I thought I was ready, I have a lot of homework to do!! Thanks again

Jorg88's picture

what should be the minimum bodyfat to start a cycle?

Genexus's picture

Daaam awesome post. thanks a lot

bigJOHNstud's picture

Your back as you!!

bigJOHNstud's picture

I missed you too. I haven't been on too much myself

finafan's picture

It is time for everyone to come back.

finafan's picture

yes I am

bigJOHNstud's picture

I had to give you a thumbs up. It's about time. Welcome back big dog!!

finafan's picture

Thank you.