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+ 37 Are You ready for AAS


I know you are sitting at your desk and thinking it is time to get Swole. Little AAS will fix you right up if you are ready. If you are not ready then a little AAS could be a huge waste of money and a huge hit on your body’s health. So are you ready?

AGE Are you old enough?
If no then stop being greedy you are at your peek right now use it.
If you start AAS at a young age, when you are in your 40’s you will have to take a loan out just to buy your cycle. Immature men cannot handle being wrong and learning from people that have the knowledge. If you’re too young to listen to advice and learn then you’re too young. You have to make sure you have matured physically and mentally. If you ask anyone older than 30 about the decisions they made even at 25 they would tell you they made a bunch of mistakes. At a young age your body is getting used to the new hormone levels. This makes it hard to make rational decisions. If you go and throw the ratio off even more by using AAS it might send your poor brain over the edge. Remember you run a risk of having to take shots for the rest of your life by starting AAS.

Body fat. Is your body fat low enough?
If your body fat is high you have a higher chance of being affected by side effects. High body fat also means you are out of shape and should take care of that naturally. Body fat calipers are cheap and a quick Google search will give you a site to calculate body fat.

Diet Is your diet in check?
To me, this is the hard part. Without a good diet you do not give your muscles the fuel they need to grow. You need to eat protein at least every 3 hours. AAS isn’t a diet plan. If you want to lose weight then eat right. Milos Sarcev Secrets of the Pros has good information on nutrition.

Work out Plan Do you have your work out plan down?
Not just for the past week but for a long time? Your joints need to get used to lifting before you add heavy weight. If you take AAS to early then you run the risk of screwing your body up. If a good work out plan isn’t followed on a cycle you waste the cycle. Make sure you have a good plan and have been on it for a long time.

Not growing Are you able to make gains in the gym?
Wait until you are eating right, sleeping good, working out hard and cannot make gains. Take your body to its full natural potential. When it’s hard to gain even after switching up work out plan then maybe it is time to look to AAS.

Do you even know what an AI is or which one to use or even if you use one or not?
You have to know about AI’s. This is a must. Not only do you need to know about them but you need to have them on hand and ready to go. Do not count on your favorite SRC to ship you some in time.

PCT Do you know what PCT is?
PCT is a must know. You should have a solid PCT set up before you even buy AAS. You need to have them in hand before you start a cycle.

Injection Sites
Do you know where to pin?
Improper pinning could end up in a trip to the hospital or even your family and friends over top of you praying wishing you were still alive. Here are a few spots you can use

Needle size Do you know what size needle you need?
Do you need ½” or do you need a 2” 18 gauge or 29 gauge.

Cleanliness Do you know why cleanliness is important?
Keeping everything clean will lower your chance of infection.

Side effects Do you know all the side effects and how to deal with them?
All AAS affect everyone different so you need to know every side effect that could possibly come up. If a side comes up you need to have what you need to deal with it or have the ability to deal with it.

Sources Have you researched the sources?
You should take a lot of time to pick out the site you want to purchase from. This is all on you. This is not something I would do in a few minutes or even a day or 2. I research and make sure that I have the best chance I can not to get burned.

Health Are you healthy enough?
You need to make sure you are in good enough health to stress your body out to the max. AAS will raise your blood pressure and make you put your body through hell.

Know not to use more than 1 compound Why only one compound at a time?
You always add one compound at a time so you can see how your body reacts to each compound. If you add more than one compound at a time and side effect show up you will not know the cause or how to treat it. Every male should use Test E or C only on their 1st cycle.
If you think you are ready post a thread with all your stats and cycle and let the forum review it.
Also everyone should read this

This from Nitti
Learn everything you can about this and about your own body before you make a decision to take the plunge! Hormones are nothing to play with! If you're in your early 20's, you don't need AAS! And if you tell me that I'm wrong I will call you am impatient ,lazy fucktard! Put in the work! Let your body peak naturally! Learn to eat the right way. Make time for extra sleep! Become a guru of your own biology! How does your body respond to this type of training, that kind of diet and so on. Once you've gotten to the point where you believe you're ready, go through the checklist again! When it's time, you stick with the guidelines! Learn how you react to the basic compounds. Always test only first. Find your testosterone sweet spot! That first cycle will be your best so make the most of it! During that first run your body has plenty of receptors but not enough test. Once you introduce that first blast of test, WOW!! It will be the most amazing thing you ever experience! But don't get greedy and impatient. More isn't better, especially in the beginning. Move along to other basic compounds like Deca and EQ. Steer clear of the beast! I would recommend staying away from orals all together but that's just me. As you grow physically, you'll also grow mentally. Be a student, not a hard head! Good luck, live long and prosper!

