BrianD's picture
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Thoughts on reducing dose mid-cycle


I'm in week 13 of 20 week of:

Test E 500mg p/w wk 1-10 (14-20??)
Test E 750 mg p/w wk 10-13 (10-20??)

Primo E 800 m/g p/w 1-20

I wanna clean up the gains I've made this cycle.

What are more experienced users opinion on reducing my Test E back to 500 mg p/w for last 6 weeks while I clean up my gains a little?

My eating has been very clean, but I did gain 5-8 lbs of extra fat that I would like to clean up a bit.

I would be reducing calories about 500 per day below maintainence to hopefully loose that 5-8lbs in the next 6 weeks.


wanted's picture

My thoughts would be to keep the calories the same and add some more cardio , maybe clean up the diet but keep calories the same

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BrianD's picture

I got great results brother. Not sure why you would say it's useless. My test was at 500 for the majority of the cycle.

Primo changed shape of my body, very good stuff.

wanted's picture

8lbs of fat on real primo. Mmmmmmm debatable

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wanted's picture

So its not primo in my guess

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BrianD's picture

Thanks for advice. Dose lowered from last night.

Dickkhead's picture

I was hesitant to respond to your post because I know I'm gonna sound like the prophet of doom LOL.

while I clean up my gains a little?

Bro, that's an elegant way of saying that you wanna bulk and cut on the same cycle.

I have read stories about people doing this for sure. I can't do it and I personally don't know of anybody that ever pulled that off.

Well, GH, yeah I can see that that would be hard to do in a standard 12 week cycle, but look bro, I have EXTENDED MY CYCLE to 20 weeks! It's gotta work! Besides, I'm running PRIMO!

Bro, you are chasing the dream of most every steroid user. We wanna cycle and grow and at the end of the cycle we want nothing but new beautiful clean dry mass. Certainly no stinking blubber!!

Well, think about it bro, when you gained mass, it wasn't just pure muscle right? (Lean bulks don't work either).

Now, you want to go into a caloric deficit and you want your body to just dump the fat only. Guess what? Most likely you will dump the fat. You will also cut into the new muscle you put on.

Our bodies want homeostasis ( to stay the same ) and they fight for it. New muscle mass is demanding on the body and the body needs time to adjust to carrying it. Well your giving it time right? I mean 20 weeks is a long run. Yeah, um, well, mmmm, yeah, but.

Let me rephrase. If what you are trying to do really worked, it would be standard operating procedure in the bodybuilding world. Bulk cycles would be 20 weeks and at the end, gains would be muscle only. How sweet it is.

Go ahead and try. You could be 1 in a million and it will work perfectly. You won't know unless you try it.

To go back to the question you asked though, changing around your test dosage is not relevant to the success or failure here, it's a matter of diet, which you clearly understand.

As far as Primo is concerned, dang, a lot of hype from the steroid labs in the last couple of years about a really old drug. It's nice. I've used it a few times. It's really good on maintaining protein synthesis and anabolism in a caloric deficit. But, so are a lot of other cheaper things.

I sat back in amazement a couple of years ago with the NPP hype. NPP aka Durabolin is another antique from yesteryear. Never really took hold in it's day. (Durabolin) But, Deca Durabolin did. Re-market Durabolin by it's chemical name and acronym NPP and we have a winner! Fresh and exciting.

Best bro. I mean that. Smile Smile

BrianD's picture

Thanks brother, I appreciate the advice. I'll see how it works by carefully monitoring my BF % to make sure I'm loosing mostly fat, I'll post results after.

Thanks again.

BigThing's picture

I prefer low test with primo. The less water retention the better you can see what primo can do. I'm currently using 350mg test with 700mg of primo and I'm considering lowering test even more. You didn't mention your priors,goals, stats not full so it's hard to give you a good advice, but 750mg of test sounds more like a bulking cycle. Hope your pct is planned a little better because 20 weeks is a long cycle and recovery might be a bit challenging. Best of luck

BrianD's picture

Thanks brother. I was on 500 m/g of test e for first 10 weeks, but wanted to get a little kick for 3-4 weeks by increasing the test. It worked quite well and was able to put on 12lbs in that 4 weeks, again, probably a bit of water and fat, but it did work well.

PCT is well planned, starting HCG next week at 250 mg 2x per week (500 per week total) and 1000 2x per week week prior to PCT (2000 mg in final week before PCT) and running standard Nolva/Clomid 40/40/20/20, 100/100/50/50 protocol.

Very successful cycle thus far.

BigThing's picture

12lbs in 4 weeks on long ester must be a lot if water and sime fat. Your test just reached stable levels at this point at you should be starting to see and feel some effects and it's not primo either bc it is also a slow builder that does not cause rapid weight gain. In my opinion it defeats the purpose of primo which works best with low bf and low aromatizing compounds. You probably invested a lot if miney in that primo and will not get to see it shines as it should, but we all learn on our mistakes. At this point your diet will be the key to success. You have to decide weather yiu want to cut or bulk. If yiu kike the results and want to bulk up, you can keep tedt high. If you want to cut, then drop the test dose, keep primo as is and diet+cardio. Water bloat associated with high test will make it more difficult to uncover your muscles.

BrianD's picture

Good advice. Thanks!

BrianD's picture

Thanks brother!