Generator's picture
  • 166

+ 18 Somastim results from SIMEC


A longer than anticipated wait but worth it none the less.

I think I'm done shopping around for GH.

Ordered from: 
Merhan's picture

I get itchy injection zone on this GH, anyone know why is this happening? Red and itchy welt.

Generator's picture

Minor Impurities mostly, many people acclimate to it and it goes away.

Mandi's picture

I have a couple questions for you...FR sent Smile

Generator's picture


Buck 1's picture

Very intresting results Mr. Gen Good to finally speak with you on forum. Thanks for sharing results......
when you say Longer than anticipated wait , How long was it from sample receipt to results?


Generator's picture

3 months approximately after receipt of samples.

Buck 1's picture

was there any xplination given?

Generator's picture

They needed new reference standards was the explanation given.

Jzonghi87's picture

Yes sorry I'm addiun 2iu per vial

Generator's picture

I'm guessing you mean 2 ml. An iu refers to the contents of the vial. Try adding 3ml BAC water so that every .10 is 1iu, pin 2-3 iu and see how it goes. Like I said tests show that there are 29 ius per vial.

Jzonghi87's picture

20 iU per vial as it says lol maybe go to 25?

Generator's picture

Not sure what you mean, there's 20iu per vial no matter how you mix it. The test in this thread shows the contents to be 29. Are you saying you are diluting with 2ml BAC water ?

Jzonghi87's picture

Yes 2ml bac water schould I go to 2.5?

Jzonghi87's picture

Thanks for info and it only seems to happen like every third injection and I do rotate spots. But I deff feel you're right just maybe slight allergy to it. Would u mix it with more bac water or less?

Generator's picture

If you are playing with a welt issue go more BAC water. What's your rate right now ?

Jzonghi87's picture

Any one had red itchyness after injections? Not infection I don't think no lump just slight redness of skin and itchy.

Generator's picture

Not on this brand but it's pretty common.

Jzonghi87's picture

Ah I see this was act only one that did give it to me. But it isn't a sign of good or bad gear?

Generator's picture

It's a sign of contaminates or a slight allergic reaction, it's nothing to worry about. There is some technical data that suggests it should be discarded if you repeatedly get welts from it. Try a new vial, change your reconstitution rate, change your technique, you may find that it helps. My girlfriend got welts from another brand and then they just stopped mid way through a vial, so you may acclimate to it as well. Just try a few things before you worry.

lion-o's picture

thanks bro!! using them for contest, best hgh so far! + 1

Generator's picture

I think you've made a good call. Post up some pics when you can and good luck !

lion-o's picture

Sure!! this sunday i will do another contest, i will post some pics!

humpnpump's picture

Thanks Gen!! I've got 100 iu I haven't used yet and 400 iu landing any day. Oh lucky day

DBG's picture

I just ordered two more kits of the same stuff. This growth is comparable to pharma omnis or humatrope IMO

humpnpump's picture

I know, seeing you guys feedback on the somastims, I had to try them out. Have a feeling I'll be hooked on this GH.

Generator's picture

Nice man ! Somewhat separate topic but are you going to run the lr3 or DES with it ?

humpnpump's picture

Yeah I'll run the Des preworkout and Somastims post. I'm actually using the Des now, but it's hard to gage how well it's working. My Pct was all fucked up due to bunk clomid and e2 crashed as well so I should feel like shit, but I think the Des is getting me over the hump, haven't lost any gains from cycle.

Generator's picture

Oh shit, that's gotta be rough. That's pretty amazing that you're not tanked ! I'm sold on trying the lr3 but I don't have much feedback on the des so that's good to know. I hear the pumps and hypo are pretty intense.

DBG's picture


Nice to see this ++

I personally love the somastims/novotrops

Generator's picture

Oh man, I think it's fantastic to have these available, thanks for your recent testing on iron-lions puretropin as well.

For those that haven't seen it:

DBG's picture

Absolutely Man

Our tests were getting done at the same time. I think we posted on the same day here lol

Dope's picture

Thank u generator for all u do for this comunity

Thank u brother , respect


In a promo × 2
Generator's picture

Thank you dope, it's good to be here.

TimberDog's picture

Once again thanks to the Generator for all your efforts.

Generator's picture

Happy to do it timber, hope it helps.

Hamm's's picture

This is the one I've been waiting for!
Thanks for testing I really appreciate it. I know it wasn't cheap.
These have shown very consistent lab results and the results of this test don't surprise me.
Thanks again.

Generator's picture

Glad to do it man. This is a great product.

Generator's picture

At least I think it is.

Hamm's's picture

As do I

Beltabuser's picture

Appreciate the testing and it's good to see in my opinion. +1

Owes a Review × 1
Generator's picture

My pleasure brother.

swoldier's picture

Ok so if it can be that far overdosed, other batches could be underdosed. Y'all are acting like this is a good thing that there's 29iu in a 20iu vial. UM NO. IT NEEDS TO BE 20iu on the dot in my opinion. Yeah seems weird to complain about free growth but I'd rather know exactly how much I'm taking. Not just some random amount. I've been doing 5iu a day with zero sides, if mine were overdosed I'd for sure be getting sides. I'm going to go pull bloods and see what I'm looking like. I wish SIMEC wasn't such a pain in the ass.

HailRazor's picture

I wish SIMEC wasn't such a pain in the ass. can be

Here's an example of my Sandoz Omnitrope labeled 5.8mg from the pharmacy. SIMEC tested at 6.4mgs

Labeled 17.4 IUs Tested 19.2 IUs

(I think this is an example of a slight variance in the testing since it's only a 1.8 IU difference)

For me, it's good to see our "generic" sources have legit GH

The dosing can reflect a "variance" on both the testing lab and manufacture. We've seen this with AAS test results also

I wish I knew more about he testing....but there would have to be an error I assume to have a 8.7 - 9.6 IU difference. So, I understand what you're saying

As far as underdosed or overdosed "batches" seems two different individuals sent in vials (different batches) to be tested with similar dose (IU) results (28.7 IU / 29.6 IU)

Sciroxx's picture

I didn't want to step in ....... the results do speak for themselves ....... but based on this post I would like to share with you the followings -

On they made similar random tests, and when sent to SIMEC the Somastim was tested 28.7 (different batchand the pharma Serostim was tested 22.6 (declared 18), so I speculate (and I'm not an analytical chemist) that there is a slight discrepancy between the amount of protein SIMEC found and the declared and intended IUs the supplier puts inside

noTea4u's picture

The seros are 4mg not 6mg and therefore should be 12iu indicating the results are way off with our testing.

HailRazor's picture

Why not contact the lab and ask for a full report (peak, calculations, etc) of one or more of the 11 samples you sent instead of just the one page summery sheet

Have someone look at the full report for a second opinion. All the information, calculations are there in the full report if there is a slight error in dose (IU)

Sciroxx's picture

professionalmuscle e sent the 18iu for the Seros ....... check back there

Good to see u here brother