Ncrob23heel's picture


treadgold's picture

Nice read . I would +1 if I could

finafan's picture

Thanks.Just share it im good with that.

BigBen34's picture

Great read!

Echo419's picture

This is a true enlightenment, I wish I had access to this article along with all of its references because they have made me realize how much damage I could be doing to my body specially at my age of 25. I have ran my first cycle as a matter of fact I'm currently half way through it good thing at least all the other guidelines are correct I just missed the age part of it. I was even planning ahead for my next cycle but I think I might hold off for a few years and work on bringing my body back up naturally til I'm ready. If that's even possible, thanks for all the useful info.

finafan's picture

if its just the age thing then keep cycling.

Echo419's picture

i was thinking of taking 16 weeks off between another cycle at first. would that be a good idea, I'm on the 9th week of my first cycle right now which im running for 12 weeks. thats good right?

finafan's picture

18 weeks off from last pin unless blood work tells you your back to normal.

GoHardOrGoHome's picture

After reading this iv actually decided to hold back from using AAS for another few years. Being only 22 my T should be high enough to make great gains without it. My only problem is gym availability, too far from any gym so i use dumbbells and barbells, which i guess is the basis of most major building and why i kept thinking i needed AAS to compensate for the lack of a gym. Thanks for the post, its deep info.

finafan's picture

Gym is not and excuse. You just have to be creative. Research all lifts you would make in gym and find some way to duplicate them in real world.

1WAY's picture

I have all of this. I know what all this means and I have done fuck-tons of research on sources and first cycles. I have my diet, sleep, and workouts down to a science. I have awesome genetics (I think). Im around steroids on a daily basis because my dad is a gearhead and is open about it, and actually i inject his lats for him every once in a while. All is perfect....except that I'm 18 and can make good natural gains. Im pumped to run a cycle tho. And I completely understand the parts about young ppl being too impatient and living for the minute bc I'm the same way but i have a lot of selfdiciplin and going to wait till the time is right...but damn it's tempting lol

finafan's picture

Just keep getting big as hell off AAS.When you stop growing and you have looked at everything diet work out ect then look back at AAS. Way to be level headed though.

crayon's picture

In reference to age. I have heard alot about "you are at your peak already, you don't need it". And i agree, if you already have high T why use AAS.

But im at the age you would consider not ready for AAS because im 22 but i have had blood works done and i have low Test. Also i have done ALOT of research and feel im almost ready for implementing my first cycle.

I know you may not feel comfortable advising a 22yo in AAS but please consider im very mature for my age and have had a good few years trying to put on mass.

Also why arn't i on Test Replace Theropy if i have low T? I talked to the doctor and he was very anti Test for a 22yo also didnt consider my test results low enough (16mnol or 471ng/dl in USA measurements).

Im just looking for suggestions based on what i said would you say im ready? If not i will understand and take your opinion into consideration. But obviously i want to see i am.

Im sure im gna get a bashing but lets see.

finafan's picture

The problem with young guys is its hard to follow directions and they do not care about the affect on the body.They live for the minute not the century. If you feel your doctor is wrong try a couple more. If they all say you are fine then maybe you are. More than likely there is a underlying reason you have low T. Go to a doctor saying you do not want to get on testosterone you want to figure out why yours is so low. If all else fails and I mean all and you truly have low T then do what you have to do. Might even try a low T center. Seems they are giving TRT out like candy. I would still look at underlying reason 1st and take every step I could to find out the cause. So what is your test level?

crayon's picture

Thnx buddy very helpful. I have to admit i have been wondering for a few years why im like this and have low T. Ill definetly make more of an effort trying to find out what is the reason why i have low T. Thnx bro

ecruz's picture

good post, if only everyone would read and understand all that it takes to get on this train!!

finafan's picture

It would be nice but if I help anyone it is worth it.

icurse's picture

Thanks bro! One of many posts I have found helpful on EROIDS. I am new, and you guys have taught me a lot. Most important thing I have learned....Keep reading, the mind is just like the body, gotta feed it to get real results!

Built2Last23's picture

Got a question for some of you experienced bros out there. I've been going thru a lot of things emotionally lately. My fiance just broke off our engagement. I still cant wrap my head around it. It happened about 3 days before Christmas. I've been very depressed and not myself lately. The thing is, I've been wanting to do my first cycle for a while now. I really wanna do one, especially since I have no reason not to now. Before I was worried about my temper around her and other possible sides becasue I have a short temper anyway. Now that I dont have to worry about anyone but myself I wanna take advantage and do it. However, we are trying to work things out and its stressing me the fuck out. Should I wait till all this is over, will the AAS use affect me mentally and emotionally in a negative way at this point?

