whiteNcrispy's picture
  • 85

+ 4 High BP and Sleep Apnea


Hey all, just want to share my experiences to date. I had a BP concern, that was causing me a lot of anxiety and worry.

Recently, nearing the end of a 14 week cycle of Test C and 1TC, my BP suddenly spiked. I have typically had very good control over my BP while on oils alone, and no exceptions on this cycle, except the last few weeks. My BP averaged around 120/65 on these compounds. Then suddenly it spiked around week 11 to 155/85 +/- and would not come down no matter what I did, e.g. eliminated all salt, started pounding dark chocolate, increased fish oil, eliminated all stimulants and coffee, etc. So I stopped my injections, assuming that was the cause. Two weeks after the last injection, still no change (I think 1TC might have a longer half life).

Today I visited the cardiologist, and he belives I have sleep apnea which is causing my high BP. I'm going to go in for a sleep study within the next two weeks. He also gave me some samples of nebivolol, a beta blocker. One of those and my BP is back down to 124/65 and wow what a difference. I've been feeling like a walking marshmallow the last few weeks, anxious and irritable. Right now I'm feeling mellow and back to normal.

I should also have bloodwork back in the next few days as well. We'll see what my lipid profile looks like, and kidney function, which is a concern for me. Doc said EKG looked good, heart and lungs sounded healthy. That's a huge weight off my shoulders.

Although I wish I didn't have any obstructive sleep disorders, I'm looking forward to getting a CPAP. My sleep has been absolute shit for quite a while now. So here's to getting better!

whiteNcrispy's picture

I god bloodwork done right before I started, but did fail to get it mid-cycle. RBC was my first concern, so without really knowing, I had my VA PA friend draw 750mL off me. It had no affect on my BP. I easily drink a gallon or a little more a day of fluids between milk, tea, and gatorade, I'm very well hydrated. Estro could be high. I'll be getting a hormone panel done early next week and know where I stand.

DragonDog's picture

High lipids, high BP, and kidney issues. Are you diabetic? A 20oz gatorade has 34 grams of sugar. Hell, the lite version are just as bad with sugar substitutes. Diabetic kidney disease would be my concern.

whiteNcrispy's picture

They made no mention of diabetes, and pretty certain they were looking at my glucose levels also. Until I see the lipid profile, I'm not jumping to conclusions there. High cholesterol statements rarely take into consideration ldl to hdl ratios. It's either all or nothing to them. I get concerned anytime kidneys are involved though. I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on all of it.

DragonDog's picture

Good to hear that you are on top of it. I reversed my Type 2 Diabetes, so I guess you could say I am familiar with subject. I would look at insulin levels and 1AC levels for real indications of diabetes. As for kidneys, albumin levels are good indicators of their health.

whiteNcrispy's picture

Will do. I have another appointment with the cardio in four weeks. If the sleep study doesn't come back positive, we will be looking for other potential complications.

shiva4's picture

Glad to hear you made a smart choice and the cardiologist gave you decent news.

I'm curious to see what your blood panel shows, estrogen and cbc specifically.

whiteNcrispy's picture

I honestly don't think this blood panel will be a complete hormone panel, as it was ordered by the doctor, and we didn't discuss my AAS use. I'm not expecting to see test or estro. I also saw nothing indicating that in the lab order. I may have to do that separately. I did get a call back about my bloods, however, but I missed it. The nurse left a message simply saying the only thing of concern was my lipid profile (she just said it was high) and kidney function was a little out of whack, probably due to my BP in her words. I tried calling back but didn't get an answer. I logged into the patient portal, and test results aren't posted yet. Hopefully, I'll have all of that soon. I actually expect my CBC to be normal, as I just gave 750mL of blood 2 weeks ago, hoping that would curb my high BP, but it did nothing.

whiteNcrispy's picture

Yes sir, I use them all the time Smile

Makwa's picture

Did you put a lot of weight on during cycle. That can cause issues sometimes. Smart move to back off on the cycle.

whiteNcrispy's picture

Not a lot, only about 10 lb. I went from 240 to 250. So not quite a 5% increase in bodyweight, and that was steady over 10-11 weeks.

waterhead235's picture

+1 for being proactive about your health.

whiteNcrispy's picture

Thanks. The last thing I ever want to do is jack up my health for nothing more than bragging rights. The more I think about it, the more I think about just quitting the AAS. I'm not sure I really will, but I'm going to try to be as smart as I can about them. I'll definitely never be one of the guys pinning grams per week. 500mg of test, and maybe one other compound serve me just fine.

whiteNcrispy's picture

No doubt! The people that suffer the most are those around me too. I've been an irritable prick lately.