acmilan1307's picture
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+ 11 MP lab test!!!!! Look


I know a lot of people have been wanted to see lab work on mp gear well here is mine. My test levels were over 2100 look for yourself
I was only running 500mg a week of test for 15 weeks

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juicer1165's picture

I'm confused here. Some guys are saying 2100 is LOW. I was under the impression that a person who is natural and of normal average test levels would be in the 600-800 range. Of course I'm talking about someone in thier 20's to late 30's or early 40's. I know someone who's not taking anything anything g and is 60 years old isn't gonna be anywhere near that.
But isn't 2100 incredibly high???

rageracing's picture

Light number for 500mg a week but not terrible.

juicer1165's picture

That's avarage dose. Isn't 2100 extreamely high? No? ... Correct me if I'm wrong. That's just what I thought.

trenbalogny's picture

Consensus seems to be that he started from very low test (89) and got bloods done while basically only on 4 weeks of Test E.

KAM1314's picture

Drawing bloods too early is one thing. His baseline shouldn't matter.

trenbalogny's picture

Yeah, probably wouldn't make a huge difference. The thread got kind of convoluted so I just figured I'd sum up. Most of the commenters in this thread were dropping knowledge bombs left and right. Was pretty interesting to read through.

j1980's picture

Thumbs up man! Glad to see blood work

awagz's picture

+1 for the bloods we all love to know numbers and stats, thanks for posting brother

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trenbalogny's picture

I'd give you +1 for this if I could. Great explanation and helped further my understanding of the blood work process.

awagz's picture

Keep in mind if the test e was last, and he ran 2 bottles of sust fr ten weeks that sust has long esters in it. The mg won't be as high but there is plenty of test in him when he started the test e that he isn't at 4 weeks (figuratively speaking), so I would say these numbers seem low, BUT with a baseline of 89 this is a huge jump, and the total ammount of free testosterone is pretty solid. I would be curious to see someone run the same cycle, do labs at the same time with say a 500 or higher baseline and see what their numbers are as a comparison.

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rolltide3's picture

I could disagree with that :). Long esters are still present for a lot longer than most people think. That's why imo a prop taper is the only way to go off long esters. Test e is in your system longer than 14 take 18 days. Think it's like 24 ta 28 days after your last pin on a twelve week cycle if I remember right.Post a couple links I posted and read thru them it's great info.

rolltide3's picture

It's all good bro didn't think that all. But imo starting your pct that soon is actual wasting your pct. I wasn't disagreeing with anything but the time u start pct lol. The prop taper is the only way to go read my forum. It's a game changer for pct. I'll stop posting here don't want to hijack his forum lol

awagz's picture

That's true my mistake I didn't think of that...if it's sust w the undeconate Ester I believe that is 28 days but ur right it would be small ammounts...and given his low baseline I'd love to see someone like I said w higher baseline run same thing, curious if it's proportional to the baseline in that aspect

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trenbalogny's picture

Did he specify the short sust or the long sust is what he ran?

trenbalogny's picture

Good to know. I noticed in milan's pics he had the MP sust 250 which is the short ester one so I wasn't sure. Since it sounds like he's talking about MP sust I have a feeling he was on the short.

trenbalogny's picture

I ran his cycle through using just the long esters based on the info in this thread. It reads in mg/day which I'm not really familiar with but maybe someone else who has further understanding can fill in the details.

Edit: steroidplot has an option for E3D or E4D, so with twice weekly injections of enanthate it would fall somewhere in the middle which may skew the numbers slightly.

This is the same cycle but charted with E4D on the enanthate.

crazymofo's picture

Steroid plot uses Terminal Elimination Half-Life(point at which the drug no longer increases blood levels) of the esters to determine amount of testosterone being released into the blood. Test E for example has an estimated average of 4.5 days. So those numbers are the ESTIMATED amount of actual testosterone being released into your system NOT the actual drug itself. This is used because the amount of drug is meaningless, its the amount of cleaved testosterone that matters and effects blood levels.

trenbalogny's picture

If you've got time for further explanation on this I would be very interested. Most of what you said just went way over my head but I think I got the gist of a couple of your points.

So you mean that steroidplot is only taking a very basic look at the release because there are so many other confounding factors at play? Like E2, SHBG, free test, etc?

crazymofo's picture

No. There are two ways of looking at a time released drug.

One is the amount of the drug itself. In this case the DRUG is testosterone Enanthate. Now you can calculate the amount of Test E in your body based off the rate the drug is cleaved. This is a separate half-life commonly refered to as apparent half-life. It is the one most often used on this board.

The second is looking at the amount of active compound in the body. In this case testosterone. It is what is acutally 'active' in the body. That is what steroidplot uses. And that is why you see it labeled as mg/day. It is estimating the amount of testosterone being released into your system.

crazymofo's picture

Here is a more in depth explanation.

I have a real nice read on test. Testosterone: Action, Deficiency, Substitution Its like $120 on amazon and 600 pages but has some very good info in it and I believe the studies in that book are what steroidplot uses as well.

trenbalogny's picture

Clearly I've got some reading up to do. Thanks for laying it out like that. Still at grasshopper status, but I might shoot you a question from time to time if you don't mind. FR sent.

crazymofo's picture

Fr. accepted. Ask away. I will answer best I can. Still learning myself on a daily basis.
+1 for bloods btw.

awagz's picture

I'm not 100 % sure but that looks like it is a half life breakdown of the compounds? I honestly have no better guess than that

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AndroidBuilt's picture

Shouldn't test be somewhere near 3500? I forget but there's a mathematical way to calculate how much you should get getting.

Pale's picture

I would think that would be a reasonable target.

Pale's picture

How many weeks?

fusebox's picture

Are you running provirion and if so what brand

ckgains89's picture

What dosage were you running?

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alloneword's picture

500mg/week of test e?
How long after your last pin till the bloods were drawn?