trod's picture

Hi Built2Last, I don't pretend to know you or exactly what happened or what you are going through but if I may I would like to put in my 2 cents here take or leave it...I'm sorry you are going through a hard time in your relationship, sincerely we've all been there, ultimately I say go for it! Do the cycle, take on a new mind set in the interim, evolve but remember while you are creating a new body create a new confident but not cocky. I imagine you love this girl very much to have been ready to get married so its gonna take some time to crawl out of the dark, deep hole your in but you can do it. AAS not just changes your body but atleast for me has helped me to be more aware of myself, more clarity of mind and certainly more confidence. It may be harsh to hear this but for now, you must tell yourself "next"...there are lots of great women out there, don't chase after your gf give her some time but give yourself your own time to grow. Find out what wasn't working in the relationship, go have a good time and meet some other girls and make friends that will be supportive to you. Take a vacation to some place like San Jose, Costa Rica and bring lots of money by the time you come back, you will be a changed person. PM me if you want to talk more...I wish you all the best and God Bless!

finafan's picture

I think only you can answer this. Your mind really needs to be right before you pin. Hitting the gym is a very good way to forget about the girl though. Use her as motivation. As far as trying to work things out you need to ask yourself is it you trying to work things out or her. If it is you then stop wasting your time and move on. No matter what keep lifting. Testosterone more than likely will just make you really cocky. Make you feel like you are the reason the world spins. I call this feeling wonderful. Now when you cycle off you will feel like hell. Your test levels will crash and you can act like a woman on her period(I teared up over Gold Rush last night). I believe that this would be the point you really need to worry about as far as not giving a shit about life. So you have 2 things you really have to worry about. Thinking your a bad ass which could lead to death or jail time and not caring about life which could lead to jail time or death. Everyone is different so reactions are never the same. That is why you are the only one that can know if you are ready. If you do run a cycle make sure you do it correctly and monitor yourself. Tons of info on here and my most important advice would be to use it.

Built2Last23's picture

I appreciate the info. After reading this I think I need to wait a while, if I do anything that is going to intensify my feelings I don't think it'll b too good. But yeah bro, it kinda sucks to have to admit it, but I am the only one trying to make this work. Oh well, I've often thought if one of my friends was going through this same situation I would tell him to leave it. Harder to take advice than give it though. But thanks for the info, it's much appreciated.

c2c's picture

yes i'm ready


Nice Post!!!

ironman86's picture

very good very informative post, basic and easy to understand, perhaps the most important info one looking into AAS needs to know.

finafan's picture

I agree that most kids screw up by just doing things wrong but also you have to look at the need to cycle at a young age and think of the amount of compounds you will use when you are old if you start at a young age. Just 6 years of proper cycles could have you doing crazy amounts of compounds and crazy compounds.

c2c's picture

whats a crazy compound and where can i get some.

finafan's picture

Phil Heath might have taken up body building then but he had been a serious athlete for much longer than that. So to make it to his level not only do you need extreme dedication but really good genetics. If you are going to be under doctors care and you take it serious then go for it but make sure it really is the most important thing in your life. There is a down side to AAS use.

finafan's picture

Liver would be my main concern.HGH effects on your organs.Extreme dehydration effects on the brain. The effect of lifting on joints and tendons.Going crazy and hurting yourself or someone. Those are a few thing I would worry about.

finafan's picture

just because its oil does not mean it is not bad on your liver. If a compound is liver toxic I would consider every form of it toxic.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Great posting. I reveiw all my past, and see my mistakes. I know how to pass along my knowledge. Now its time to learn somthing

Braxbrah's picture

"Remember you run a risk of having to take shots for the rest of your life by starting AAS."

Did this ever happen off a first cycle of 12 weeks test- e only? lol.

I am worried than when I eventually start my first cycle no matter how much caution I use this has me written all over it. I could deal with having bitch tits but any perma damage would make me wanna find a gun.

finafan's picture

It started with a 1st cycle. I have a friend that is 28. Cant have a kid and is on trt.

Braxbrah's picture

Just off test-e?

finafan's picture


Braxbrah's picture

thats horrifying, wow. I've never seen that before on any of the materials ive reading on different sites as possible side effects, especially seeing as test-e seems to be the most regular and noob friendly also. I'm sure you don't wanna talk further about him as its your friend but makes me wonder what went wrong and what all he was using or whether it was just a case of bad luck. Thats gotta be a serious warning for anyone at all looking at this.

finafan's picture

I will tell you what went wrong. He did AAS with out PCT.

Braxbrah's picture

Thankfully your thread and others on here mean that I won't even contemplate buying AAS before I am fully loaded with an arsenal of safeguards for a PCT. This community has stamped that into my brain like a boot.

finafan's picture

That is what this is for.

Drywallstar's picture

Great read!