Generator's picture
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+ 12 SIMEC results from the First 240 kits before lables changed


This is the wrap up to the test I did (some may remember) on the first of the "Double Dosed kits". The kits were sold to me as new double dosed kits before the label change. The vial tested was from a kit donated by Matt out of the same batch for me to try out. #230915

I was a little disappointed with the results, being that they were sold to me as the new double dosed kits but you can see that the product is what it claims to be.

NOTE:These results took Forever to get. originally I had 3 samples to test and had to had them revise the invoice for only 2 samples, oddly this took over 2 months. Once they revised the order and received the samples it still took another 3 months for testing. I understand that this all may seem irrelevant now but this is the final wrap up that I promised to my testing for that batch.

Ordered from: 
inzer777's picture

Question Generator...i have the same batch and was told my kits with the old labels were 240iu kits...however i suspect they are indees 120iu this test confirming that is a plausible explanation... if thats the case im dosing 3ius instead of 6ius daily?

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godtropin's picture

to be honest, i don't know.
4 reports from SIMEC on 4 different vials. 3 vials tested as 55-57iu, 1 vial tested 16iu. even the old 120iu kit, we put 15iu per vial. it couldn't be 12iu.
in fact ,that special trials kits r only 100 kits. and i sell it with same price as 120iu kit

inzer777's picture

Brother. Thanks for the honest answer. Very happy with the product...just trying to get dosing down

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Generator's picture

Only Matt can answer that, but if you were making a case, this would probably be admissible in setting presedence through an exhibition of performance.

inzer777's picture

Your right brother...heres the thing. I have no personal experience with growth but reading the experiences of others i would expect a more pronounced affect...simply put im getting an effect but one i think might align with 3ius a day and not 6iu

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jdiesel's picture

So you have had those kits for a while? Or did he just recently send you those kits with that batch number? I'm assuming you have had for a while because I been ordering for a while and been getting the 240 iu label kits from the 081215 #.

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Generator's picture

Yeah man I got them when he first changed over to the 240's, before he had a chance to change the labels. I expected that these tests would have been conducted around Xmas.

Edit: just realized you weren't asking me.

jdiesel's picture

It's all good!!

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inzer777's picture

Had them since last Sept...jumped on that awesome pricing. Started april 1st

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Generator's picture

Tell me you are pulling bloods ?

inzer777's picture

I most certainly will....BUT i have no baseline

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Generator's picture

Bloods brother, always bloods. Baselines are wonderful, but if you don't have one then pull your blood tomorrow and start gauging. I can give you a bunch of shit about not piling baselines but let's be realistic, very few do. Go from where you are and start a journal. has great deals and I highly suggest them. The important thing is to begin. Pull bloods, up your dose, pin at the same time every day and pull again in 10 days, record your experience and compare. You'll actually enjoy it after a little while.

DSTER's picture

thanks generator

Generator's picture

You got it my man !

jdiesel's picture

My man generator!! Thanks buddy for doing this!! You are a great asset to eroids!! +1

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Generator's picture

DIESEL ! Thank you brother, that's means a ton.

landmaster247's picture

Right on bro. Good looking out for the community here. Too bad we can't get quicker results from simec, but awesome job. Thanks again big homie.

Generator's picture

That's my job brother. I'd love to see the process sped up a bit but I guess it takes what it takes.

godtropin's picture

it takes very long to get the results from SIMEC.
the labs collect enough samples ,then start to make analysis all together, he couldn't make the analysis for only one vial. and not many people send samples to make analysis, that's why it takes so long.

DBG's picture

I had to wait forever too. Just posted my kits up too!
Good shit Generator...I know how much of a pain this was.

Generator's picture

H.R. Told me you were testing, I forget which one ?

godtropin's picture

first of all, thanks 'generator' and 'HailRazor' to make a lot of efforts to make lab analysis, for my gh and for the community. u guys got a lot of respect, really appreciate it.
i think i should clarify something here:

1, I always try my best to be honest with everyone.

2, from all the labs analysis by SIMEC : 5 reports with 5 different random vials. all the reports show almost same results : its high quality gh, considered as pharma grade.

u can check the other labs analysis here:

3, about the dosage: this kit is from the very beginning when i tried to transfer 120iu kit to 240iu kit. we produced 100 kits 240iu to test. the others 3 vials tested 56iu , this vial tested 16iu. but it was supposed as 24iu , i think at that time, its not very accurate with the dosage.

4, this kit is free kit to u to test. after this, u buy 5 kits , i give u the price of 120iu kit, that is 148$ per kit i think. it was supposed as 240iu kit (it might be 560iu kit ). i feel sorry that u were disappointed.

5, I try my best to control the quality and dosage for all of you guys support . thanks a lot.

Dope's picture

Got to love how honest and straightforward matt is , respect from me as always

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godtropin's picture

thanks for your support as always, bro

HailRazor's picture

Very Awesome G!

I appreciate you taking the time and effort to get this done. Getting things tested is always a chore. You da mane

With any of the the "Generics" there will always be potential issues

The dosing has been up and down with the test results we've seen

I will say that the quality of Matt's product has always tested very well. (Eur Pharma Standad)

Thanks G for testing

Generator's picture

I think I was just sent the wrong kits. Glad there is a little more credible info, hope it's still relevant.

HailRazor's picture

Maybe so....the 12Iu vial I had tested came back at 15IUs.

The quality of the recent HGH "brands" has tested very well. And this is from using 2 separate labs. This is a good thing since there are lots of members using "generics"

I wouldn't have said the same thing 2 years ago

KAM1314's picture

I hear ya brother...Matt brought back my faith in generics again. I would of never thought I'd be running strictly generics and getting the results I've been having. Can't complain at all right now

Generator's picture

I'm about to drop a lab result on a different source that will give you another option as well. Things are looking good.

HailRazor's picture

Sumpthins getting you all
Jackt-up judging by that recent selfie!

Generator's picture

Yeah, I think Matt has proven himself
to be a solid source, not to mention how well he has cared for his customers.

enhancedlife's picture

How about the somas?

Generator's picture

Will post tomorrow.

fusebox's picture

I don't follow all the gh debates on here or bloods for them as I'm not that familiar with them but +1 for the testing. Pm sent I have a few questions if you have a moment

Generator's picture


Generator's picture

Essentially. They were sold to me as 24's before the new labels had come in and results came back at 16iu

Generator's picture

All I wanted to do is give a straight forward account of my experience, backed up by blood testing and lab analysis on the two products I chose to test. How people react and what they choose to do with the info is up to them. I was a little bummed that it was 5 kits.

Generator's picture


Darkhorse777's picture

Thanks +1...these were supposed to be 24 iu right

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Generator's picture

Yes sir.