Bigguy07's picture
  • 79

+ 12 Primobolan testing from MuscleTek


So I ordered primo from quad because all his reviews have been great. All I read about is how often primo is faked. I ordered a test kit from lab max. When mixing the primo it turned dark orange brown just like the site said it would do if Metenolone enanthate was present. It doesn't tell purity but that's good enough for me!

Ordered from: 
simonmagus84's picture

how was the pip on these?

Bigguy07's picture

There was some in the beginning, but not bad. I mixed with test.

junecorr's picture

Nice to know thanks for the good info I too am running his primo gonna order some of them kits too good to have +1

dudebro's picture

these labmax tests do seem legit but i would imagine the first source to have a bad test will disagree.

extremediezel's picture

nice +1

KK9111's picture

I like these test, i think im gonna have to pick a few of these up. at least you know what your taking and can be 100% sure its what you bought. +2

Bigguy07's picture

Hell ya! Canada to south took 4 business days, I was surprised

KK9111's picture

thats really good

Bigguy07's picture

Yessir! I have a box of his GH sitting in the fridge I can't wait to crack open. He said it was jins and my bottles all have labels ripped off to get through customs. You've had good results right?

Bigguy07's picture

Waiting on bac water, prob another day or two. Did yours have label residue left on them? What dosage you on?

wentsideway's picture

I always worry with Primo . Thanks for the great post . Its Nice to know this is an Option and better to know your getting what you pay for

MAC's picture

Nice! I trust these labmax tests

STREETGLIDE12's picture

Well labmax can be tough if u use too much product your testing. Try Mast P or Anavar. Some of these kits take practice. Ive had two different results from the same Mast.

Bigguy07's picture

Yes you are correct. The instructions say it will give a result starting at .05 mg I believe. So I just dropped 2 drops, swirled it around and that's what I got

Bigguy07's picture

I do too. Looking at the chart with all the colors, it would be hard to fake something like that

MAC's picture

Plus labmax is a legit little company the guy who founded it mainly makes tests for parents who find drugs in their kid's rooms. He has no reason to make a fake test he actually wants to help ppl, he's all for harm reduction. I mean it's just stupid to make a fake test and on top of that it would have to be incredibly elaborate to pull a hoax like that off with all the colors. Labmax is good in my book.

The mass spec thing.. Well I wouldn't tell anyone to send cash to some random guy like that.. That's not cool. It should be a personal risk someone should take on their own. I have my opinions on those but I'm not saying shit it isn't my business and I have nothing to do with that.

Anyways thanks for the test bro +2

Bigguy07's picture

I agree bro. FR sent

iintensity's picture

I think there is some legitimacy to angus's testing. Send him an unlabeled powder/ oil and he will tell you the compound and concentration. In this case I believe it would be at least as good as a labmax.

Bigguy07's picture

Yea I don't have time to find a mass spec testing site. The chart shows all different colors for different gear. If I mixed it and it turned the color it said it would for primo, I don't know how that could be wrong

Bigguy07's picture

I know bro. Have you been reading all the shit going on with it lately? Go through and read the umpteen pages and you'll see mods questioning the testing

Bigguy07's picture

I don't think it was so much about being truthful, he said all he does is take the gear and give it to the professor who gives him the results. He explained on the page that he doesn't touch the machine and it's possible the professor could be wrong, the evidence was hard to ignore. I'm not saying you didn't have a good experience bro. I inject test without thinking about it all the time (trt) and we have no idea what's in this shit. At least this lab test gives me some confidence what I'm injecting has some of the actual chemical in it